Whoa There Almost Homeless Guy



AKA Mopars4us on Youtube
Mar 11, 2011
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I was talking politics with someone earlier and one of our Sons (25) that still lives at home gets up at 12:30 and starts bitching to his Mom that he doesn't want to hear this crap when he first gets up.

Granted, he works till 11pm but that isn't that late.
Staying up all night after work playing video games with his friends is why he gets up late.


he will regret it later when he finds that good parents are hard to come by.

Mine are adoptive but from the heart is what counts .....and here he has his numbers matching parents and don't appreciate it ........yea I can go give him a swift kick to the behind for you.
I tried some BS like that with my dad when I was 21. The next day I was staying at my buddies house..... found an apartment a couple weeks later.....
Pack his *** up and take him to the nearest Salvation Army shelter. CYA. Wouldn't wanna be ya.
I was told when I got into my teens, that if you don't like it here, don't let the door knob hit you on the way out. I moved out at 16, but that was a looooong time ago.
he will regret it later when he finds that good parents are hard to come by.

Mine are adoptive but from the heart is what counts .....and here he has his numbers matching parents and don't appreciate it ........yea I can go give him a swift kick to the behind for you.

"numbers matching parents" That's a good one. :D

They are great guys (both of them) and we love them to death, but sometimes they somehow end up under the delusion that they can say stupid **** and not get called on it.

Mistake! :D

This pic explains where I'm coming from pretty well. :D


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Never forget, back in my HVAC days, a magnet on a customer's fridge........

"Teenagers, QUICK!!! Move out NOW while you still know everything!!!"
he will regret it later when he finds that good parents are hard to come by.

Mine are adoptive but from the heart is what counts .....and here he has his numbers matching parents and don't appreciate it ........yea I can go give him a swift kick to the behind for you.

"Numbers matching" between you and krazykuda! I can't stop laughing! Y'all are killin' me.
"numbers matching parents" That's a good one. :D

They are great guys (both of them) and we love them to death, but sometimes they somehow end up under the delusion that they can say stupid **** and not get called on it.

Mistake! :D

This pic explains where I'm coming from pretty well. :D

well if you are like my adoptive parents then you probably do everything for them. I actually tried to move out with a friend one time and they gave me a hundred reasons why I shouldn't, even though they are not stopping me by force or anything.

Your house, your rules and if your like mine, the rules are not even so bad.

Its not like most good American parents are slave drivers or anything......what's so hard about a few rules that are probably just formalities. Like letting them know if I am going to be late and letting them know where I will be, and no video games or foul movies in the house. No junk cars in front of the house .....stuff like that, most of it just common courtesy.

Video games are fun but what a waste of time anyway.....of course so is the internet :eek:ops:
Yeah. Kids. The 16 year old tried to give me some lip the other day. A kind reminder of the reality of the real world, a couple up hill both ways in the snow stories, and a hey, I was homeless at 17 and it sucked and he was back on track.
I'm glad I read this amusing post for the naked choke hold & matching numbers parents comments.
I wouldn't let him get away with telling ya what to do but I've found that many people aren't very pleasant when they get up and need some time, some protein & a lot of coffee before they are civil, so I might cut him a bit of slack until he had something to eat, then he would get a real ear full about his faux pas.
you got a 25 year old still living at home ?
why wasn't he signed up for the army 7 years ago ?
you got a 25 year old still living at home ?
why wasn't he signed up for the army 7 years ago ?
This , My oldest was eighteen when he figured he was ready for a shot at the champ , he woke up on the front stoop with some swelling around the eye's and his suitcase beside him , decided maybe going along and getting along was a better idea for someone in his position ,he turned out pretty darn good as far as kids go .
Time for you and the wife to start walking around the house naked.

Now that's funny!! Man, yall are firin on all cylinders tonight!!

I got in trouble with my folks when I was 16 and moved out, never did go back!! Probably the best move ive made, it taught me how to live on my own, and how to be a man!! Maybe the lad needs a dose of that reality thingy!!! 25 and still at home isn't helping him one bit!! He needs to learn how to be his own man and take care of himself!! Geof