Wife Is Probably Gonna Lose Her Job :(


64 SRT8 Dart

Well-Known Member
Dec 1, 2010
Reaction score
Colorado Springs,Colorado
Okay, well, my wife has been a Kindergarten teacher at a private church owned daycare for almost 11 years!! The denomination that owns the building and daycare had listed the facility on the market about 8 months ago (due to low attendance of the church...the daycare is thriving) The church we attend was negotiating with them to try and purchase it but things fell through and we didn't get it.
Well, now another denomination has purchased it and they have their own daycare but it's not licensed with the state. Needless to say, some parents are already pulling their kids.
The current employees along with my wife have to reapply for their jobs. Well, the new owners already have a Kindergarten teacher.
Now get this, another requirement to keep her job is to be "of" the new owner's denomination!! But on the letter they pretty much say they're an equal opportunity employer but in other parts they bring up denominational requirements. They are United Pentecostal and speak in "tongues" and believe that speaking in tongues is the only sign of God's work in your life!!! This is rediculous! It's frustrating to see how another fellow in the faith put's THEIR beliefs before God's commands to love one another. I just don't understand why my wife has to believe what they believe and speak in tongues in order to pretty much save her job. It's this kind of crap that makes all Christians look bad. The new owners take over the whole facility on March 1st, hopefully my wife can find something before that. She's had co-workers already put in their 2 week notices.
This sucks :(
I'm by no means a religious person,but have Faith, there's always a place for Quality Teachers !!
Dart- I agree with you on this. That is actually discrimination base on religious belief/faith..."hapyty lakewitcky gaga pee-pee" oh look, God wanted me to speak of this displeasure
Thanks 6pakattack, yeah, she's not comprehending that right now, I've told her. She's pretty down and sad, especially for her kids. The parents of her kids have already told her that if she's gone, then they're gone too. One mom already gave her her number in case she wanted to be a nanny for her daughter.
Okay, well, my wife has been a Kindergarten teacher at a private church owned daycare for almost 11 years!! The denomination that owns the building and daycare had listed the facility on the market about 8 months ago (due to low attendance of the church...the daycare is thriving) The church we attend was negotiating with them to try and purchase it but things fell through and we didn't get it.
Well, now another denomination has purchased it and they have their own daycare but it's not licensed with the state. Needless to say, some parents are already pulling their kids.
The current employees along with my wife have to reapply for their jobs. Well, the new owners already have a Kindergarten teacher.
Now get this, another requirement to keep her job is to be "of" the new owner's denomination!! But on the letter they pretty much say they're an equal opportunity employer but in other parts they bring up denominational requirements. They are United Pentecostal and speak in "tongues" and believe that speaking in tongues is the only sign of God's work in your life!!! This is rediculous! It's frustrating to see how another fellow in the faith put's THEIR beliefs before God's commands to love one another. I just don't understand why my wife has to believe what they believe and speak in tongues in order to pretty much save her job. It's this kind of crap that makes all Christians look bad. The new owners take over the whole facility on March 1st, hopefully my wife can find something before that. She's had co-workers already put in their 2 week notices.
This sucks :(

I feel for you and your family. I had the same exact same thing happen to us except i had my kids in the daycare.It sucks to see the bond between teacher and student broken because of MONEY .I know kids are going to experience this broken bond every year but preschool and kindergarten their still babies! Hope everything works itself out.
Will pray for your family bro...hard times ae hitting the entire country so you are not alone.

Uhhh, the tongues thing is supposed to be according to a full gospel, Pentecostal congregation as basically the holy spirit speaking through certain members.

I attended a church like this as a kid and it friggin freaked me out dude every time someone did that chit.......oogglly....booglyyy...up my spine of ya know what I mean....that stuff is kinda loony tune. BUT should NOT be a requirement as not all members CAN speak in toungues.....and thank God for that because I don't want to share the planet with so many weirdos if you get me drift mate.

Dude, we had people do that stuff right out of the blue and flipping around like a fish.....I would look around like "is anyone else here as freaked out as I am about this?"

I was looking for the exit and how I was gone clear a path if I had to if this wacko started growing three heads and stuff....ha,ha...get me outta here, man...whoa.

I seriously think God has a sense of humor and this is one example.

I've never heard of a congregation demanding this as a requirement so if they are that brazen to demand this of her then you guys are doing yourself a big favor in getting as far away from those people as possible.

For some reason Jim and Tammy Fae Baker come to mind when I think back to this stuff.
Cudaspaz, yeah, the Bible specifically says that not everyone gets the same gifts but only God gives us gifts according to his purposes. Some how though, churches seem to look past, over, through, around, behind, and over that passage.
A kid I know attended a pentecostal church with his uncle a few years ago. During the service they started rolling around on the floor and speaking gibberish, and just plain wierd stuff, well he ran out. His uncle found him and told him he was demon possessed and that he was running from the Holy Spirit's presence. Freaked that kid out and he thought he was demon possessed!!! Actually, he was just freaked out and scared to death. If I was there I prob would have punched his uncle square in the nose...and I'm training to be a pastor right now!! Lol.
Hey, this does not look like a bad thing.
How does that saying go "God never shuts a door without opening a window"

Here is your window of opportunity.

Open your own Kindergarten it looks like you already have a customer base there shouldn't be a conflict of interest because her employer is no longer in business.

And there has to be a lot of empty business out there that would love to rent to you.

Good luck.
Hey, this does not look like a bad thing.
How does that saying go "God never shuts a door without opening a window"

Here is your window of opportunity.

Open your own Kindergarten it looks like you already have a customer base there shouldn't be a conflict of interest because her employer is no longer in business.

And there has to be a lot of empty business out there that would love to rent to you.

Good luck.

Haha, actually we've discussed that! Even her and some fellow employees thought about puttin some $$$ together. Also, there's a daycare that went out of business 2 months ago literally across the street and a block down from us, they were a "franchise" or "chain" daycare....the building is for sale. Thanks Trapster!
Sorry about the job-I know that isn't much help,I see this happening more all the time.I also see our orders and jobs shrinking.The times they are a changing.Be careful about condemning another person's faith-I have been to just about all different faiths and I cannot agree with some of the things that other faiths believe is the anointing of the spirit-that being said,I'm sure that some of them see me as odd.I guess that is why we must work out our own salvation-with fear and trembling.Not something to take lightly.Don't forget the moat and the beam-godspeed brother
d5667, know what you mean about judging others. Actually one of my best friends and groomsman in my wedding attends a tongues speaking church up in Denver and before I started dating my wife, i attended there with him for a summer. The pastor however, distinguishes between those who had different gifts and not everyone had that gift. Good Church. Word of Life in Lone Tree/Denver. Pastor Tim Bagwell.
Haha, actually we've discussed that! Even her and some fellow employees thought about puttin some $$$ together. Also, there's a daycare that went out of business 2 months ago literally across the street and a block down from us, they were a "franchise" or "chain" daycare....the building is for sale. Thanks Trapster!

Go for it, you will never get rich working for someone else.

Of course you will never work as hard either :)

Contact your local universities, usually they will have an incubator program that helps small business get started.
There is another group of retired businessmen that also may be of help.
If I was her, I wouldn't want to work for a bunch of a--holes like that. I would encourage her to find somewhere else to work. Are there any public schools that need a good teacher nearby? Or look into that opening one across the street. Good luck. I hope she finds a job where the staff are not making stupid demands/rules for her to follow and let her do her job as she knows how to do.
My wife calls that "convienient Christians".

When it's convienient for them to agree with the Bible verbatim, they do.
When it's not, they don't.

I'm agnostic (who here REALLY knows?), and I say how can so many be so blind to the intolerance in "corporate" religeon, based on a philoshiphy that is supposed to teach tolerance and compassion, with the basic principals of ALL religeons being prety much the same.

Don't kill people, and don't screw people over.
My wife calls that "convienient Christians".

When it's convienient for them to agree with the Bible verbatim, they do.
When it's not, they don't.

I'm agnostic (who here REALLY knows?), and I say how can so many be so blind to the intolerance in "corporate" religeon, based on a philoshiphy that is supposed to teach tolerance and compassion, with the basic principals of ALL religeons being prety much the same.

Don't kill people, and don't screw people over.

You are entitled to that opinion.

We can all get along even of we think everyone else is nuts.....it's a messed up world. LOL.
I have a very good friend who used to be the secretary at the church she attended. Paid position. Her capacity as an employee as well as a member of the church didn't coincide a lot of times, as she was part of the church council as an employee and not as a member.

Never again, she says. Especially when it came time to cover the finances of the church during those meetings. She took a lot of flack for her salary, with many folks expecting her to donate her time as an employee simply by being a member of the church.

She's now a secretary for a different denomination even in a different town than the church she currently attends as a member.

For the governing body of the purchasing church in this situation not to see the conflicts which can evolve from such a demand they're either wishing to have power of membership over the employees or they're completely clueless.
My wife calls that "convienient Christians".

When it's convienient for them to agree with the Bible verbatim, they do.
When it's not, they don't.

I like that, good point. :study:
I really can't help much with a specific solution, although I am sure there are many. You guys just have to sit down and decide on a path you want to persue, and how much risk you are willing to take. You probably won't be able to educate the new people, but you could maybe learn a lot. Just take what you wrote and turn it around 180 degrees. Look at it closely, re-evaluate it, and come up with a way to sever your wifes ties to the new people. If you do it just right it's possible you could leave the "tongue" people wonderstruck. I know this is a little vague but if you approach this from a different angle, it will clear itself up.
Thanks everyone!! I forgot to mention as well that all the staff members of this new church are all related, either through blood or marriage!! Kind of wierd...like Westboro Baptist Church in Kansas...the ones that protest funerals and says God Hates **** and soldiers and stuff.
I'm not saying this new church is like them...just related to eachother like them.

Anyways, my wife attends Bible College as well and will graduate next year with a degree in teaching but can only teach in Christian schools....which I'm sure if she took the state tests for public schools she would do just fine...so right now her teaching options are limited to just "private" daycares/schools.
We'll get through it though, like trapster mentioned, there will be a window of opportunity somewhere...just gotta keep our eyes peeled and in prayer.
Pullin for the missus bro,...hopefully she finds something soon,...When one door closes, another door opens,......but the hallway sucks.
All the teachers from the new owners are related? Sounds more like a cult than a church...

BTW, d5667, looking at your avatar, I can't for the life of me imagine why anyone would think you odd... :wink: