Wix is falling off my list of good filter brands

I stand with you on. And just to add, unfair trade agreements and policies

I heard a talking head make an interesting point on the radio the other day. He said increased trade made possible by trade agreements has greatly reduced poverty on a worldwide basis, but the ones who suffer are the non-wealthy, non-privileged folks in the rich countries. So there's less poverty in China and Honduras and all the rest of the developing world, and in the rich world there's more money for already-wealthy western 1% types (CEOs and Wall Street bankers with billion-dollar salaries and bonuses, etc.) but the regular everyday people in the rich countries get kicked in the teeth, and "we haven't figured out how to fix that yet".

I think he's probably right. As tempted as I am to favour the old way of doing it where Americans mostly bought American products, Canadians mostly bought Canadian products, Australia had local-content laws, etc., it's tough to argue with the data on worldwide benefits of increased trade. That said, there's nothing such as "free trade". That's a BS term. There's fair trade and unfair trade, but nothing is free.
Not significantly better, they don't. Not enough better to make any real difference, not enough better to make it worth sending all that dirt into the engine.

I would like to see tests not conducted by the company who is wanting you to buy there filter, GM. AC Delco. My father was a VP in that arm of GM till he passed away. I never had a issue using a K and N filter. just saying. AND the filter design for the duramax might had a bearing on the outcome.
I heard a talking head make an interesting point on the radio the other day. He said increased trade made possible by trade agreements has greatly reduced poverty on a worldwide basis, but the ones who suffer are the non-wealthy, non-privileged folks in the rich countries. So there's less poverty in China and Honduras and all the rest of the developing world, and in the rich world there's more money for already-wealthy western 1% types (CEOs and Wall Street bankers with billion-dollar salaries and bonuses, etc.) but the regular everyday people in the rich countries get kicked in the teeth, and "we haven't figured out how to fix that yet".

I think he's probably right. As tempted as I am to favour the old way of doing it where Americans mostly bought American products, Canadians mostly bought Canadian products, Australia had local-content laws, etc., it's tough to argue with the data on worldwide benefits of increased trade. That said, there's nothing such as "free trade". That's a BS term. There's fair trade and unfair trade, but nothing is free.

Well said.
I would like to see tests not conducted by the company who is wanting you to buy there filter

That's what you're looking at when you click either or both of those links I posted. Neither test was done by or for GM or ACDelco or any affiliate.

I never had a issue using a K and N filter.

...which means nothing at all, especially since you probably haven't done any kind of measuring or monitoring of how much dirt has gone into your engine that a real filter would have stopped. Hey, since I was 13 years old, every other Friday at exactly 3:21pm I have swung my left arm in a figure-8 seventeen times while facing Northwest, hopping on my left foot, and singing Yankee Doodle; I've never had any trouble with the door that goes from my house out to my garage. See the problem with that kind of logic?

(More realistically, there are people who have been smoking or driving for 45 years without using seatbelts and "haven't had a problem"...that doesn't make it a good idea.)

AND the filter design for the duramax might had a bearing on the outcome.

Sure, so also read the other link, which has nothing to do with filters for Duramaxes and comes to a similar conclusion.

Look, don't just defend something on a knee-jerk basis because you bought it and want to believe you made a wise choice. Look at the evidence, think about it, understand it...and then you're equipped to make a better-informed choice next time if you want to.
I think that it is greed. Greed on the part of the consumer and greed on the part of the short term stock holder in any particular company.

I worked as a contractor for a company that got bought by Eaton. One quarter their profits were down so to make Wall St. happy they let go ALL of the contractors. That may or may not have made Wall St. happy, but what it did do is cost them the one guy, me, who had just spent a year sorting out all of the documentation for a product line but before I got it in place. So now they've lost two years and any near future hope of actually knowing what it is that they're producing for a short term goal of making more money for someone who could care less about the company and wouldn't care at all if the company folded after they got their money out.
maybe has little to do with filters but I will say:

if corporations AND the government removed AL the crooked, backstabbing, stupid, self-centered people, MAYBE there would be hope!?????
That's what you're looking at when you click either or both of those links I posted. Neither test was done by or for GM or ACDelco or any affiliate.

...which means nothing at all, especially since you probably haven't done any kind of measuring or monitoring of how much dirt has gone into your engine that a real filter would have stopped. Hey, since I was 13 years old, every other Friday at exactly 3:21pm I have swung my left arm in a figure-8 seventeen times while facing Northwest, hopping on my left foot, and singing Yankee Doodle; I've never had any trouble with the door that goes from my house out to my garage. See the problem with that kind of logic?

(More realistically, there are people who have been smoking or driving for 45 years without using seatbelts and "haven't had a problem"...that doesn't make it a good idea.)

Sure, so also read the other link, which has nothing to do with filters for Duramaxes and comes to a similar conclusion.

Look, don't just defend something on a knee-jerk basis because you bought it and want to believe you made a wise choice. Look at the evidence, think about it, understand it...and then you're equipped to make a better-informed choice next time if you want to.

All true.:color:MT
The junk from china isn't limited to filters. Their wheel cylinders and front end parts(tie rod ends,etc Brake lines,rebuilt distributers , I could keep going. oh yes, floor jacks. ) rank right up to the level of trash.
A couple of things that nobody has touched on is, what are they gonna do with all our money, and once we are 100% dependent on their products, what happens to us if they shut off the supply?
goes back to what we were taught in school when China said they would take us over without firing a shot
Make a larger and better Army in order to terrorize her neighbors, as they are already doing.
No good will come of it.
Went to Advance Auto today for a rear wheel cylinder for my Duster.
They said no problem in stock 11.99 the brought the part out, big made in China on the package.
I said how much is a Wagner 31.15 but cant get it until Wednesday.
Ordered the Wagner, with the hopes it don't come in from overseas.
As a side note, I've quit going to the chain auto parts stores except to give them my used oil. I figure that if I want the classic parts stores to stay in business that I need to patronize them. I only go to a chain store if I'm stuck and can't wait for either of the two small stores that I normally patronize to open. Long term the difference in price is worth having these stores and their expertise available. A sort of paying it forward if you will.
The Chinese versionof the wheel is threaded differently, and of much lower quality. I have begun saving all my old wheel cylinders, as the kits for some reason are still made in the U.S.

Went to Advance Auto today for a rear wheel cylinder for my Duster.
They said no problem in stock 11.99 the brought the part out, big made in China on the package.
I said how much is a Wagner 31.15 but cant get it until Wednesday.
Ordered the Wagner, with the hopes it don't come in from overseas.
we would probably ALL be smart to get extra US made parts while still obtainable., if we intend to stay in this hobby!??? ie wheel cylinders, rebuild kits for them, front end rebuild kits, rear springs,, etc anything we rather not have from China?
Yet our dollar is kicking their dollar's *** in exchange rates....

this is not a bad thing for all canadians when the dollar dips americans buy in canada. like new fishing boats and seafood . this will be a good year for me .
this is not a bad thing for all canadians when the dollar dips americans buy in canada. like new fishing boats and seafood . this will be a good year for me .

And i'll be up in July to buy/eat lots of that seafood:D:D
As a side note, I've quit going to the chain auto parts stores except to give them my used oil. I figure that if I want the classic parts stores to stay in business that I need to patronize them. I only go to a chain store if I'm stuck and can't wait for either of the two small stores that I normally patronize to open. Long term the difference in price is worth having these stores and their expertise available. A sort of paying it forward if you will.

Exactly !! From a retired Small Store Owner.
I'm going to make some enemies if I use my usual spelling of amsoil, with the c and the s before the A (not necessarily in that order). That's not my intent; I don't have anything against most of those who sell it -- my beef is with those who manufacture the products and the claims used to promote them.

I have my opinions and I try to make damn sure they're very solidly grounded in facts and science, and I'm not going to put any --amsoil products in, on, or around any of my cars.

Please elaborate further on this subject.
I have had GREAT success with all of the products that i have used of theirs.
Engine oil, filters, grease, 2 stroke oil, and gear lube have been used by me and my family since the '70s.....
We have torn down engines, rear ends, etc. that have had their lube used in them after several years, hours, miles, etc of service with better than expected results.
So, if not Amsoil, what synthetic products do you recommend?
And why?
I do have an open mind here.
Now i'm so confused......
Please elaborate further on this subject.

For me, it's too many years of seeing too many independent (disinterested 3rd party) tests of too many of the Amsoil products show results that are extremely opposite the claims Amsoil makes. Two examples are in the air filter tests I posted (links) earlier in this thread. I've just seen it again and again and again with their oils, their various fluids, their greases—Matt Joseph's extensive testing published in "Skinned Knuckles" magazine comes to mind. I'm not saying their stuff is useless junk or that using it will damage a car, but the test results I've seen (again, the ones done by parties without an interest in selling or promoting the products) have been consistent enough for long enough that I'm just not interested in paying premium prices for products that aren't practically superior.

And then there is the company's propaganda that doesn't square with reality, about how API certification is basically a scam, it's for "commodity" oils, it's specifically designed to keep innovation off the market, etc. Basically this is saying "Don't trust the industry standards, trust us instead; our stuff's better, we promise". That's just not good enough for me.

I use synthetic oil because it's better than conventional in a variety of objective, measurable ways that actually give practical benefits. What's in my car right now is Pennzoil Platinum. Not because I "believe" in that product, but because it's a tested-good product that meets the appropriate specs and it is easily available to me at a good price. I use very good oil filters (Fleetguard LF3487) and change oil and filter every 8k to 10k miles on this almost-all-highway-driven car. It's just the oil in my car's engine, it's not my religion. I don't know what oils are in the cars parked next door or across the street or a block West of here, or how often it's changed; that's none of my concern.
It's all China's fault the EPA has made it all but impossible to manufacture within the US.

The only thing we manufacture here now is Social Media and Diabetes.
the EPA has made it all but impossible to manufacture within the US.

That's not actually true. See StillMadeInUSA.com for listings of all kinds of stuff, and this article about companies bringing production back to the USA from China, and this other article taking a broader/deeper look, and here's a list of factories that build cars in the United States, and here's an article about two more of 'em soon to be built, and data like this show that US exports are rising, rising, rising.
just did the oil change on my daily driver. 2012 nissan sentra. went and got me a MADE IN THE USA oil filter from BOSCH. got it at local oreileys auto parts. nice American filter for my foreign made car. lol
The junk from china isn't limited to filters. Their wheel cylinders and front end parts(tie rod ends,etc Brake lines,rebuilt distributers , I could keep going. oh yes, floor jacks. ) rank right up to the level of trash.

You got that right my'02 explorer FACTORY(as in made in u.s.a.) front wheel bearing lasted 90k the replacements made in China needed to be replaced 4 times cause' they're pieces of ****..

The junk out of China/Japan isn't worth crap that goes for all the shitbox cars they produce..i'll walk before ever owning a vehicle made by a foreign automaker:violent1::violent1::violent1: