Workforce now days ? Is it just me ?

The job industry I'm in is willing to pay well for people with their head on straight, and who have motivation to work! I started a new job about 2 months ago, they asked me what I make and I told them! After the first week I was told I was too cheap and they would be giving me $5 more an hour than I was making! They also told me to slow down and take breaks sometimes! I'm not a balls out worker, I just work at my own pace!! I guess that's too much for most people!!

consider yourself lucky.. thats a rare occurrence from what i see from friends and family experiences...

i've been lucky not to have to change jobs often.. last place i was there for almost 10 years.. been where i am at now for going on 17 years now.. raises every march.. we don't do too bad.. bennys go up almost every year but seems everyone i talk to go up and sometimes quite a bit more so i can't complain...

One of the biggest problems is health care. It costs me as a small business owner about $10/ hour to cover a full time employee with family. That's over $20,000 a year just in health care. I have 7 employees including my wife and 2 sons. The math gets tough pretty quick.
Maybe if you brushed up on your attitude a little you may find some help.
You and your ideology are a big part of the problem !!!
I'm glad you know my attitude ?
With all your experience working with me !!
I remember you from other threads and remember that you enjoy the kool-aid !!
Why don't you have another glass !!
The current work force is not worth minimum wage, so working their way up is out of the question.
Worthless as tits on a bull, just like their Ma and Pa.
If you are under 40 and are a reliable and hard worker you are getting paid.
The current work force is not worth minimum wage, so working their way up is out of the question.
Worthless as tits on a bull, just like their Ma and Pa.
If you are under 40 and are a reliable and hard worker you are getting paid.
The cream always rises to the top!
I agree with a lot of what's said, but don't give up all hope. My 30 year old son (works construction) will outwork me. Said if someone on his crew shows up with knee pads their gone, if their on their knees that much their not moving fast enough. Got fired from one job because the bosses cousin wasn't keeping up and he lost his temper at the guy. Not the smartest move ever but his previous employer hired him back with a raise. My daughters 25 year old boyfriend (ex-marine) is in college now. Worked the last 2 years summers roofing, company wants him back, he's on the roof for spring break, not some beach. So their out there, appreciate them when you see them.
You and your ideology are a big part of the problem !!!
I'm glad you know my attitude ?
With all your experience working with me !!
I remember you from other threads and remember that you enjoy the kool-aid !!
Why don't you have another glass !!

You must have me mixed up with someone else...Far from a kool-Aid drinker...By the way... thanks for proving my point with this post.Actually we agree that today's workers are not worth a crap..we just disagree on your delivery.
You must have me mixed up with someone else...Far from a kool-Aid drinker...By the way... thanks for proving my point with this post.Actually we agree that today's workers are not worth a crap..we just disagree on your delivery.
Oh yeah you proved it !!!
What was I thinking ?
Thanks for solving my problem !!
All this time !!!
I should have known !!
Maybe if you brushed up on your attitude a little you may find some help.
Very good, I like this. I don't think it's the bosses attitude, I think young workers TODAY, don't comprehend who the boss is and who writes the check.
For all you that think your under paid, I have a suggestion, go out start your own business and become the great boss that pays wages that you feel your worth? Show everyone of us how easy it is! Most people are paid exactly what the hell they are worth. If your not making enough, and can't figure out why? Look in the mirror, the answer is staring you in the face. Quit blaming the world for your failures.
I pay $18-35hr. Can't find anybody that's even worth minimum wage. I've had people show up late on their first day, call out on their second, have their parents call them out, ect. I kid you not, I had the mother of a 24yr old "man" call him out. Had a guy actually call out drunk! Yup, drunk, not sick. I was young once too. I made it to work and puked behind a bush when the boss wasn't looking. People nowadays are not only useless, they are flat out unemployable! The best advice I can give if you want good employees is to hire legal foreign born people. They show up on time, sober, have ethics, treat your and your customers property with respect, and are generally very grateful to work with a good team. Their children, if born here, are generally as useless as our kids though.
I pay $18-35hr. Can't find anybody that's even worth minimum wage. I've had people show up late on their first day, call out on their second, have their parents call them out, ect. I kid you not, I had the mother of a 24yr old "man" call him out. Had a guy actually call out drunk! Yup, drunk, not sick. I was young once too. I made it to work and puked behind a bush when the boss wasn't looking. People nowadays are not only useless, they are flat out unemployable! The best advice I can give if you want good employees is to hire legal foreign born people. They show up on time, sober, have ethics, treat your and your customers property with respect, and are generally very grateful to work with a good team. Their children, if born here, are generally as useless as our kids though.
Gee I have had very similar problems !!
But I guess it's my attitude !!!
Maybe you and I have the the same problem ?
Oh yeah you proved it !!!
What was I thinking ?
Thanks for solving my problem !!
All this time !!!
I should have known !!

Good luck...:thumbsup::thumbsup: I think you misunderstood what I was trying to say but I see we just don't see eye to eye and will leave it at that.
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For Jimmer and Pascamp, I don't know the amount of physical ability it takes to do the job for you. But We learned in the fire service after wet nursing young kids and going through many of them, that the better age of person to hire was in the 26-32 years of age area. These older employees have been out of school and experienced ins and outs of hard work and low pay, bad working conditions are.
For Jimmer and Pascamp, I don't know the amount of physical ability it takes to do the job for you. But We learned in the fire service after wet nursing young kids and going through many of them, that the better age of person to hire was in the 26-32 years of age area. These older employees have been out of school and experienced ins and outs of hard work and low pay, bad working conditions are.
My employees range from 34-63 currently. The best ones are 51, 61, and 63 respectively.
Everywhere you turn in this country somebody is a victim. Our society breeds it. It was somebody's fault they rode the pine,or did'nt get hired, or is gay, or killeed someone. Then some smartass with a title agrees and we've immediatly got 10'000 victims at home on the couch. " Oh i had a tough childhood, I think i'll just shoot up and feel sorry for myself" That's right then your idealogical grama will be there with a handout when you get home from rehab. I watched my granfather tear apart a 20 yr old set of steps and straigtened and saved EVERY fuckin rusty nail! Them people knew about a rough childhood. ADVERSITY BUILDS CHARACTER. Not; mommy i'm the only one in my class with a flip phone!
Gee I have had very similar problems !!
But I guess it's my attitude !!!
Maybe you and I have the the same problem ?
I've never raised my voice, belittled anyone, buy them lunch all the time, and I get **** on by new hires. I know I'm an evil business owner. Many weeks they make more than I do. It's my fault though they can't get ahead. Just ask any liberal.
I absolutely disagree with you !!
It was not like this 20 years ago when things were way better !!
Atleaat 70 percent of the work I do is for retired or people on a fixed income .
I'm sorry but please go post somewhere else !!
The problems are much deeper !!
Trophies for all hand outs,
Programs ect !!

You're trying to make it something it's not. I have a son of that age group. He and all his friends, enemies and acquaintances are working. Everybody has a job. Period. I remember twenty years ago a little different than you do. I remember the same complaints by people that couldn't find help. I remember not being able to sit down in a bar without getting a job offer for one thing or another. I remember a constant barrage of head hunters coming after me offering me work. That's just the way things are.
this thread is just bothering the hell out of me because I have worked ..... had a job since I was like 16.........lazy *** people piss me off......I am 51 now and been in the same position for 25 yrs. Do not get me started on the people that use the EBT card at 7-11 for junk food, I have seen it.
Funny because I started in drywall in 1989 .
Drywall is or was paid by piece rate , footage .
I've done every aspect from stocking , scrapping , hanging , taping , Priming , and texturing .
As a stocker a good average day was 40,000 square feet a day ,
that is roughly 833 12' sheets per day some days more some less ,
78,000 was a personal best ,
I had a crew do 88,000 when I was the operations manager .

Then it was paid 4.25-5.00per-thousand so that's roughly per 21 sheets, plus hourly for drive or yard time over a half hour , plus .5 cents per box of mud .
Stairpacks were double footage .
I worked between 50-70 hrs every week . I think drywall gave me an appreciation for work !!
There are help wanted signs all over the city of Springfield. Some fast food places are starting $11-$12 per hour. There are also beggers with their hand out at almost every street corner. Anyone that wants a job, can have a job! I've been working every since I was big enough to push a lawnmower. I'll be 64 in July, and probably retire because of the frustration over help. Was hoping to stay at least one more year, but I'm tired, and I'm tired of being tired. Mostly I'm tired of being frustrated because you can't get people to work. So far, I have had 5 days off this year, 3 of those in bed for getting so run down I got sick. Went to the Social Security office for my 92 year old Aunt. Got there before it opened, and about 75 people in line. Maybe 15-20 of us retirement age. Yeah, we have a problem!!!
can I send my 23 yr old your way ????????
That's ok. I fell for that one once. Flew from CA. to IL. Suppose to be young, strong,healthy,non-addicted,blah,blah,blah. In two hours he was sitting under a shade tree. Thought I was going to have to call an ambulance. Never saw him work another day. That was almost thirty years ago. I think he gets his shade under a bridge in San Francisco these days.
OP you need to not argue and just watch what people are writing. We all work (if you own a mopar you better lol) and what you are seeing is how the working world deals with the new generation. I suspect that my generation are a bunch of lazy *** ****'s when compared to workers from logging towns in the mid 1900's. Just keep that in mind. It's all real and is happening and will continue to change.

If I operated a biz in Construction there is only one way to go. Foreigners. Sorry to say but if that is what needs to be done for success then so be it. I have no problem at all in making that statement. Treat them with respect, good pay, and you will get the work done.

OP you need to not argue and just watch what people are writing. We all work (if you own a mopar you better lol) and what you are seeing is how the working world deals with the new generation. I suspect that my generation are a bunch of lazy *** ****'s when compared to workers from logging towns in the mid 1900's. Just keep that in mind. It's all real and is happening and will continue to change.

If I operated a biz in Construction there is only one way to go. Foreigners. Sorry to say but if that is what needs to be done for success then so be it. I have no problem at all in making that statement. Treat them with respect, good pay, and you will get the work done.

It is pretty presumptuous for you to say I need to treat others with respect !!
I operate on respect !!
Because I disagree with people that have a different ideology on an Internet forum has nothing to do with how I treat workers !!
I have fired a majority of the people because they were not making it to work or had others problems ect !
I absolutely read what people say and I comment based off my knowledge and experience .
It is laughable what view the problem to be !!
Denial is a problem !!
Every contractor I know has the same problems !!
I just wanted to hear from other parts of the country and or world .
If my attitude was so bad I'm pretty sure I would not have work !
I have never adverised and have more work then I can handle always !!
I have a good name and reputation as a reliable contractor who does quality work !!
I also never myself stated age of workers !!
I've have young and older .
I even encouraged a couple to move on because of opportunities with bigger companies that could offer more then me !!

So as far as arguing about a work force problem that has become an epidemic echoed by many everywhere ,
I guess we all just need to relax work on our attitudes and let the unreliable whiners dictate how things run !!
I'd be out of a job too if that were the case !!!
Oh wait it seems that's one of the biggest parts of the problem as stated it goes back to ideology every time !!!!
Entitlement !!!!!!!!!