Workforce now days ? Is it just me ?

Went to the Social Security office for my 92 year old Aunt. Got there before it opened, and about 75 people in line. Maybe 15-20 of us retirement age. Yeah, we have a problem!!!

this SD thing is what sticks in my craw. worked and paid into SS all my life and to see the millions of able bodies people that hire a lawyer to draw SSD. pisses me off big time. among other things. best not to piss off old farts??
Problem is there are more inmates these days than people who can pass a drug and back ground check. I worked for the public defender in my county and we always had a staffing shortage and I did so many 12 hour ...even a lot of 16 hour shifts in my time there. It often felt like the clients were just swarming in with no end in sight. Seriously outnumbered and over worked. Now I am trying to go to the prosecution side and the same thing is happening, I cant even remember the last time I worked a regular 8 hour shift that didn't turn into a 12+ hour "**** show" shift.

Inmates are way too spoiled, they can have tantrums, act stupid, and put people's safety at risk, yet they still get 3 squares a day and a warm place to sleep. Heaven forbid an officer tell them anything to hurt their little feelings because they will threaten to sue. It's exhausting
The majority of people I see nowadays can only focus on the now!! Need money to go on spring break?? Work 3 days, get paid, disappear for a week....or so! Need money for beer and the concert tonight, show up, puts around and get your hours, ask for cash, disappear for a week....or so!! No car payments, no house payments, don't pay their bills, if they even have bills, but smoke cigarettes and weed, and always have money for beer....good beer too, not some crap, we don't drink crap beer!!

They have no responsibilities, don't want any, they have mommy and daddy to take care of that!! And, mommy and daddy do! The young 25 year old lad I mentioned above has a job, and an apartment, but for some reason the parents camper is somehow still set up and waiting...just in case!!!
Well, after reading all of the posts in this thread, i have decided to make a few comments.

For generations, and even thousands of years older people have been complaining about ''kids these days''.
When i was in my late teens, older people scoffed at younger people in general just getting into the workforce stating they wouldn't teach anyone anything unless you had a family or were over 25 at least.
Also, it was tough to get experience unless you were really motivated and wanted to work. I was both, but there was age discrimination for not only younger people, but older workers as well. It is the same today as it was 35 years ago, nothing has changed.

Now that i'm almost 55, i get respect from my employer because of the 15 year of experience that i have with their company as well as my age.
The fact is, my work ethic is the same as when i was 16, but i wasn't given many chances to prove it.
At 54 they take it for granted that you are a good worker.
We have employees that range in age from 18 to late 60s, with various family, gender, and ethnic backgrounds, and i will say that age and background has little to do with their work performances and attendance.
It all has to do with attitude.
I work with young people that are self motivated, bright, punctual, patient, and dedicated.
I also work with other employees that are lazy, complainers, bad attitudes, self important, and counter productive. Basically putting in time.
The surprising thing about these ''bad employees'' is that roughly 2/3 of them are over 40. Some are in management.
Yeah, we get some younger ones that just start out of high school and think that the world owes them a living, but they don't last long.
"Enabled" people come in all ages...........

The fact of the matter is, regardless of age, there are some bad apples that are pieces of **** and always will be.
One instructor said to me when i was taking my first year of welding in 1981, ''you can teach someone how to weld, but you can't teach them how to work.''
How true and timeless..........
It is pretty presumptuous for you to say I need to treat others with respect !!
I operate on respect !!
Because I disagree with people that have a different ideology on an Internet forum has nothing to do with how I treat workers !!
I have fired a majority of the people because they were not making it to work or had others problems ect !
I absolutely read what people say and I comment based off my knowledge and experience .
It is laughable what view the problem to be !!
Denial is a problem !!
Every contractor I know has the same problems !!
I just wanted to hear from other parts of the country and or world .
If my attitude was so bad I'm pretty sure I would not have work !
I have never adverised and have more work then I can handle always !!
I have a good name and reputation as a reliable contractor who does quality work !!
I also never myself stated age of workers !!
I've have young and older .
I even encouraged a couple to move on because of opportunities with bigger companies that could offer more then me !!

So as far as arguing about a work force problem that has become an epidemic echoed by many everywhere ,
I guess we all just need to relax work on our attitudes and let the unreliable whiners dictate how things run !!
I'd be out of a job too if that were the case !!!
Oh wait it seems that's one of the biggest parts of the problem as stated it goes back to ideology every time !!!!
Entitlement !!!!!!!!!

Interesting. Lashing out at me based upon my simple advice of just listen to what others are saying.... Yeah, you got anger issues and I hope it works out for you...... You asked and I told you my story. Hopefully it helps and if not it ain't my problem. I know my place in life now and it ain't rounding up employees......

Good luck in your future endeavors.....

If all the "free passes" were taken away, ie: welfare programs, panhandling, parents providing for lazy kids,.... when hunger sets in they would get serious about making a living or resort to stealing. pretty simple?
The majority of people I see nowadays can only focus on the now!! Need money to go on spring break?? Work 3 days, get paid, disappear for a week....or so! Need money for beer and the concert tonight, show up, puts around and get your hours, ask for cash, disappear for a week....or so!! No car payments, no house payments, don't pay their bills, if they even have bills, but smoke cigarettes and weed, and always have money for beer....good beer too, not some crap, we don't drink crap beer!!

They have no responsibilities, don't want any, they have mommy and daddy to take care of that!! And, mommy and daddy do! The young 25 year old lad I mentioned above has a job, and an apartment, but for some reason the parents camper is somehow still set up and waiting...just in case!!!

sometimes i think they are the smart think about it... no worries and get to experience everything in life you want and not be stuck at work 60+ hours a week.. not a bad gig.. :)
If all the "free passes" were taken away, ie: welfare programs, panhandling, parents providing for lazy kids,.... when hunger sets in they would get serious about making a living or resort to stealing. pretty simple?

they would just go rob a place for money or food..
When I was young, there were plenty of opportunities for young people such as myself! I did hay, .10c a bale, picked asparagus and strawberries, had a job with a schoolteacher who stopped at gas stations everyday and picked up used tires! I made tons of cash, worked everyday in the summer, and everyday after school during the school year! I had 3 cars before i could even drive, and could drive truck, tractors and farm implements at will!!

You can't say there are no opportunities!! I give my son every opportunity to make money, as he knows I won't just give it to him! I give him emblems and trim, all he has to do is list it!!! Doesn't do it!! Took him to work on Thursday to help lay tile, worked one day and I paid him $50, not bad for a 12 year old! Didn't want to double down and work 2 days in a row, has enough money to go out Friday, that's all he wants!! I don't want to be the asshole dad that makes my kids do things, I'd rather be the dad who offers the opportunity to do it for themselves with my help! They don't want to!!

His tile skillz around the soapbox and window opening!!!

they would just go rob a place for money or food..
reminds me o f the news this week, just south of Tusla, 3 teens and 1 slightly older, do "home invasion" bacause they needed "rent money", high school age kid home alone. they took what they wanted , later ACTUALLY returned for more. the kid used dad's AK 47 on them, killed 2, the getaway driver girlfriend faces 1 st degree murder charges, among others.
this SD thing is what sticks in my craw. worked and paid into SS all my life and to see the millions of able bodies people that hire a lawyer to draw SSD. pisses me off big time. among other things. best not to piss off old farts??

Just wait until you find out how much of your/our SS is going to end up going to refugees who want to make their own little independent cities and enforce Sharia law within the US.
This is already coming to a head in other countries of the UN of which we are a member.
It hasn't had a huge affect here yet, but it will.
For 2016 the amount allowed into the US alone was 85,000
To answer the question, no, it is not just you, in my workplace most (but not all) of the younger people have no pride in a job well done, they just put in their hours in no hurry to do actual work, they stand around talking mindlessly about their tattoos and messing with their phones. Management forbids more senior workers from coaching them into better work habits. If you do, you're the bad guy, they roll their eyes at you, or criticize you, never mind you have 40 years experience and they have 6 months.
The phrase "Good help is hard to find" is as old as dirt. I have no idea why people think this is something unique to today's youth.
To answer the question, no, it is not just you, in my workplace most (but not all) of the younger people have no pride in a job well done, they just put in their hours in no hurry to do actual work, they stand around talking mindlessly about their tattoos and messing with their phones. Management forbids more senior workers from coaching them into better work habits. If you do, you're the bad guy, they roll their eyes at you, or criticize you, never mind you have 40 years experience and they have 6 months.
Thanks for answering the question !!
Funny how in your work place , they ask you to manage ,then tell you not too !!
Even when I disagree I like to hear what others have to say .
This helps to figure out where they stand , what their ideology is , and wether they are part of the problem or solution !!
There is sure a lot of sand in the world !!!!
And the amount that comes out of your check is $0.00
Hmmm guess that's why it is going broke? It costs the workers/employers-0 No we do actually have a problem and we can see why companies have went to other countries and illegals have been welcomed by others.
The phrase "Good help is hard to find" is as old as dirt. I have no idea why people think this is something unique to today's youth.
It's not unique to today's youth. Most of the beggers I see on street corners are 30 and up. What kind of work ethics do you think they're teaching their kids?
It's not unique to today's youth. Most of the beggers I see on street corners are 30 and up. What kind of work ethics do you think they're teaching their kids?
You are correct! They beg then cross the road to their $40000 dually! And if that don't teach,I don't know what would
If you want to laugh and see birds of a feather just go through this post read opinions then have a look at who agrees and likes what posts .
I bet you can guess most before you even click !!
God Bless America !!
When I was 11 years old I asked my dad for some money to buy stuff for my Lionel train set. He replied "if you want some money son, get a job". So I got a paper route and mowed lawns. From that point on, I was always employed, never out of work until I got laid off a few years ago.

My father could have easily afforded to give me money, but that would have established the precedent of giving me money whenever I wanted some. Him telling me to get a job instilled the idea of being responsible and paying my own way through life, not looking for handouts, which I am proud of.

I'm now 65, retired and enjoying it. Through working all these years and saving, everything I own is paid for and I have time and money to play with cars.

I don't have any children, but I look at my friend's children and see both extremes on their work ethic, and how they're raised definitely plays into it.
Most people do have the idea that business is easy, all you have to do is get a business license and the money just pours in! That the owners of these businesses rake in the money and pay their help penny's while pocketing fortunes. Well to those I say jump on in, the water is fine, get you some of the American dream. Hell it's easy!
This is one of the hazards of a good economy. I'm working my *** off and have been for the last couple years. We can't find help because the good help already has a job. What's left is the bottom of the barrel.
A good economy......:rofl:
Don't the customers just slide the money under the door and all you have to do is oil up the wheel barrow and head to the bank?
Most people do have the idea that business is easy, all you have to do is get a business license and the money just pours in! That the owners of these businesses rake in the money and pay their help penny's while pocketing fortunes. Well to those I say jump on in, the water is fine, get you some of the American dream. Hell it's easy!