Wusses here already cancelled school based on forecast???



Well-Known Member
Jan 16, 2005
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Topeka, KS
Good Grief! At 5:00 PM, the wusses here have already cancelled school for tomorrow based ONLY on a forecast of possibly getting 4-5" of snow tonight. Watching local TV, the school districts that are closed tomorrow are scrolling across the bottom of the screen. When I was a kid, it took more than 4" of snow to get school cancelled. Plus, why not do what they used to do. Scroll across the bottom of the screen with school closures IN THE MORNING. I wish I had a dollar for every time they cancelled school based on just a forecast and we wound up getting nothing or just a dusting. I think it is ridiculous.
Maybe because motorists drive like idiot A holes in the snow with no concern, school officials feel its safer if kids stayed home? Sounds justifiable.
know what pisses me off?

my boy has asthma, so he coughs a little
last saturday he had his first 2 hour class of a 4 month program that will get him to his second degree black belt, so yeah, he might have lost his voice, and he had a sore throat

the called me on it, and i explained it to them

then the gave me the "we cant have him go back to class untill he gets a negative test"

needless to say i was pretty pissed, but i picked him up, swung by his doctors office, had him tested, grabbed some taco bell, filled up the truck, picked up his negative test results and dropped him back off at school about 30 minutes later

at some point they need to pull their heads out of the sand, stop listening to the fear mongers who claim the sky is falling and listen to the experts
and when it comes to my kids, that is me
Yep, same here less then an inch on the ground, and the list of school closings is nuts.
Our teachers will close the schools here if ....aw, F it. You know what I'm gonna say. Our CA Governor caught multiple times without a mask on at the playoff game and he's forcing school kids to wear them 100% of the time. OMG, I said it.....bye thread!
My Dad grew up in Solon (Cleveland) and he told me he walked to school in the snow: Busses? What busses?
Never mattered how much snow, or how cold it was, unless it was a full on blizzard, I went to school, no buses either, walk there and home.
Never mattered how much snow, or how cold it was, unless it was a full on blizzard, I went to school, no buses either, walk there and home.
Me too. I walked 6 blocks each way in the morning, home for lunch, and home. It did not matter if it was pouring rain or FREEZING with strong winds. But I do have to admit that it was flat; not uphill both ways.
I mapped it on Google earth and I walked 1/2 mile to school from 1rd through mid 3rd (with 2 older sisters) and then I walked 1/3 mile from 3rd through 8th. Rain or shine. In CA, its mostly shine. High school was a 2 mile bike ride one way: up 1 hill going and down 1 hill coming. Junior summer I got my first car. a POS Honda AN600 but it beat riding that bike!
Me too. I walked 6 blocks each way in the morning, home for lunch, and home. It did not matter if it was pouring rain or FREEZING with strong winds. But I do have to admit that it was flat; not uphill both ways.
LOL, yeah, I often walked or rode my bike home for lunch too, anywhere from across the street to 10 or 20 minutes each way, depending on the school and my age. Once I turned 16, I had my own car, and a part time job, so no more walking for me. Oh, and growing up in Winnipeg, Manitoba, it was flat too.
Good Grief! At 5:00 PM, the wusses here have already cancelled school for tomorrow based ONLY on a forecast of possibly getting 4-5" of snow tonight. Watching local TV, the school districts that are closed tomorrow are scrolling across the bottom of the screen. When I was a kid, it took more than 4" of snow to get school cancelled. Plus, why not do what they used to do. Scroll across the bottom of the screen with school closures IN THE MORNING. I wish I had a dollar for every time they cancelled school based on just a forecast and we wound up getting nothing or just a dusting. I think it is ridiculous.

Our government down state cancelled all of their activities for today and the rest of the week before this morning already....

Our wussies are bigger wussies than your wussies....
What's wrong school officials these days, I had to walk to school ten miles through 4 feet of snow in a 50 mile an hour wind wearing shorts and sandles. lol
There were times we didn't know school was canceled until we got there.
in this sue happy country they are smart to close the school. having poor road conditions and icy maybe snow covered walk ways just opens the doors for all sorts of lawsuit.. just the way it is.. i'd probably do the same thing... the people bitching about them closing the school would probably be the first in a lawyers office if ther kid was hurt in a bus accident of a slip and fall on school property because of a 1/2" of snow on the sidewalk..
What's wrong school officials these days, I had to walk to school ten miles through 4 feet of snow in a 50 mile an hour wind wearing shorts and sandles. lol
There were times we didn't know school was canceled until we got there.
You forgot to mention it was uphill both ways. :lol:

in this sue happy country they are smart to close the school. having poor road conditions and icy maybe snow covered walk ways just opens the doors for all sorts of lawsuit.. just the way it is.. i'd probably do the same thing... the people bitching about them closing the school would probably be the first in a lawyers office if ther kid was hurt in a bus accident of a slip and fall on school property because of a 1/2" of snow on the sidewalk..
You are probably right.
I mapped it on Google earth and I walked 1/2 mile to school from 1rd through mid 3rd (with 2 older sisters) and then I walked 1/3 mile from 3rd through 8th. Rain or shine. In CA, its mostly shine. High school was a 2 mile bike ride one way: up 1 hill going and down 1 hill coming. Junior summer I got my first car. a POS Honda AN600 but it beat riding that bike!

i just looked it up, less then 1000 feet to walk to middle school
but once it became time for highschool, that went up to 6 miles one way

i did that on a bicycle, i was a little bit of a chubber before then but you can bet 60 weekly miles on a bike toned me up quite well
Good Grief! At 5:00 PM, the wusses here have already cancelled school for tomorrow based ONLY on a forecast of possibly getting 4-5" of snow tonight. Watching local TV, the school districts that are closed tomorrow are scrolling across the bottom of the screen. When I was a kid, it took more than 4" of snow to get school cancelled. Plus, why not do what they used to do. Scroll across the bottom of the screen with school closures IN THE MORNING. I wish I had a dollar for every time they cancelled school based on just a forecast and we wound up getting nothing or just a dusting. I think it is ridiculous.

And they'll have continuous coverage of the "dangerous storm", video of people buying salt and snow shovels, safety tips, and reporters outside showing that it's snowing. We just had a so-called blizzard (6" at my house) and the governor ordered truckers off the interstates.
Makes you wonder where all common sense has gone.
You forgot to mention it was uphill both ways. .

A local old timer added to the uphill both ways story with
"We wrapped barbed wire around our bare feet to get traction on the ice"

In the world we live in, liability is the biggest problem. Lawyers always looking for a buck and people to stupid to take responsibilty for themselves
It’s crazy what they cancel school for these days. I believe that is part of why people are weaker. They don’t push themselves and want everything to be easy. Hard work? What is that? We homeschool so a snowy day is just another day. When you home school, you take nice days off, instead of the nasty weather days.
Here is something to think about. The people making these decisions ( either to cancel school, sue, not take responsibility) are either out generation or our kids so what the hell went wrong. I’ve apologized to my kids before for what “rules” my generation put into place that limits their ability to have some of the fun we did as kids.
I mapped it on Google earth and I walked 1/2 mile to school from 1rd through mid 3rd (with 2 older sisters) and then I walked 1/3 mile from 3rd through 8th. Rain or shine. In CA, its mostly shine. High school was a 2 mile bike ride one way: up 1 hill going and down 1 hill coming. Junior summer I got my first car. a POS Honda AN600 but it beat riding that bike!

A Honda AN600? Had to search that....never saw one. What was that, the daddy of the Civic?
A Honda AN600? Had to search that....never saw one. What was that, the daddy of the Civic?
Yup, the first car that Honda ever officially exported to the United States. They had a tiny Sprite sized S600 open sportster before this but I'm not sure how many made it over here, that S600 had a chain driven rear axle! There was a story that a bunch of these N600's were heaved over the side of a transport ship bound for San Diego because they didn't meet new US safety standards. I've read that in a number of threads but it could be just internet regurgitation of fake news. I could pull head into a parallel parking spot, get out and pick the back up and scoot the tail in 6 inches at a time. It was hard but I did it a few times for the amusement of my disbelieving friends. No Honda place would work on it, they said take it to the Honda Motorcycle shop down the road, and they just laughed at me asking does it look like a motorcycle? I cut my teeth on car maintenance on these little guys, I had to buy 2 to keep one working! Timing chain was bicycle grade and just as long. Hydraulic tensioner would fail once every 2 months causing it to jump a tooth and run like ****. Old timer told me to run a allen bolt through the tensioner and make is a solid adjuster and no more timing woes. Good times.......