YOU need hemizach


I am actually going to repaint that car in refrigerator white and add the Moon discs then, along with the paint scheme you demonstrated on the side of the car! That is, unless you think it looks like a drugstore delivery car...

The only thing I'll do different from what you've shown will be some 4"-tall Mooneyes decals just behind the front wheel opening, down low, with the Mooneyes looking at the front wheels.

I think that will give it the right "Gasser/Nostalgia" look.

I liked the way you "turned my parking lights on!!!"

That was realy a thoughtful thing to do; gives the picture some "light."

Have you been looking at Thomas Kincade's paintings?? LOL!

Thanks again, Hemizach... you really ARE da man!!! :)
I owe you one.

I am actually going to repaint that car in refrigerator white and add the Moon discs then, along with the paint scheme you demonstrated on the side of the car! That is, unless you think it looks like a drugstore delivery car...

The only thing I'll do different from what you've shown will be some 4"-tall Mooneyes decals just behind the front wheel opening, down low, with the Mooneyes looking at the front wheels.

I think that will give it the right "Gasser/Nostalgia" look.

I liked the way you "turned my parking lights on!!!"

That was realy a thoughtful thing to do; gives the picture some "light."

Have you been looking at Thomas Kincade's paintings?? LOL!

Thanks again, Hemizach... you really ARE da man!!! :)
I owe you one.

I'm glad I was able to help ya out man! Make sure to post pics when you get that bad boy painted up. As for the lights, I can't take credit. They were on in the original pic I think :-D
Will do, Zach, but it'll be a while.... I am "money-pitted" out for the foreseeable future... :(

Have a good week!!!
How about just making the car one color (tan) and also color the rear rims to match? That would be awesome!! Here are some pics.......:-D

Picture 657.jpg

Picture 659.jpg

Picture 1004.jpg
zach, thanks for the white walls, your second picture with the suede paint and white walls looks better than my white and blue.Car looks way better lower,I would go lower but the sump would bang off the road. Thanks again Zach top work, but now, will I need to repaint again???????? NO, I'll just look at your rendering and pretend I have two Valiants.
zach, thanks for the white walls, your second picture with the suede paint and white walls looks better than my white and blue.Car looks way better lower,I would go lower but the sump would bang off the road. Thanks again Zach top work, but now, will I need to repaint again???????? NO, I'll just look at your rendering and pretend I have two Valiants.

Haha good deal man :cheers:
How about just making the car one color (tan) and also color the rear rims to match? That would be awesome!! Here are some pics.......:-D

340sedan... I've let you down. The results from me trying to make your car all one color were horrible and I dont dare even post them. Maybe it's better this way? Don't want you having any crazy ideas of painting that bad boy all one color after all. Really though, sorry I couldn't do it. The fact that the fenders are flat and the rest of the car is shiny paint is the reason that I couldn't do it. I'm not sure how to make a flat surface look shiny again. Sorry man.
No problem, could you try it all black or flat black?

Sure can!

C and Pettyblu here ya go guys.

C, I tried to shave the trim but had trouble but everything else has been done..

Pettyblu... I couldnt manage to make the hood scoop and have never put a tail stripe on light that before... hope its ok?


Hey there Hemizach.. love the work you do with these pics.. its just amazing.. I was wondering if you could take the pic of my Dart and do a little magic? Heres what im thinking.. its gonna be a few years before the Darts body work is done.. So we were thinking of painting the car hot rod black until I have everything ready to do the bodywork.. can you show me what it would look like all hot rod black, then one with all black, but still keeping the roof blue, and a blue tail stripe to match... and lastly (I know im being a pain) B5 blue with a black top and black tail stripe.. Thanks

altered dart.jpg
Well same thing... was having trouble with the flat and the shiny paint... during the time playing around though I did see that it looked cool in gray :p




Hey there Hemizach.. love the work you do with these pics.. its just amazing.. I was wondering if you could take the pic of my Dart and do a little magic? Heres what im thinking.. its gonna be a few years before the Darts body work is done.. So we were thinking of painting the car hot rod black until I have everything ready to do the bodywork.. can you show me what it would look like all hot rod black, then one with all black, but still keeping the roof blue, and a blue tail stripe to match... and lastly (I know im being a pain) B5 blue with a black top and black tail stripe.. Thanks

Speed Racer... I dont think that I'm going to be able to do that one... I will try but the two colors on the car already might make it to hard for me. I wish I could help but all I can do is try... maybe someone else can give me a hand with this one? Anyone?
Speed Racer... I dont think that I'm going to be able to do that one... I will try but the two colors on the car already might make it to hard for me. I wish I could help but all I can do is try... maybe someone else can give me a hand with this one? Anyone?

I totally appreciate the effort... I am confused as to what you mean by the colors on the car already make it hard.. of course I have no idea on earth how the software you use works LOL .. can you make it all flat black? That would be a big help.. again, I am thankful for anything you can do..
I totally appreciate the effort... I am confused as to what you mean by the colors on the car already make it hard.. of course I have no idea on earth how the software you use works LOL .. can you make it all flat black? That would be a big help.. again, I am thankful for anything you can do..

When I change the color of a car, I select everything that needs to be the same color and change it all at once. Since there is blue and flat black on your car is may be really hard to do that. I will try and make it all black for you though... we'll see how that goes.
When I change the color of a car, I select everything that needs to be the same color and change it all at once. Since there is blue and flat black on your car is may be really hard to do that. I will try and make it all black for you though... we'll see how that goes.

After looking at your previous work, I have great faith in you! LOL .. black is cool.. you can make it all flat black (whick I believe hot rod black is) .. Cant wait to see what you come up with.. hell if that doesnt work, you can make it whatever color you want! lol
lol hemizach Can I bug you once more? I'd like it if you could do the same cop car theme you did to that neon on my mustang that I plan on ministock racing. with the logo you made up for me on the door and possibly a number if it's no big trouble as well. I noticed the numbers are backwards for how I want them on the right side of the car lol


Sure can, I must say that a pic from the side would help the cause though. I dont have the tool in this version of photoshop to make the logo fit at this angle =( That only comes in the new versions, haha.
This is awesome stuff. I have to go to work but later on I will take some pics of the Dart for you and possibly give some requests if you have any time.