Your Redneck is asking for your help

From one redneck to another it said, Oops! This link appears to be broken
I think I figured it out, you have to click on "your rating" next to the Popularity stars....... I think......

BTW, cute dog and great picture scredneck!
OH damn, I made a mistake and clicked 4 stars! Now I'm gonna have to spend all day here low balling everyone else with 1 star! Damn it, I had plans to wash my hair!
LOL Ha ha ha ha ha
I think I figured it out, you have to click on "your rating" next to the Popularity stars....... I think......

BTW, cute dog and great picture scredneck!
That's right. I guess I could've made that a bit clearer, huh?

Thanks ya'll.
i know what ya mean rumble too many to blacklist them all. a couple i felt guilty
Dun deal :cheers:and I must say it sure is a sweet picture of a young boxer smelling a new Day Lily flower, I gave it a five stare :-D to easy folks just jump in and hit the fifth star8)
Clicked on the 5th star for ya SC.....Hope you win :happy10:
Dun deal :cheers:and I must say it sure is a sweet picture of a young boxer smelling a new Day Lily flower, I gave it a five stare :-D to easy folks just jump in and hit the fifth star8)
Actually a mixed breed mutt. Mother is a registered Boston Terrier, also ours. Father was a Basset Hound, gentleman of the neighborhood.