Your Thoughts and Prayers are needed!


Coyote Jack

Member #55, I'm old
FABO Gold Member
May 22, 2004
Reaction score
Baxters Corner N.B. Canad
Most of you know, but some don't, who '70Dart, (Marvin) is. I have been asked by quite a few of the members how Marvin is doing over the last few months as Marvin has not been on the board lately. I received a PM from Marvin last night and I will share it with you.

hi jack hows it going? Wanted to to drop you a line to wish you and Phylis a merry christmas and and a happy holidays. I have been quite sick and they cant find out what is wrong with me, i am down to 118 lbs now and quite tired most of the the time. I have come to to realize that my dream of building my car isnt goig to happpen as i wont get well enough from my stroke. so if you now anybody who needs parts send them my way. If you happen to be my way stop by i am always home. Take care buddy
end quote:

Please keep Marvin and his family in your thoughts and prayers at this special time of year.

Marvin, if you read this, please remember that you are part of the FABO family even if you don't get your car finished and you are welcome at any time. We are here for you.

As many other on here will be, we're on our knees for ya Marvin. God has a plan and it may be a long time until we understand what it is but until then we'll be praying.
Small Block
My prayers are sent [-o<and will be every day [-o<and ever time I think of my Canadian friend Marvin that has given me and many members here so many days of joy and I miss you being here bud :sad:
You will always be in my prayers
And to the doctors that are working with you I pray that they receive the wisdom to figure out what is going on with your body [-o<[-o<

As Jack has asked and I do to [-o< Please keep Marvin and his family in your thoughts and prayers.

Thank you Jack

Prayers for Marvin from Mike and Treva
As with all of the recent requests for prayers, and with Christmas also upon us, I am keeping my prayer hotline open to the Big Man for all of our members, their family and friends, and anybody else I meet who is in need of a little reassurance that God is taking care of us!!! I don't know His plan for me, or any of us, but I can trust that His plan will be revealed and we will all give a collective "Oh Yea" when He does. My thoughts and prayers go out to Marvin for a speedy recovery, and yes, he and everyone is still a part of our family here. You don't need a Mopar to be here, just a love of the Mopar way and that's the way we do things here!!! Merry Christmas everybody, and keep the spirit of Christmas in your hearts all year!!! Geof
Thoughts and prayers sent for Marvin's health and for docs to figure out what's wrong.
This is not the kind of news we like to here this time of year but our prayers will help I hope! All the best to Marvin anyways. KEEP YOUR HOPES UP MARVIN and may god bless.

PS In case anybody was wondering, Marvin is from Fredericton N.B.
Thoughts and prayers for Marvin and all FABO members and their families.
Sorry to hear about Marvin Jack and I hope the doctors find the problem and you make a speedy recovery Marvin, Merry Christmas to the both of you and keep harassing those doctors till they find out what the problem is.
Hang in there Marvin, my thoughts are with you, wish I lived closer so I could drop by to say hi. I'm praying the Docs figure it out quickly so you can get better soon. Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to you and your family!
Merry Christmas Marvin,wish i,d have known sooner so I could have started the prayer power sooner. Dont throw in the towel yet. your prayer army is coming. Best wishes for the season brother. Pete
Pease be with you Marvin,as you can tell your loved here.Thanks Jack for the heads up about Marvin.Merry Christmass to all.
Prayers for Marvin and his family. I hope the Docs can figure out what is wrong & get you on the road to recovery. Merry Christmas to you & all of the FABO family.
We're all praying for you Marvin.Made my heart sink and put a lump in my throat to read that post.Get better,you got a car to build!8)
My thoughts and prayers will be sent your way Marvin. Hang in there bud!
