BMW drivers, why??



Ontario, Canada
Jul 18, 2007
Reaction score
Ontario, Canada
Are these guys arrogant, or what? They always seem to need to show they have a fast car.

I was at a light when a 750-I pulled up beside me. His lane ended about an 1/8th of a mile from the light. Wouldn't you know it, he floored it at the green. So I did the same. He got the jump on me but I had him by two car lengths with the barracuda before the merge and still winding up. Man was he peeved off, I guess he's used to blowing people away.

This was not a residential area btw, or I would've let it go.
Are these guys arrogant, or what? They always seem to need to show they have a fast car.

99% of them, yes, A$$ holes they are. Money pollutes there brain. Most I have the pleasure of speaking with will always have an answer to the problem, not that it is correct or justifiable kind of answer. There just simply self absorbed. There brains are mush. And hopeless morons they shall ever be.
I just saw a car next to me, and heard it wind up, not sure what it was until the next light that was backed up. When I saw it was a BMW I thought to myself, yeah figures!
Meh. I try to get around people at the merge too. If someone was obviously against being passed, and had a decently fast car, I would let it go before the 1/8 mile probably.

Conversely, if the guy in the lane that merges wants ahead of me that bad I'll usually let him get around me. I'm usually not in any kind of hurry if I am driving the Dart, and besides, I already know I've got a big wang, so I don't have anything to prove...

I'm not defending BMW owners as I'm sure we've all had encounters...

But I am telling you for sure that one big disadvantage of having a powerful car that is comfortable, stops and handles very well is that it begs to be driven at a brisk pace, and it gets really old being stuck behind slower traffic.

Or maybe he had diarrhea. LOL
They will never learn it's hard to beat American Muscle.
Not just BMW guys. I think most people with a sports has a little need for speed. I drive a SRT6 Crossfire as my daily driver. It's just fun to go fast...LOL Glad to see you put him in his place.
Then on his side of the story you are probably the guy in the barracuda who feels just because he floored it so did you. I usually like driving slower in front of cars who want to go fast, then when I see them change lanes to pass me ill nail it so they cant get in front of me. They return to the lane directly behind me angry. Its fun though. If they want to drive so fast, I want to see how fast they are willing to go Lol
Great replies!

You know, if I had been driving the Lada I saw this morning we wouldn't have this topic. I would just make noise and leave a trail of blue smoke. The Beemer wouldn't need to floor
I usually like driving slower in front of cars who want to go fast, then when I see them change lanes to pass me ill nail it so they cant get in front of me. They return to the lane directly behind me angry. Its fun though. If they want to drive so fast, I want to see how fast they are willing to go Lol

Hope you are joking. That kind of behavoior is what causes accidents and I see it all the time.

People playing "Quien es mas macho."

Why not just let the person who wants to go faster pass? I dont mean pull over and let him by, but just NOT intentionally play f-around with a 3,000 lb+ weapon? Not everything has to be a competition.

It reminds me of the Old Carlin bit....cant remember it verbatim but the gist of it is "The guy behind me on my *** wanting me to go faster is an idot, and the guy in front of me refusing to go faster is a moron!"

We got a lot of them around here. I live the back way peole take to get to and from Temecula and the desert. Bunch of rich BMW driving SOB's. LOL One lane road here and they lkie to pass in all kinds of unsafe places with cars coming. It is crazy. Then they get to the windy part of the road after they pass you and go slow. Drives me nuts.
Somewhere on another BMW forum there is a similar post "Mopar Owners, why? - I tried to accelerate to get out of my lane which ended and into another lane but some a*hole in an old muscle car wouldn't let me in...." :)
Somewhere on another BMW forum there is a similar post "Mopar Owners, why? - I tried to accelerate to get out of my lane which ended and into another lane but some a*hole in an old muscle car wouldn't let me in...." :)

Yep! I hope so! :thumrigh:
Hope you are joking. That kind of behavoior is what causes accidents and I see it all the time.

People playing "Quien es mas macho."

Why not just let the person who wants to go faster pass? I dont mean pull over and let him by, but just NOT intentionally play f-around with a 3,000 lb+ weapon? Not everything has to be a competition.

It reminds me of the Old Carlin bit....cant remember it verbatim but the gist of it is "The guy behind me on my *** wanting me to go faster is an idot, and the guy in front of me refusing to go faster is a moron!"


Usually its on streets posted at 45-50mph when im just starting to get up to speed. so when I let off its usually within the speed limit. I get cut off a lot here just so the guy behind me can be one whole car length ahead at the next light.
I very rarely have trouble with people trying to beat me away from a light....and passing them is so easy.

Somewhere on another BMW forum there is a similar post "Mopar Owners, why? - I tried to accelerate to get out of my lane which ended and into another lane but some a*hole in an old muscle car wouldn't let me in...." :)

I have a neighbor who I had a run in with a while back.....he now likes to play chicken of sorts (not full on chicken, but definately pushing over the line)when we meet coming around corners. I just stay in my lane and he always swerves. I cant tell if he is playing games or is just a sh!tty driver, honestly. I just smile and think to myself "He's such a dick".

He drives a BMW but he also does the same stuff in his decade old Hyundai.

Moral of the story --
A dick is a dick whether he drives a Beeeeeemer, and Hyundai or even a Mopar. Its not the car's fault. LOL
Usually its on streets posted at 45-50mph when im just starting to get up to speed. so when I let off its usually within the speed limit. I get cut off a lot here just so the guy behind me can be one whole car length ahead at the next light.

Sorry if I came off as judgemental -- it was a ***** of a day and frankly I have been known to do the same thing if the guy is being a real i cant condemn anyone else for doing it...LOL

Hell, the whole trip back from NC thru VA it was @sshole after @sshole riding my @ss and then trying to zip around to get in front of me and go no I started riding the person in front of me to prevent that.....until I realized it was a recipe for I get older I have more and more of those "What happens if...." moments and I back off.

Still have plenty of lapses in good judgement though I guess...LOL
Are these guys arrogant, or what? They always seem to need to show they have a fast car.

I was at a light when a 750-I pulled up beside me. His lane ended about an 1/8th of a mile from the light. Wouldn't you know it, he floored it at the green. So I did the same. He got the jump on me but I had him by two car lengths with the barracuda before the merge and still winding up. Man was he peeved off, I guess he's used to blowing people away.

This was not a residential area btw, or I would've let it go.

As a BMW owner and a MUSCLE CAR owner, all I have to say is if your stupid enough to play the game, I hope it catches up with you, in whichever lane your in, ON THE STREET.

Now, having said that, it's more than likely we all have been guilty of this at one time or another!
As a BMW owner and a MUSCLE CAR owner, all I have to say is if your stupid enough to play the game, I hope it catches up with you, in whichever lane your in, ON THE STREET.

Now, having said that, it's more than likely we all have been guilty of this at one time or another!
Not me! never have or will because I don't see the point of it. This has to due with the fact I watch a SL 55 AMG crash into the back of a cop car after the an UPS truck moved to made a right hand turn.
It reminds me of the Old Carlin bit....cant remember it verbatim but the gist of it is "The guy behind me on my *** wanting me to go faster is an idot, and the guy in front of me refusing to go faster is a moron!"


"Have you ever noticed that anybody driving slower than you is an idiot, and anyone going faster than you is a maniac?"

btw, one of my forums has a pet name for BMW drivers- douchebags. Even the dou...err, BMW owners use it.