One year today!!!!!!!!!


Coyote Jack

Member #55, I'm old
FABO Gold Member
May 22, 2004
Reaction score
Baxters Corner N.B. Canad
That's right folk's, it's been one year today since I had a smoke. It hasn't been easy but I think I may have the habit kicked. I can sit in a room with smokers and it doesn't bother me one way or the other. I do still get the odd craving but they are a lot easier to fight off than they used to be. I know jimjimjimmy also gave them up just over a year ago and as far as I know he is still off of them as well. Anybody else stick to it?

Tomorrow starts a new challenge, losing 30 to 40 pounds in a year. That should be interesting. LOL

That is great. Congratulations for your first Birthday here is to many many more.
That's right folk's, it's been one year today since I had a smoke. It hasn't been easy but I think I may have the habit kicked. I can sit in a room with smokers and it doesn't bother me one way or the other. I do still get the odd craving but they are a lot easier to fight off than they used to be. I know jimjimjimmy also gave them up just over a year ago and as far as I know he is still off of them as well. Anybody else stick to it?

Tomorrow starts a new challenge, losing 30 to 40 pounds in a year. That should be interesting. LOL


I have heard that it is a real hard habit to kick so that makes you a winner in my books.

Glad to hear this really are the winner for many many reasons

As Mr. Spock would say "live long and Prosper"

Good luck with the weight loss ....another area I cant relate but I hear table push-offs help ....that is push your self away from the table before consuming mass quantities. :D
Congrats on the lack of smoke in your family's life, and I'm sure your a much better man, now, too. Good luck with the intended weight loss, too. :thumbup:

I have a suggestion... Move here and attempt to register for the ACA. I'm sure you'll get fed up!. :poke:

I stopped smoking back in 1983. It's probably the only reason I'm still alive, today. I did gain some weight, bur, as of this past Monday I'm 212 lbs. but I'm nearly 6'3" so it doesn't look too bad. I'd like to finish out at about 200 Lbs. even.
OUTSTANDING!!! Please post how you did it. Any system for product you used. This may help others. A brisk 30 minute walk each day may be all you need to start losing weight. If you have a dog, take it with you on walks. Denver has rec centers that have fitness rooms. Lots of cool machines to use. The cost is about 3-5 dollars per month. That's right , a month for unlimited use of the whole center.
Good luck and keep us posted.
Congrats,,,,I quit cold turkey 7 years ago on the 4th of July.I was on vacation in Florida and just put them down .Never looked back.I too gained some weight(about 30 lbs),still trying to get rid of it but I like to eat too much....Good luck.............................Jeff :blob:
Congrats,,,,I quit cold turkey 7 years ago on the 4th of July.I was on vacation in Florida and just put them down .Never looked back.I too gained some weight(about 30 lbs),still trying to get rid of it but I like to eat too much....Good luck.............................Jeff :blob:

I did the same 15 years ago. I just put them down after getting some bad news.
not sure what to tell you one likes a quitter :D

it does get easier after the first 3-4 years
I haven smoked in almost 10 years

I woke up one day and the girl I was dating decided I had to quit smoking
this was not too long before she decided we should get married so I guess she was checking to see if I was obedient enough to make a good husband :banghead:
Outstanding news to see this evening Jack, that was a fast year... wish I could say I was complete non smoker... but I can't. maybe I can say this soon :banghead: but not yet..
Congrats I quit about 22 years ago. It took about 10 years to loose the taste for one but never picked up one though. Weight is something I am trying to loose. Heart doc say's cut out the salt and walk every day , not easy. Good luck.
Congrats Jack. I smoked 30 years and quit so I know what you went thru. I had to stay buzy or I would pace the floors for 3 months.I quit cold turkey with no help or aids.
Congratulations Jack! It's not easy but definitely worth it and can be done.
Great job Jack!

Come Christmas Day I will be 22 years smoke free. I too quit
right after my heart attack (12-24-91)

Congrats again Jack....yep, you're cured
I have heard that it is a real hard habit to kick so that makes you a winner in my books.

Glad to hear this really are the winner for many many reasons

As Mr. Spock would say "live long and Prosper"

Good luck with the weight loss ....another area I cant relate but I hear table push-offs help ....that is push your self away from the table before consuming mass quantities. :D

Thanks Rani. It was not easy but it is done. I know you can't relate to weight loss being required yet, but you are still young, give time a chance. LOL

I don't have to worry about pushing the table away, that is not how I plan to lose the weight. I am just going to cut out drinking Pepsi, eating potato chips and having late night snacks. My doctor and I talked about it today and she thinks I have a real good handle on things. She said she wished all her patients could plan things like I have. It is better to have a plan than to just try something out of the blue.

Thanks everybody. It has not been easy but not as hard as I thought it was going to be. Besides, I am a stubborn old fart and I don't like to lose.

To answer the request for info on how I did it. Here goes. In June of 2012 I decide it was time to quit smoking after 44 years of puffing. Being the realist that I am I thought about how I was best going to be able to complete the task with the best chance for success. I decided that my best chance for success was to wait until after hunting season as there would be lots of beer drinking and smoking going on at my yearly 2 week deer hunt. I talked to my doctor about it and she thought my plan was sound. So in late November she gave me a prescription for Champix, the U.S. equivlant is Chantix. I took it for a week and on December 5th I had my last smoke at approximately 5:30 am. Another thing I did was stop drinking beer for the first month to help beat the cravings. The Champix seemed to do what it was supposed to do. The side effects I had from it were weird dreams. As long as you can convince yourself they are just dreams they aren't to bad. Other people have had other side effects. I finished the Champix in early March 2013. That was just plain cruel. By that time the craving for nicotine has subsided somewhat but then you have a whole new problem. You are craving Champix. It turned me into a bear for a week. The wife was ready to divorce me and this was on our vacation to Florida. That went over real good. By the time we were leaving Florida I was back to being myself and from there it was just a matter of fighting off the cravings every 6 or 7 hours that they occured. That got easier with time and now I only get a craving about once a day and it's not as bad as they used to be. So, that's the short story on how I did it. Good luck to anybody that try's. The one thing I will say about trying to quit is, do anything except pick up another smoke when you get a craving.

Oh and as far as how I feel, I don't feel any different really. My wallet is a little fatter and I don't smell like smoke. I don't know if that is a good thing or not. LOL

Congrats on the lack of smoke in your family's life, and I'm sure your a much better man, now, too. Good luck with the intended weight loss, too. :thumbup:

I have a suggestion... Move here and attempt to register for the ACA. I'm sure you'll get fed up!. :poke:

I stopped smoking back in 1983. It's probably the only reason I'm still alive, today. I did gain some weight, bur, as of this past Monday I'm 212 lbs. but I'm nearly 6'3" so it doesn't look too bad. I'd like to finish out at about 200 Lbs. even.

I'll only move there if you let me run for President. I'd be just as much a citizen as your current pres wouldn't I? LOL Once I win I won't have to pay for O'care. LOL

I'm 6'-0" Frankie and tip the scales at 245 lbs now. This time next year I want to weigh 205 to 215. I was an athlete when I was younger and carry a fair bit of muscle mass so to get lower than that would not be easy or advisable.

Congrats to you!!!!! I quit in November 2011 with no helpers, I suppose two things caused it, first thing was when they [tobacco company's] added the chemical in the cigarette to make them go out it ruined the taste [for me] and second I had caught a cold and my throat was very sore so I stopped smoking AND I NEVER STARTED AGAIN. I still have cravings and probly will forever but I have no intention of going back!!!! Weight gain for me has been less than 10 pounds [I don't snack, no sodas, salt ect.]This was the hardest addiction to get over and every day is a struggle but it's worth it!!

I hear it is tough to do. It is a habit that I never took up or can stand, the smell after being around someone smoking is bad.

Just what they cost now would be a good reason to quit.

I can relate to the loosing weight, been on a roller coaster all my life, don't know which track I'm on now, the up or down, would like to drop another 20lbs. Lost 55 lbs, gained back about 12, so hopefully after the 1st of the year I can get on the down track.

What I did was started to eat 3 meals a day, skipping meals makes you over eat, and healthy snacks are ok too. Walking is a good exercise and just a few simple things can change your life.

Quitting smoking was a major life change, now for the next phase,

Good luck Jack!
Happy Anniversary Jack! I wanted to ask how you were doing with it, but as a smoker and attempted non-smoker, I know how it is when people ask how the quitting is going. Im back on Champix and attempting to cut down. I smoke about 1/2 cigarette and then put it out. Weird dreams too, but I think I always have them! LOL
About 8 months ago Lori and I were at Emerg and we were chatting with a nurse there. She had quit for about a year as well and she was still taking Champix! She worded it as her security blanket and I plan on doing the same thing. What sucks is I have benefits with the Town, but they dont cover Champix?? WTH...I think it should be law that all benefit/insurance companies cover it...well at least with a 3 strike rule. Again congrats!
Congratulations! Tough habit to kick. Now start smoking crack and see if you can quit that. Lol. But seriously great job!