Stupid,Stupid People!



Well-Known Member
Apr 14, 2009
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Cincinnati, OH
tonight, took the grandkids to McD's.Let them play in the playplace, all was cool. A little boy kept coming over to the table. The kids were playing with him so, no biggie.
After a bit we noticed the boy had taken Josh's (my grandson) cup and was drinking from it. It was the little boys cup now. about a 1/2 hour later the little boy had climbed up into the top of the play thing and was pouring the drink out of the cup on to the people below. A lady said something to the boys mother who wasn't paying a bit of attention to the boy at all. She just told the lady her son didn't have a cup of pop. We she realized he did, she took it from him and threw it in the trash. went back to ignoring her son. in fact the little boy was trying get some attention. As we left, I told the boys mother that I was missing a cup. That I was going to work 3rd shift and I had mixed 2 bottles of 5 hour energy with Coke and the cup was missing. I told her that I need 2 bottles to stay up because I'm a big guy, that her boy would be up for 2 days. She pulled money out of her purse and tried to pay me. She wasn't worried about her son ingesting enough caffeine to kill him, she worried about paying for my 5 hr energy. I was so disgusted I didn't bother to tell her I was lying. When I left, she was still sitting.
If that would been me, you couldn't stopped me from going to the hospital. I would been beside myself. Of course I was watching my grand kids.
Brother, what little class we have left from our forefathers isn't necessarily passed to everybody. We'll end up sounding like our grandparents missing the past & complaining about how screwed its getting. Just make sure that you instill all that good stuff in your heart in your grand kids hearts. Teach them to be gracious and yet weary for ALL those that take advantage of us.

Some unprepared baby having a baby isn't going to hold a candle to your social/parenting/etc. skills.

I think the idea is to utilize the teaching moment, and not waste your time on the rest.

We can't raise third world status/standards to ours, but we can lower ours to theirs trying to. -Something my grandfather always said.

Good luck with those grand kids! My grandfather was my favorite person on earth.
We wouldda been beat within an inch of our lives when we were kids if we ever did that. But we wouldn't have done it to begin with.
We wouldda been beat within an inch of our lives when we were kids if we ever did that. But we wouldn't have done it to begin with.

Xs2, I remember finding myself on the ground dusted up for less than that real mom didn't put up with any laziness or any crap at all .....when she gave you "the look" you knew you were in for it and if she had to raise her voice, big time "UH-OH" and if she had to get up....GAME OVER. ...she looked sweet to many but I saw her wrath only a few times, then I learned LOL
I'd never forget pulling a stunt like that as a kid for the rest of my life.

The crap I did do wasn't nearly as vindictive as that and I still remember it, because of my mom, today.
^^ Good stuff., Never throttled. The "look" was enough. No beatings,some swearing(lol). Agreed,with above....
I remember having to cut my own switch, and No I wasn't scared for life either.

I know where you are coming from though. At the playground here a couple mothers can start talking and I swear a flying saucer could land, and green men could step and grab the kids, and they would never know anything happened.
In the mid 70's was in my fathers auto parts store, here's kid up on one of the counter stools, about 5-6 years old, and he's ROCKING on the stool!!! This of course is concrete floors, and displays all around, no place to be falling nearly the height he was tall

I gritted my teeth for a short time, then said something like, "Son, if you fall off of there, you won't like it much."

"Oh," says his mom, "he'll like it just fine, I'm sure."

"Well I said maybe, but my Dad won't appreciate the lawsuit. Kindly stop your son from endangering himself."

She glared at me but she DID get her son off the stool.


I was eating in a quiet cafe, years ago, same deal with unwatched kid. He's wandering around the place, hell I wasn't sure who he belonged to. Came over to my table and bothering me, right up to the edge of my table. I first tried telling him his parents were looking for him, where were they, and after he tried to reach for something on my table, I finally got up and nudged him around the circle, looking for his folks.

I "didn't ask" and I wasn't all that dammed polite, either. His Dad started to say something like "he's alright" and I just cut him off. "Please mind your son, I'm trying to eat over here and I'm not your babysitter."

I haven't been in very many fights, and I don't like to be, but back in those days I was only 40-45, and I did NOT take crap off people.
We wouldda been beat within an inch of our lives when we were kids if we ever did that. But we wouldn't have done it to begin with.

This would be the case for me too. My parents did not have patience for any of that nonsense. There was no look and no warning just beatings when I got out of line.
We were almost always given a warning, a warning that usually scared the livin' crap out of us, 'cause the warning itself projected a sort of "I'd really like to just kill you" atmosphere

I'll tell you a few other things we did or did not do as kids

We ate everything we took on our plate

We did NOT crawl around on the cars, even though in my younger years, some were not that nice

We did NOT run, play, or get far away from Mom in stores, nor did we taste, open, fiddle with, drop, or even touch merchandise in the stores

In the rare times we ate in cafes or restaurants, we pretty much had to approve orders with the parents, and talked in hushed tones.

("Settle down" was a popular guideline!!)
I pride myself in never being in or ever eating a Mcdonalds McAnything, it reminds me of why I don't shop Wal-Mart as well. It's not even American meat and Wal-Mart is the Harbor Freight of department stores....
Actually, McDonald's is the largest purchaser of American beef.

My mother had a line she used, "bring me your lips" she would damn near twist them off. As I got older and grew taller I felt a bit empowered... Once. She always wore heels and she jammed that heel right into my foot, last time I even thought I was to big for her. My father would come in from work and his first words were always "honey, how were the kids?" He wore a big thick hand made leather belt with his name stamped into it and wouldn't hesitate landing it across your backside. I remember my brother once stuck a book down his paints and when my dad went to spank him, heard the book he laughed an almost evil laugh... no more books.

It was all in love, no question about it and we never thought we were abused or mistreated in any way. You simply behaved or you got punished, simple enough to learn.
This would be the case for me too. My parents did not have patience for any of that nonsense. There was no look and no warning just beatings when I got out of line.

exactly, I got my *** kicked when I screwed up ! That's the problem with the kids today, parents don't believe in spanking them. They think the kids have some sort of rights, bullshit. Its called discipline, and it does work !
! That's the problem with the kids today, parents don't believe in spanking them. They think the kids have some sort of rights, bullshit. Its called discipline, and it does work !

I grew up with an *** woopin on occasion and i am still alive to talk about it.

But to go on with this thinking. I have gone through a lot of **** for my 5 yr old. Its the childrens aid or childrens protective services that come down on this thinking with craziness. I agree a child needs a slam every now and then when out of line, but if you do and the word goes the wrong way or someone believes the childs story more then the truth then all hell breaks loose. Being a single father and going up against the social belief that "the mother should have the child" in the courts and against childrens aid (childrens services) to get custody of a child is a long tedious and expensive process. Not to mention having to watch over your back with every movement you make so that you do not make a mistake.
I can put the blame to the legal processes that have taken the power away from a parent and has put the power into the childs hand due to fear of loosing your child.
I have run into alot of children that the parents dont watch and it can get very frustrating when you had enough and say something to the parent who gets very defensive.
I tend to be very blunt and rude so i have to approach with caution in these situations.
I pride myself in never being in or ever eating a Mcdonalds McAnything, it reminds me of why I don't shop Wal-Mart as well. It's not even American meat and Wal-Mart is the Harbor Freight of department stores....

My uncle used to own a livestock market, and McDonalds was one of his biggest customers. They bought mostly crippled and down animals, but there was nothing wrong with the meat. In fact, lots of times on the farm, if a steer broke its leg, etc. we would butcher it. Meat was fine, but it can be hard to get a leg to heal,
Being a single father and going up against the social belief that "the mother should have the child" in the courts and against childrens aid (childrens services) to get custody of a child is a long tedious and expensive process.

you know, that never made sense to me
if I for instance have a dollar bill...and I drop that dollar bill into a vending machine and I get out a bag of tater chips, do the chips belong to me or to the vending machine ?
and why should it be any different with kids?


in all seriousness though, I might be a bit younger then most guys contributing to this conversation and I got very few spankings in my day
in fact, I could get away with anything short of disrespecting my mom before getting slapped.
I honoustly believe if I had gotten spanked more it wouldn't have taken me so long to grow up and I would have behaved much better as a teen

I don't want to turn this whole thread into a religious discussion so I wont quote any of the dozens of verses that instruct parents to discipline (not abuse, but give a good spanking when needed) their kids but I would like to share the words of a preachers I heard on the radio once
this particular preacher was sharing some of the wisdom him mom used to threaten him with when he was misbehaving as a boy. Im pretty sure this preacher was an African American and his mom said she would "beat the black right off of you" if he didn't behave

the way I run my house is pretty straight forward: the pain of the punishment must outweigh the pleasure of the trespass

sometimes that means he gets a spanking, something that means he gets a time out, sometimes it means his brand new toy is going straight into the trash and (this might be my favorite) sometimes it means daddie gets to eat his desert
but always always ALWAYS it means the pain of the punishment outweighs the pleasure of the trespass or they will not learn

you know what really bugs me about taking the kids to play at MDs, the park or wherever?
to see how little social skills people teach their kids
I pride myself on raising polite kids, if you pass by my house and my boy is outside he will wave at you and say hi, if you are an officer he will say "hi officer", if you wear scrubs or a white coat he will say "hi doctor" and im working on getting him to say "thank you" to anyone wearing fatigues

it bugs me so bad when he goes into a play ground and says "hi friends" (any kid he doesn't know he calls friend) and no one says hi back :banghead:
As bad as that kid was, you really can't blame him, because it's obviously his mom's problem. She is not raising him correctly (it's obvious because she ignores him so much). It's his mom's fault for not teaching him right from wrong.

Women like that should not be mothers. There should be provisions in "Obamacare" to get those kind of women spayed so they can't have any more kids. She obviously doesn't want to be a mom... It's an inconvience to her.
Women like that should not be mothers. There should be provisions in "Obamacare" to get those kind of women spayed so they can't have any more kids. She obviously doesn't want to be a mom... It's an inconvience to her.

as much as I agree, that is a very dangerous though
but just something to consider, planned parenthood (yes, the unborn baby murder mill) started out that way...certain ethnic groups (though predominantly African Americans) would go into the doctors office for a routine check up and while they were there they would get snipped...unbeknown to them off course.
all in the name of "not allowing the lower (economic) levels of society to procreate"
as much as I agree, that is a very dangerous though
but just something to consider, planned parenthood (yes, the unborn baby murder mill) started out that way...certain ethnic groups (though predominantly African Americans) would go into the doctors office for a routine check up and while they were there they would get snipped...unbeknown to them off course.
all in the name of "not allowing the lower (economic) levels of society to procreate"

I didn't mean it as a hit on the poor. Anybody can neglect their kids, no matter how much money they have or what nationality they are.

All I'm saying is that if you can't take the time to raise your kids, (if it's too much of an inconvience out of your busy social life) then don't have them. The extreme case being a "Casey Anthony" story. But those are the kids more likely to cause problems later in life because they did not get taught right when they were younger.
My dad died when I was only 7 and I was raised by a single-parent mom until she got married again 5 years later. She had to work - in a time when most moms were "stay-at-home" - so I was the prototypical "latch-key kid". There was no questioning a parents authority back then. You had your chores to do when you got home from school and then you could go out to play with your friends in the neighborhood until it was time to get home and start homework.
And not only did you get discipline at home from your parents, but your neighbors also kept an eye on what was going on and didn't have any qualms about reporting any mischief to your parents.
My grandparents lived next door and there were a number of times my grandma told me to "go cut a switch" if she thought I was misbehaving.
Yeah, I remember getting spanked when I'd done something wrong. I also remember my moms favorite instrument of discipline was a wooden clothes hanger - until she got tired of breaking them and changed to a wire hangar. Today that would be considered "child abuse", but back then you'd get another whack if you ever mentioned anything like that. I don't know how many times I heard, "I'll give you something to cry about" if there was any whimpering about something.
But, yeah, it was all done out of love.
My ex-wife and I split up when my daughter was 7 and my son was 2 and I kept full custody of both kids and raised them as a single father until I remarried 8 years later. Luckily, my mom and stepfather lived just a few blocks away so my kids were watched by family until I picked them up after work each day.
They were both raised with consistency. They knew that dad meant what he said and wasn't afraid to discipline if it was called for. The rules were easy to follow by the numbers:
1, you were asked. If that didn't work, then
2, you were told. And if that didn't work, then
3, you felt it
In most cases all that was needed was for them to hear, "That's 2".
I believe too many parents today want to be their kids friends, and the responsibility of parenthood goes way beyond that when the kids are young. As a single parent I used to hear, "It's not fair", and "Let's vote on it", knowing there were two of them and only one of me. I simply explained, "I'm the 'dad' here and this is not a democracy. At best it's a benevolent dictatorship."
Today my kids are both in their 30s and we are friends - and they constantly tell me they're thankful for the way they were raised knowing they could count on me to be both fair and consistent, and knowing they could always count on dad to be there for them.
Notice there are no replies from parents who let their kids run wild with no discipline. I've been complimented numerous times, mostly by older patrons, while eating out with my wife and four kids. "You have well behaved children" or "you have a very nice family". Once an older gentleman complimented us and paid our check. He left before we could thank him. Some of the kids I grew up with never got in any trouble for anything they did wrong at home or at school. It was always somebody else's fault. "That teacher hates me", or "Johnny threw the rock, not me". Those kids have all been to jail or are in prison. IF WE DO NOT DISCIPLINE OUR CHILDEREN, THE POLICE WILL!!!
What gets me is, the little boy kept coming to me and the wife for attention. We spoke to him. His mother wasn't. This kid wasn't but 2 1/2 3 yrs old. My grandkids are 7 yrs old. This little boys mother was so wrapped up in her laptop, she completely blew her son off.
What's more, she didn't even seem concerned about her sons health when I told her he drank 2 bottles of 5 hour energy. I thought that might get her attention, guess not. The only concern she showed was that maybe I wanted re-payed for it.
My grand kids know to let me know where they are, they know where they are allowed to be, they also know about the street light rule. There are no video games at my house, so they go outside and play. There are tonka trucks, bikes and balls here. call of duty means a trip to the toilet.
What gets me is, the little boy kept coming to me and the wife for attention. We spoke to him. His mother wasn't. This kid wasn't but 2 1/2 3 yrs old. My grandkids are 7 yrs old. This little boys mother was so wrapped up in her laptop, she completely blew her son off.
What's more, she didn't even seem concerned about her sons health when I told her he drank 2 bottles of 5 hour energy. I thought that might get her attention, guess not. The only concern she showed was that maybe I wanted re-payed for it.
My grand kids know to let me know where they are, they know where they are allowed to be, they also know about the street light rule. There are no video games at my house, so they go outside and play. There are tonka trucks, bikes and balls here. call of duty means a trip to the toilet.
How do you expect the mother to meet the father of her next child if she ignores her laptop?