What Did You Get To Do Growing Up That Your Kids Will Never Be Able To?

Make a call on a pay phone for a nickel. Know what a phone booth even looks like. Never trying to see how many people you could stuff in a phone booth. Wheeling into Sunoco and fill up with 260 for $5.00. Having milkman bring milk,butter and eggs to the door. Never locking the door to the house let alone leave the key in the car in the driveway.
Hand your kid $5 as gas money
Go to the pony keg with a wagon full of pop bottles, cash them in, buy a bag full of candy and have change back.
The National Anthem playing at 2:00 am
Johnny Carson
Rock music on the AM dial
Phone booths
I knew how to entertain myself when there was nothing to do. Video games? Uh uh. Sometimes you just had to watch the clouds for something to do.
Still can do it for now but if the tree hugers errr? sand hugers? get there way some thing my grandpa started doing back in the 60's will be closed.

We have been fighting but it is only a matter of time........

Need to get my daughter down here so she can get a ride with her grandpa in a dune buggy.


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I don't know if this topic has ever been done before but I thought it would be fun for us "experienced" guys to list some things that we were able to do while growing up that our kids, most likely, will never have the opportunity to do. This will show our younger FABO members just how much the world has changed - and probably not for the better.

* Sit on my dad's lap and steer the car while he works the pedals

There is hope. My roommate has a 3 year old son and the other day driving up our dirt road he had his son sitting on his lap steering his Z71 4X4.
letting boys be boys, even a small act of misbehavior or shenanigans now days can give a boy his first felony.....
Knowing if I lipped off to my mom she was going to tear my hind side up, before I could even get my hands in place, then knowing she was going to tell my dad and boy... did he ever wear a big belt.

Sleeping on the floorboard on long trips.

As had been said buying smokes for my grandfather from the corner store.

Shooting my dad's 30 30 in the back yard, bottle rocket wars, waking up early on summer days playing all day till it started to get dark, sitting on my dad's lap and steering, actually filling up your gas tank with a 10 dollar bill and getting change back. It goes on and on.
I can remember when you didnt have to take out a mortgage to buy a tank of gas.

Building a tennis ball cannon with the metal cans and using lighter fluid. The balls would shoot across the entire field. Probably more than a hundred yards.

No TV remote. You would have to get up every time.

Making it to the window of the Drive thru backwards because your passenger had the money. lol
Telling a joke not cutting and pasting it.
No lol, lmao, jk, omg, etc...

Watching your uncles friend pass out from sniffing too much glue.

Get dropped off with a buddy at a lake on my parents way to work to fish and picked up on their way home. Cant imagine doing that today in the ATL area.
A lot of these I still do! My nephews thing I am the coolest....firecrackers and paint cans and fire!
Police were more likely to take your beer for themselves and send you packing as long as you could keep your head off the steering wheel.
how about the principal taking you and your buddy down to the basement to duke it out once and for all , or baiting the police into chasing you while your buddy's messed with their cruiser or rock fights , dirt bomb wars , and of course snow ball fights all of which had rules and your own buddies would whop you for breaking the rules , Honor above all else , my gang was my left and right and if we got beat we didn't call our boys to gang up on someone we went out the back yard with our buddies and worked on countering whatever the other guy did to beat us and then went back for another Go , BB gun fights in out parkas with ski goggles on , riding our bicycles around to the local gas stations with a jerry can to gather the last bits of gas from the hose for days until we had enough for a half tank or so for buddy's mini bike then bombing around in the middle of the night dodging the cops and holding a t shirt over the tail pipe when riding around houses lol man I could go on but Canada doesn't have a statute of limitations eh !
how about the principal taking you and your buddy down to the basement to duke it out once and for all , or baiting the police into chasing you while your buddy's messed with their cruiser or rock fights , dirt bomb wars , and of course snow ball fights all of which had rules and your own buddies would whop you for breaking the rules , Honor above all else , my gang was my left and right and if we got beat we didn't call our boys to gang up on someone we went out the back yard with our buddies and worked on countering whatever the other guy did to beat us and then went back for another Go , BB gun fights in out parkas with ski goggles on , riding our bicycles around to the local gas stations with a jerry can to gather the last bits of gas from the hose for days until we had enough for a half tank or so for buddy's mini bike then bombing around in the middle of the night dodging the cops and holding a t shirt over the tail pipe when riding around houses lol man I could go on but Canada doesn't have a statute of limitations eh !

LOL eh!
Could have been mentioned before but, saying the Pledge of Allegiance every day in school in front of the old Red White and Blue and actually holding your hand over your heart!!!
Apparently taking my own lunch to school. I just heard from relatives with older kids that because of potential "peanut" contamination, their school (yes, it's public) is a NO FOOD school... cannot take in ANY of your own food! That's a crying shame, and even worse if the school lunches are as bad as they were when I was a kid. I get that allergies are a big deal and can be very dangerous, but how much of a risk is it really for kids to take their own food. I don't remember anyone ever having any problems when I was a kid. I now hear a lot of schools are like this. School is going to be boring as hell pretty soon if it's not already.
School cafateria lunch for 50 cents.Drinking milk straight from the cow,Believe in God and Country.Respecting our flag.Having faith in our government.......
singing Oh Canada before class every morning , and I had one this afternoon , I was taking a years worth of empties back ( pop bottles ) and the rear seat and package area were full when I see a couple of young ladies I know sitting at the bus stop , one waves me over but I can`t take them where they`re going because there is only one empty seat in the car and we are downtown where there is a cop on every other block , man I really miss pulling up to a bus stop and loading up the ladies 2 on every seat eh ! damn seat belt nazis .
Smoking Popeye cigarettes with the red still on the end. Hitch hiking in Quebec at the cottage and just having to be home for supper. Playing hit the bull with a shovel ( this is only to be done after dark, just a tip ) Driving home with the A&W tray or drive-in speaker still attached to the window. Filling up your Dads Cadillac for $12
:hockey: Hey Cannucky, here is one the kid's will never see... the Toronto Maple Leafs winning the Stanley Cup... ha ha
My friend Ross and I used to make homemade guns that used black powder and shot ball bearings if you wanted, although we usually just fired them as blanks just to hear the roar, feel the recoil and see the cloud of smoke that resulted. We were 12 or 13 at the time. No one can dream up more mischief than a boy at that age!

Things my kids couldn't do;
Hitchhike 100 miles to Edmonton Alberta on a Saturday(without telling our parents)
Buy a 1lb. tin of blackpowder from Uncle Bens Gunshop, no question asked.
Make a single shot pistol using 1/4 inch gaspipe and a pirated cap gun action,
so it could be cocked and fired (and concealed)
Fire it off in the back yard without someone calling in the police.
Imagine what would happen if a kid tried that today!
Hey Tinbasher Shoppers Drug Mart used to sell Salt Peter and Sulpher in 1 lb tins no questions asked , add that to the fact there was always a bag of brickettes by the BBQ and well enough said about 12 year old boys eh LOL ! Again I differ to lack of a statute of limitations here eh !