Not enough patience for pics...?



Nerd Member
Jan 4, 2008
Reaction score
Augusta, GA
Random rant/vent post so get ready lol :D

Anyone else have this problem? Occasionally I like to read through the Members' Restorations section and I have a thread of my car in there which is pretty weak I have to admit... I wish I had added more pics of my car in pieces and parts being modded or replaced but whenever I start working on something with my Duster the last thing on my mind is stopping in the middle of my work and taking pictures and talking about it lol... I suppose it's a personal thing but when I have a task to do my only focus is on getting it done and I only feel like talking about it or taking pics when I can't figure something out or it's all finished and I want to show it off. I kind of get "in the zone" with mechanical stuff and it seems like an annoyance to stop and take pics and talk about every little detail of what I'm doing. Props and respect to the rest of you who do it all the time but man every time I think of it I feel like it's just a distraction...???? It also seems like a small contributing factor to the stories I always hear about "man it took me XX years to finish doing YY on my Mopar" which always bugs me, my Duster sat for almost 2 years apart as I accumulated parts for a total front-end/engine/drivetrain swap and I told myself I would DIE before I let that happen again lol (I was a teenager and it was my first experience with a large-scale automotive project) :violent1:
Taking pictures can help you figure out how to put it back together. It's worth the time.
Taking pictures can help you figure out how to put it back together. It's worth the time.

I know I'm sounding full of myself but I almost never have that problem, usually just with drum brakes and distributor clocking lol. If I forget how it goes back together I like to read books, look at other people's pics on the web, or my favorite browsing my PDF of the Factory Service Manual.

You do have a very good point though I have to admit
I take lots of pics. Some for reference as krazykuda said and lots just to share. I have learned a lot about Mopar in the last few years and I will admit a ton of it came from pics posted by members. Besides I like to show and share what I've done and where I'm at, maybe nobody cares, but I can look back! And hey, the thread gets longer with every pic you post!!
Random rant/vent post so get ready lol :D

It also seems like a small contributing factor to the stories I always hear about "man it took me XX years to finish doing YY on my Mopar" which always bugs me :violent1:

Just curious as to why this bugs you??????

You also referenced in your second post that if you run into trouble putting something back together, sometimes you will look at other peoples pictures posted on the web. If they might not have taken the time to take pictures and post them, than you would not have been able to look at them to help you figure it out! LOL Just saying.
Just curious as to why this bugs you??????

You also referenced in your second post that if you run into trouble putting something back together, sometimes you will look at other peoples pictures posted on the web. If they might not have taken the time to take pictures and post them, than you would not have been able to look at them to help you figure it out! LOL Just saying.

That was a big generalization I suppose, it bugs me not in a way that I judge the other person but in a way that I could never subject myself to that way of doing work, if I ever plan on undertaking a big project again I will do all my research and parts collection first and do everything I can to minimize the time I have with my car sitting in my garage taking up space and looking like an ugly pile of junk. I know of course things happen in life and there are many valid excuses for a car project taking years to complete but in general I find a lot of car guys don't put organization and preparation as a high priority. Just my observation though and you met me I'm only a young gun lol. Due to my current situation in life (just out of college, looking for my first "real" job, hopefully getting married within the next year) I don't see myself doing anything major with either of my cars (Jeep or Duster) anytime soon simply for that reason.

Second point you are right but come to think of it the internet is usually my last resort after looking at the first two things (books and FSM), I feel like I learn a lot more here reading explanations of theory and such than looking at pics of how stuff goes together. If you haven't noticed by now I'm pretty heavy on the text which is backwards of most people, it's less of a chore for me to explain something in words if I can than take a zillion pics and upload them to the web. Without FABO I would be nothing but specifically pictures are just nice to look at I find I'm pretty good at figuring out how things work and go back together just by taking things apart and holding them in my hands. That doesn't include modifying stuff which is a whole different story.

Guess I'll just settle on me being "different" ha :happy6:
I wish to hell I'd taken more!!!!!!!!!!!!!! In this day and age of REALLY cheap to buy cameras, can buy a real decent used on any day of the week on CL, there is "no excuse" for not taking photos.
X2 I wished I had taken more photos too. I was too busy/excited to take many shots when I started putting my engine back in. tmm
I wish to hell I'd taken more!!!!!!!!!!!!!! In this day and age of REALLY cheap to buy cameras, can buy a real decent used on any day of the week on CL, there is "no excuse" for not taking photos.

Hmm good idea I always think of using my phone but would hate mucking it up with grease and grime, maybe I should buy a cheap camera just for car work that I don't care if it turns black after a couple uses. Damn touch screens never liked them things!#-o
I knad feal the same I usually just to involved in my project to stop and take photos. I will take picks when something looks way out of wack or just something I want to share with my pops or buddys.

Just the other day while moding the strut rod bushing I took some picks just to show my dad how lame it was, with no intention of postion an low an behold that day someone else needed those picks.

I just open my picks folder up load to photobucket and bang, That dude instantly knows what Im talking about.

I guess Im 6 of one half a dozen on the other..
I keep my iPhone on me at all times so it is quick and easy to snap pictures. They may not be absolutely the best quality but they come out pretty good. I have also taken a bunch of pictures to serve as references for putting stuff back together, particularly when it came to taking apart the wiring harness under the dash and many of the small details with the engine (various mounts and linkage). I actually wished I took more reference pictures because a couple of times I came back to reassemble something and realized I forgot what particular screw or bolt should be used.
I keep my iPhone on me at all times so it is quick and easy to snap pictures. They may not be absolutely the best quality but they come out pretty good. I have also taken a bunch of pictures to serve as references for putting stuff back together, particularly when it came to taking apart the wiring harness under the dash and many of the small details with the engine (various mounts and linkage). I actually wished I took more reference pictures because a couple of times I came back to reassemble something and realized I forgot what particular screw or bolt should be used.

Same here. The phone is always on me.
My phone connects to the Bluetooth speakers in the garage. Best thing ever!

Serves as my tunes, and hands free, so I can answer and make calls even when I am under the car. And it's always with me when I need to take a snapshot.

Those pictures have served me well. especially when I don't get back to reassembly for a few months.
That was a big generalization I suppose, it bugs me not in a way that I judge the other person but in a way that I could never subject myself to that way of doing work, if I ever plan on undertaking a big project again I will do all my research and parts collection first and do everything I can to minimize the time I have with my car sitting in my garage taking up space and looking like an ugly pile of junk. I know of course things happen in life and there are many valid excuses for a car project taking years to complete but in general I find a lot of car guys don't put organization and preparation as a high priority. Just my observation though and you met me I'm only a young gun lol. Due to my current situation in life (just out of college, looking for my first "real" job, hopefully getting married within the next year) I don't see myself doing anything major with either of my cars (Jeep or Duster) anytime soon simply for that reason.

Second point you are right but come to think of it the internet is usually my last resort after looking at the first two things (books and FSM), I feel like I learn a lot more here reading explanations of theory and such than looking at pics of how stuff goes together. If you haven't noticed by now I'm pretty heavy on the text which is backwards of most people, it's less of a chore for me to explain something in words if I can than take a zillion pics and upload them to the web. Without FABO I would be nothing but specifically pictures are just nice to look at I find I'm pretty good at figuring out how things work and go back together just by taking things apart and holding them in my hands. That doesn't include modifying stuff which is a whole different story.

Guess I'll just settle on me being "different" ha :happy6:

Yes, we did meet, my impression from meeting as well as reading some of your other technical posts is, you are a very smart and mechanical guy!
Everyone should have a FSM for a reference!

You have a great plan with collecting a head of time and reading and knowing where you want to go with your car! In time though, the thought you are getting married, will lead to a house and children most likely. You might find that even the best laid plans get off track sometimes when life happens!

Different is good in my book, keep it up!!!!
Yes, we did meet, my impression from meeting as well as reading some of your other technical posts is, you are a very smart and mechanical guy!
Everyone should have a FSM for a reference!

You have a great plan with collecting a head of time and reading and knowing where you want to go with your car! In time though, the thought you are getting married, will lead to a house and children most likely. You might find that even the best laid plans get off track sometimes when life happens!

Different is good in my book, keep it up!!!!

Thank you I appreciate the kind words... yes of course house is actually first thing on my mind trying to do that ASAP after I secure a decent salary I've wanted my own house for a long time ha. Kids though not trying to have that happen anytime soon, I love kids but still need at least a few years to enjoy myself and just spend time with my wife traveling and such.

Anyway you guys who use your phones I also love the tunes feature and keep my Galaxy S5 on me at all times but when my hands get dirty from wrenching or sweaty from using those wonderful nitrile disposable gloves it's a mess trying to use the touch screen on my phone. I think I'm going to do what 67Dart273 suggested and buy a cheap used camera with real buttons that I don't mind getting covered in grease. Maybe even wrap it in clear plastic or something so the display screen won't get destroyed.
I find working in a garage, and taking pics don't go over well at all. Most times, the "perfect" time to snap a pic, is the same time your hands look like absolute **** and pretty much covered in said material too....

Grabbing a camera with nasty greasy oily hands and then going home to upload them and the other half sees the camera covered in all that, doesn't go over well when it fogs up the plastic as its not easy cleaned off....(Ruined 2 camera prior to the one I got now, from this very thing!)

So, with all that said, I got into the habit of not taking the camera into the garage, UNLESS its for "finished" pics....OR "before" pics....
I don't have any pictures of several cars that I used to own from back when I had them. My Hemi Superbird, 440 SIXPACK Superbee, 64 Fury, 64 Polara. 33 Plymouth, 69 Camaro, 70 Camaro, Altered T, and others are only memories. Some of the coolest pictures that I see are of the cars as they were being worked on by folks. When my one son developed an interest in cars I was able to tell him what I'd owned but was unable to show him. I finally got in the habit of taking pictures when he was stationed in Iraq and I was working on his Charger. He wanted to see everything he could as the car progressed. As they say "a picture is worth a thousand words".
everyone's does things differently, and that's okay. You do things how you like to do it, and others do it with pictures. You're still young, it appears, so as you get older, you learn taking pictures helps, because you will forget sometimes.

The key to not ruining the camera is have the parts washer close by, clean up, dry off, take pic, set camera in clean place and proceed to get dirty again. Repeat as needed.