Craigslist just went insane

I looked at a 74 slant 6 Scamp in Cleveland, just east of Chattanooga. Dented fender, dented door, wavy quarters, cracked dash, ripped seat covers. $7000 I smiled and walked away.
Your right, myself living in the Deeeeeeeep South, I've been there. I hit bottom and an now a member of GA. Grits Anonymous, it is a 10 step program, I'm at step 5 facing my addiction. One day at a time, easy does it!

Florida is not the 'Deeeeeeeep South' you jive turkey. It's a retirement community for the North Eastern Yankees.

"So here’s the REAL test, as to whether or not you are southern. If you can answer “yes” to at least two thirds of these, you are probably southern.

You are a southerner IF:

You use any of the following words or phrases in normal speech without thinking about it:

Mama [if you’re an adult]

bless your heart

good Lord

I reckon

Co’ Cola

po’ white trash

hissy fit

You pronounce the word “hair” as either “hay-ur” or “har”

You can stretch the word “no” out to at least three syllables, depending on the occasion

You hear someone has died, and immediately start deciding what food to carry over to the family. Note: if you’re really southern, like my mother, you keep things like
homemade soups and chili in the freezer for funeral food emergencies.

You volunteer to stay at the house during a funeral.

Your mama or daddy ever told you any of the following:
"That's not fit to eat."
"I'm feeling down in the back."
"No, we will NOT _________. Only yankees do that."
"He's on his third wife."
"You better get down off your high horse."
"Give me some sugar, baby."
"Pipe down."
"Go cut me a switch."
"You better hush crying or I'm gonna give you something to cry about."
"They're just sorry." [as in low class, trashy]
"He/she is a fine person."

You know the location of at least three Waffle Houses, and eat there occasionally. And you admit it.

You have ever made fried chicken according to your grandmother’s recipe

You think crunchy green beans are an abomination

You’ve ever described a vegetable as “pretty” – as in, “Ooh, Mama found her some pretty squash at that roadside stand yesterday

You think eating a peach without peeling it is barbaric

You've ever eaten fried grits

You know grits aren't fit to eat unless they have some butter, salt and pepper on them

You know more than one recipe for cornbread

You know not to put sugar in cornbread

You've eaten fatback. Extra points if you love it.

You’ve ever visited a Civil War battlefield

Note: extra points if you know of at least one great great great grandparent who fought in the war – for the south, of course.

You know a cheer or fight song of at least one southern university

You’ve ever planned a wedding date or vacation around the college football schedule

You shudder when you hear the fake southern accents in movies like Fried Green Tomatoes, Steel Magnolias, or any other movie supposedly set in the south.

In your own family you’re called affectionately “Brother” or “Sister.”

You or someone in your family is a member of the Junior League Note: extra points if y'all belong to the DAR or Colonial Dames
[Deduct points if you belong to the ACLU]

You know the title of at least one Conway Twitty song

You can sing at least one verse of "Just A Closer Walk With Thee"

You are startled when you hear that there are Americans who have to wear
sweater outside on the 4th of July

You think William Faulkner was a drunk who didn’t use punctuation. You wonder why the Yankees love him. (He makes all southerners sound like drunks or crazies, which is why I can’t stand him. I once went through an entire Faulker novel and added in punctuation and did some editing. My English professor nearly killed me.)

You call older ladies “Miss,” as in “Miss Buelah,” or “Miss Mamie”

At least one person in your family is or was named Fannie Mae

You know the maiden names of your not only your grandmothers, but your great grandmothers

You’ve been to Europe but you’ve never been to California

You think of Canadians as “foreigners.” You have a hard time understanding them when they talk to you

When you call someone in New York City your southern accent immediately becomes slower and more of a drawl, just to irritate them. You enjoy this immensely.

You refer to your ancestors and extended family as “my people” - as in, “My people came over from Ireland before the war of independence.”

The Baptist Church in your hometown is bigger than any other church in town.
Note: extra points if you've ever given directions using it, as in “Go a mile and turn right at the church,” even if you don’t attend.

You always write a Thank You note when someone gives you a gift, and you make your children write them too

You know that anyone from Maryland is, sadly, just NOT a southerner. Most people from Florida aren’t either.

You can, on paper at least, prove kinship to any of the following:
Andy Griffith, Sissy Spacek, Johnny Cash, Holly Hunter, Strom Thurmond,
Thomas Jefferson

You take a lot of photos when it snows, because you know it may be a decade before you see it in your yard again

You’re usually able to go outside without a coat on Christmas Day, and at least half the time you could wear shorts

You shop at WalMart on occasion, but you only tell your closest friends

You’ve ever referred to any sort of underwear as “drawers”

You call your grandparents Mamaw and Papaw, or variations thereof. Ditto
for Big Mama, or Big Daddy.

Are you a southerner? If so, good for you! If not, you can live here amongst us, and hope it rubs off on you... Just don't serve me any crunchy green beans or sweet cornbread. That's grounds for expulsion. As in, “Hightail it outta here, and don’t let the screendoor hit you where the Good Lord split you.”

yea, greymouser7 !!! I admit I moved to Missour in 79 and been here ever since. havn't been back home to Dawson Ga in years. you could get a job as a reality writer for Jeff Foxworthy. I didn't say joke writer! everything you said is true. I answered ALL the questions, bonus ones too. Ha
here s a little funny story. last time back home, I was visiting an old classmate. she owns a florrest, has since 70 and not too sure she has ever been further than 100 mi from home. ( Atlanta don't count)... she tells me she has to go to Albany. ( town 23 mi up the road) to pickup flowers for the store. I ask her, what the heck, Albany?? since when is it NOT pronounced Alllbbbbbaaaannnnyyyyyyy???
she tells me everyone there quit calling it that, makes them sound like some damn bunch of hicks!!! I bout peed in my pants I laughed so hard!
it took me years to lose a lot of my southern accent when I got to Mo. I got tired of hearing people ask " What you say??' ( northern Mo was more yankee and southern).
I could go back home for a visit, and I could pretty much pick it back up in a couple of hours ( I thought!!). the friends there would ask, " where you been living Billy, you talk funny!" ya can't win!!
I worked as a rep for a seed co. back then. dealer and I went out to visit his customers. stop to talk to this 40 year old guy, I open my mouth and he tells me how he hates southerners.
I tell him I apologize to no one about where I was raised. I told him he was 10 years younger, 40 lb bigger, and i'm no badass for sure, but if he liked we could start knocking each other around, no problem. he decided maybe I wasn't all that bad. Ha
and grits, sharp yellow rat cheese is best with grits!
I know fully restored these will fetch $25-$35k easily.
this guy is a true moron

another crackhead selling another over priced piece of **** thats in pieces now

I sent him an Email telling him to put down the crack pipe and lay off the barret Jackson re-runs and he dropped the price from 4500 to 3500 LMAO


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Some people are so clueless! they have NO idea what it takes to , first, restore, then, what it will be worth when done! Ill give him 1K for the power train. MT
Helluva Deal,
Whatever kind of Wax they're applying in the pic ain't working and If the rest of the families like Junior or Junioretta there it looks like they would go thru that 15K in grocery bills in about two weeks.

Wonder if they would throw in Scruffy?

*****Update, just came across this Fury for 15K whatcha think is the better deal.

ahhh thats on ebay also... if i didnt have the terd i have... id buy that dream... 63 fury is my favorite....
Makes you wonder, if some fool went and offered him like 10K,would he turn them down?

Yes, and I would bet the farm he'd be insulted on top of it.

Fair market value based on condition has no meaning to the entitlement generation.
"Serious inquiries ONLY!"

Seriously ?

No one in their right mind would make a serious call about this truck at that price.
Must be some serious health issues with the daughter. Don't know what they are, but I know what his are.

That is the daughter in the picture , he was taking the picture of his little princess and her truck:eek:ops:

The real reason they are selling it is she needs at least a 3/4 ton truck to haul herself around in, a half ton just won't cut it
Mopar Tim hit the nail on the head. I helped a friend restore a 65 Impala SS 396 a few years ago. Before he looked at the one he eventually bought for $7,000, we looked at a rust bucket hunk of junk the person wanted $15,000 for. The elderly lady said, "Someone told me he saw one sell on TV for $20,000 so yours must be worth at least $15,000." And once a person hears that, their head is stuck right up their butt. She would not budge on her price.
evidently, all you guys don`t know what a hemi is ! the 64 red ply. pic I got on here is a max wedge or a clone of one :wack:
I had a 64 Sport Fury just like that, 426 max wedge Red, needed to be restored but all there. And one more thing, was a convertible! Bought in 1980 in the navy, Like a dumbass I sold it for next to nothing. Prob a 100K car when restored. Very rare. MT
Ladies and Gentlemen, please hold your tongue. You get the Mobile home (not seen) as an added bonus! Plus if you buy NOW they are willing to throw in the whole set of Elvis plates that were collectibles before they were even issued.
The truck has the front seat redone in velvet and lets please respect the poor child who has some health issues - their family tree don't branch.

I wish them the best as I cannot afford this value today.
It looks like they dragged it out of a field somewhere, and are just looking for easy money. I dont buy the story that comes with that piece o ****. Id buy a sweet 71 sweptline before id spend any hard earned cash on a dog like that.