So this new minumum wage thing?

Too many folks confuse corporate entities and business...

A corporation is an endeavor utuilizing a special governement created tax status to achieve a certain goal (charity, profit, etc).

A business is a venture which exisists to mainly create a value return. Such as a lemonade stand.

Businesses are subjected to the force of government, corporate entities exisit only because of the force of government.
Before the Civil War corporations where only allowed to exist for short periods to get something accomplished like construction of the railroads and the like. But during the war to get monies from the rich and powerful they relaxed corporate rules of existence.

One of the main reasons for the American Revolution was to get away from the British Corporation rule of the day mainly East India Company.

Now centuries later and your under corporate rule once again.
At the end of August, I was told that I was to expensive and laid off.
They were paying me what they offered, not what I asked for.
Nothing was ever said about adjusting my pay, just sorry and good bye.
I just want to know who told those people bitching that they 'can't raise their families working in fast food' that they should start their families while working in fast food. The minimum wage IS a living wage; for one upward-bound individual, and no more.

It sucks to admit that you're at the bottom, but that is supposed to motivate you to not be at the bottom anymore. The sense of entitlement is what burns my biscuits.

If anyone can do what you do, the OLD minimum wage is all you should make.
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In Michigan they call that wrongful dismissal.
Not sure how that works today since we went to a right to work-at will employee. The last job I worked on the last day of my probation I was told thanks but it is not working out so we are ending your employment. I did get unemployment but it was held up because they told the unemployment I was let go for mis-conduct which was not true so I won the case.
We've can't base are whole existence on the needs of business profits. Business are here to feed our needs not the other way around.

There's got to be more to life then turning "our" natural resources into things we really don't need (in a lot of cases forever changing the faces of the world probably for the worse with a cost that's gonna be dropped at someone else's feet) for the power and enrichment of the few.

Business don't pay the full cost of doing business they off load a lot of it to tax payers. If we held all business for the cost of them being operational the would be none.
Why is it unfair when it comes at the cost of there profits but not when it comes out of our taxes ??

There is a cost of doing business that includes wages...taxes and everything...but with no profit...there is no business...
Is the business owner/owners going to work for free with no profit....
When a business cost goes up for whatever reason, wage increases, supplies and materials, delivery expenses, the final cost of the product has to go up too. When everybody raises prices, that's inflation.
I hate when people demonize the poor
and by the way if your poor doesn't mean your not a hard working or a loafer.

Can you tell me theres a good paying job for every individual out there obviously not and yes some can move there way up the ladder but not all. And again if all can't at least live decent life in this system why should these people take part of that system which would cease to exist without them.

Anyways so this bullshit about just get a better job is just that. The system is designed for most to be on the losing end and to be down on people cause they want a living wage is too much. And some how the rich mainly through inheritance is somehow are the better of us .
In my work field there is not an employee under the age of 50!! Why?? Because most young people simply do not want to work for their money! I am currently doing a house for a client who has a son in the drywall industry, and who is also a pizza delivery boy! He sleeps till noon, claims that the drywaller he works for "has no work" and putters about after smoking a joint until it's time to go to his pizza job! Oh, and I am drywalling the house completely on my own!! See the problem here???
There is a cost of doing business that includes wages...taxes and everything...but with no profit...there is no business...
Is the business owner/owners going to work for free with no profit....

Who's saying people don't have a right to profits but if the only way your business can survive is by under paying people then it's not a viable business.

Look at China the road where heading to.
People come from the villages to work at factories hoping to be able to give back to there families. But end up to be paid less then the company charges them to have a cot and a bowl of rice to make them always indebted to the company. So in reality a slave so we can enjoy cheap ****. It's not that companies can pay more and still be profitable its just callus greed.
I hate when people demonize the poor
and by the way if your poor doesn't mean your not a hard working or a loafer.

Can you tell me theres a good paying job for every individual out there obviously not and yes some can move there way up the ladder but not all. And again if all can't at least live decent life in this system why should these people take part of that system which would cease to exist without them.

Anyways so this bullshit about just get a better job is just that. The system is designed for most to be on the losing end and to be down on people cause they want a living wage is too much. And some how the rich mainly through inheritance is somehow are the better of us .
Well-there is always going into playing ball professionally,or making movies, or perhaps going into the political scene. Have you noticed how much they make? And the next question-who actually supports these? If your answer is-the rich-you are totally wrong
Inflation is expansion of the money supply and decrease in the true value or purchasing powet of the currency.
Wish I could find the email but it goes something like this. If you can read and write you are better off than x% of the population. If you have more than 1 change of clothes you are better off than y% off the population. If you have a little dish of coins somewhere in your house you are better off than z% of the population. Here I am in my warm room typing on my laptop with a GingerAle at hand, talking with people from around the world. I thank the Lord God Almighty and count my blessings every day.
Wish I could find the email but it goes something like this. If you can read and write you are better off than x% of the population. If you have more than 1 change of clothes you are better off than y% off the population. If you have a little dish of coins somewhere in your house you are better off than z% of the population. Here I am in my warm room typing on my laptop with a GingerAle at hand, talking with people from around the world. I thank the Lord God Almighty and count my blessings every day.
Totally agree with you!!! I started at 10cents a thousand candling eggs,1cent a bale bucking hay and now I use two smartphones that I don't like to answer!! Minimum wage?????
Wish I could find the email but it goes something like this. If you can read and write you are better off than x% of the population. If you have more than 1 change of clothes you are better off than y% off the population. If you have a little dish of coins somewhere in your house you are better off than z% of the population. Here I am in my warm room typing on my laptop with a GingerAle at hand, talking with people from around the world. I thank the Lord God Almighty and count my blessings every day.

True we are blessed even a bum on our street is richer than most of the world.
But really just shows how sad of a world we have created for one another.
The government needs to let Capitalism work. Supply and demand set product prices, or in the event of labor an hourly wage. A business needs to be in the profit to keep its business a business. Employees need to be an asset for their employer. If the employee is not an asset, they become a liability. Too many people today feel they should get paid for just showing up (The thought that everyone should get a participation trophy).
An employee should be paid according to the skills and responsibility they have and the labor pool available for a particular job. An employers job is to get the best deal for their business bottom dollar, and an employee job is to learn and earn to the best of their ability.
I remember about 20 years ago we hired a couple guys to help set trusses on a big job, promised that they knew what they were doing! First clue was they needed to get paid at lunch AND the end of the day! Set them on nailing some girder trusses together with a nail gun! The truss company gives you the nail pattern so it will pass inspection, but these clowns took it upon themselves to do their own nail pattern! They must've watched Rambo the night before cause they emptied an entire box of gun nails on one set of trusses and were starting into the 2nd box before they were stopped, then had the audacity to claim that they should be paid by the nail! I told them they should be charged by the nail and sent them on their way!! That's the quality of work you can expect from most employees!!
The average age of a collision repair tech in the US is 50 years old. Shops are begging for techs here in Oregon.

Careers are out there that pay well above minimum wage but I'm not sure this generation wants to work hard and think for a paycheck.
In my work field there is not an employee under the age of 50!! Why?? Because most young people simply do not want to work for their money! I am currently doing a house for a client who has a son in the drywall industry, and who is also a pizza delivery boy! He sleeps till noon, claims that the drywaller he works for "has no work" and putters about after smoking a joint until it's time to go to his pizza job! Oh, and I am drywalling the house completely on my own!! See the problem here???

The average age of a collision repair tech in the US is 50 years old. Shops are begging for techs here in Oregon.

Careers are out there that pay well above minimum wage but I'm not sure this generation wants to work hard and think for a paycheck.

I think both of you have nailed it. I have had the same issue trying to find someone to work. It is a constant conversation the owner and I have at least monthly. Trying to find a younger individual to actually show up for work, close to a starting time, and not spend the day on their phone seems to be impossible. We now have a decent working crew that can actually show up for work and get something done but the problem is all but one will be retirement age in the next 10 years.
I think both of you have nailed it. I have had the same issue trying to find someone to work. It is a constant conversation the owner and I have at least monthly. Trying to find a younger individual to actually show up for work, close to a starting time, and not spend the day on their phone seems to be impossible. We now have a decent working crew that can actually show up for work and get something done but the problem is all but one will be retirement age in the next 10 years.

The topic of this thread is not age related though. It is easy to get sidetracked and rail against the younger generations... your elders did it and theirs to them.

The issue isnt some random cultural laziness, but the system in place and how it creates an inneffective world for economic mobility and character building.

The problem with kids, tends to be upbringing more than environment.
This helped me understand. If the link works.

Absolutely great video! This cannot be stressed enough. Corporate America cannot be a nanny but for some odd reason it is expected to right all the wrongs handed to it by the parents. And the end result is"automation" because it simply is not cost effective to reinvent the wheel.
If people want to earn more money they need to earn it !!
Learn more skills , wether by school or by dticking with a job .
We all have choices to make and
With those choices comes reward or consequence !!
Can't blame others or expect others to bail you out or reward you for poor choices !
Minimum wage is not a career wage but just the start !
As a business owner I have had a hard time keeping employees the work ethic most have is a joke !!
I pay people better then most but I'm convinced as said by others most don't want to work !!!
Sad because as a general contractor that does most in house they can learn valuable skills and always earn more money .
But either they can't show up to work have an excuse of some kind or just don't put forth any effort to move forward .
Why should they when there been told everyone gets a trophy?