Opinions Please.....



I was born on a Monday. Not last Monday.
FABO Gold Member
Jun 7, 2010
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Kitty and I have a local Mexican joint we frequent on the occasion for supper. They are the usual style joint with a bar and serve alcohol.

Tonight, we went and they were very busy. The whole time........from start to finish there was a very young child (probably under two) squealing, shrieking, screaming as loudly as it COULD. After about 20 straight minutes, I said "VERY" loudly.....people in the kitchen probably heard me, "That's ENOUGH of that screamin". My voice is boombing and very bass, so I know I got the point across. The screamin DRASTICALLY decreased.

So, what's your opinion here? I am of the thinking that children below a certain age, (my thinking is under 12), have no business even IN a place that serves adult beverages.

Maybe archaic thinking to some, but I believe that YOUR rights end where MINE begin. These parents were totally ignoring the child's screaming and were both tuned out on their cell phones. I don't go out to PAY for hearing a brat scream.

What say you? Was I rude? Not that I really give a crap......I'd do it again. lol
I 100% agree that 'your rights' end when they impact the rights of others. You were not rude. I'm guessing several other patrons were secretly high fiving you.

I will disagree on a specific age to go to a restaurant/bar. If one behaves appropriately, all good. As a parent, I wouldn't expose my kid to the antics of a bar, even tho I'm sure his behavior would be fine.
Sometimes you have to say something to wake others up and realize that they aren't the only ones on the Planet. The parents needed the wake up call and you gave it to them.

Respect begins with awareness.
The problem is that with the young parents not disciplining their kids, ends up that some of us that are more experienced with how kids should behave have to show/tell them how. And with adult beverages being served, its not Chucky Cheeses.
Chucky Cheese serve alcohol up here. It's a must have.
The problem is that with the young parents not disciplining their kids, ends up that some of us that are more experienced with how kids should behave have to show/tell them how. And with adult beverages being served, its not Chucky Cheeses.
Bobby, I’m with ya. Listening to that when your supposed to be out for a relaxing meal/drink/movie, etc... IS,
Absolute bullshit and you shouldn’t have to deal with it all screaming crying baby should be brought to the front door and removed along with the parents with a kick in their ***.
Entitlement........Thats what its all about nowadays. Especially with the young millennials.
Their children are entitled to do/act how ever they want. I say BS.
I would have bought you a drink.
personally i think you were out of line saying what you did how you did. i also don't think kids should be banned either...

that being said.. when my kids were small and acting up me or jamie would take them outside until they calmed down so they didn't disturb others... little common sense from you and the parents would go a long way.
The poor kid probably needed a diaper change, mommy and daddy needed a visit from the manager, not a patron.
The poor kid probably needed a diaper change, mommy and daddy needed a visit from the manager, not a patron.
The Manager should have been aware enough to recognize the situation and handle it. Failing that, a Patron voicing their displeasure acts as a wake up call both for the Parents and the Manager.

I would have probably spoken to the Manager first and complained before voicing my displeasure, but I wasn't there and don't know what the circumstances were.

Therefore, I can't say if there was, or was not, a better way to handle it.
The Manager should have been aware enough to recognize the situation and handle it. Failing that, a Patron voicing their displeasure acts as a wake up call both for the Parents and the Manager.

I would have probably spoken to the Manager first and complained before voicing my displeasure, but I wasn't there and don't know what the circumstances were.

Therefore, I can't say if there was, or was not, a better way to handle it.
I can't give an honest opinion, as I can over react in situations like this. I can say, Rob did better than I would.
The manager can barely string together an English sentence, so speaking to him would have been futile.
I don't think it has anything to do with whether or not they serve adult beverages. People should be respectful no matter what types of beverages they serve.
Get used to it, it's the new reality.
The new America, if you don't like it, you're racist.
Thanks Obama.
Reference was if at Chucky Cheese you expect kids running around making noise, a nice evening out with the misses without the creaming Banshees is it to much to ask? Wife and I do not go out as much, first after a while it all starts to taste the same, ( retirement neighborhood, not to spicy ) and as RRR pointed out, undisciplined kids. ( and parents )
I'm sorry to say, wearing the cap of a "manager" has very little to do with knowing how to manage. I see this everywhere. Managers need to be bold at times, not so wimpy.
I have been known to confront customers directly. Years ago I actually would "go out" to Dennys. This was back when you could get baked potatoes for dinner.

Anyhow a couple is having a fight. The manager didn't seem too interested in doing anything so I went over there and looked at the guy and just stood there. When he glared back I told him something like, "I don't like listening to this **** and I don't like getting into fights. But if you two don't shut up or leave you are not gonna believe what happens next." For some reason they settled down

At another local place, there was a couple in the booth to my rear who believe it or not were talking about scientific research having to do with products of afterbirth. I didn't even turn around, I just said "can we PLEASE have a different subject of discussion over dinner?"

Another time at that same joint, some little kid kept coming over and wanting to talk to me, and was sort of begging for food. I guess he was maybe 4. So I finally told him "your Mom is calling you over there" and when THAT didn't work I went over and told them "your son seems to have forgotten who he belongs to, would you please take better care of him?" I think they got the idea

The point? A person should NEVER have to do this **** in the first place. These are not drunken bar brawls, these are "decent" cafe places where people and family GO.
Amazing how people start enjoying the evening after these situations! And how do I know???
U were not out of line really. I politely ask the parents if their gonna control their child or shall I! Usually 1/2 the times the parents see the light and other times they don't. Kim
Not rude of you, Rob. I would have done that after ten minutes. From the way you described the restaurant, I don't think it's wrong to bring a child, they usually like Mexican food and you can keep them quiet with the chips. But if a child or anyone infringes that much on the rest of the patrons' enjoyment, they are out of line.
Not rude of you, Rob. I would have done that after ten minutes. From the way you described the restaurant, I don't think it's wrong to bring a child, they usually like Mexican food and you can keep them quiet with the chips. But if a child or anyone infringes that much on the rest of the patrons' enjoyment, they are out of line.

Thanks, David. I was hoping you would chime in.