Guess I'm older than dirt


65 Cuda 340

FABO Gold Member
FABO Gold Member
Dec 27, 2019
Reaction score
Tallahassee Florida
Just had a discussion with another member here. He referenced:


I had absolutely no idea what that meant until he explained: "slanty." I.e., slant six.

Does everyone else know what /ty means? Or am I the only clueless old fart here?

Oh well, at least I can tell time on an old-fashioned clock with minute and hour hands (my grandson can't). I also know how to use a dial phone. Plus I can write cursive. And drive a stick shift. Etc., etc. . . .
Just had a discussion with another member here. He referenced:


I had absolutely no idea what that meant until he explained: "slanty." I.e., slant six.

Does everyone else know what /ty means? Or am I the only clueless old fart here?

Oh well, at least I can tell time on an old-fashioned clock with minute and hour hands (my grandson can't). I also know how to use a dial phone. Plus I can write cursive. And drive a stick shift. Etc., etc. . . .

Use a map, have wooden underwear, giant buttons on the phone, go 35 in the fast lane, have a “Members Only” jacket, Etc..., etc....


Just kidding, :poke:
/6 or /six, yeah. What the heck is /ty? Darn 20 year old kids...
I would have had NO IDEA what that meant. Much "slang" is bullshit, some "secret code" from some forum or group somewhere that "the rest of us" don't know about
Fricken millennials are too lazy to type out whole words so they made up abbreviations for every word in the dictionary.
I think TY means thank you but who the hell knows. Someone should publish the millennial dictionary so us old folks can navigate through this hopeless world.
Fricken millennials are too lazy to type out whole words so they made up abbreviations for every word in the dictionary.
I think TY means thank you but who the hell knows. Someone should publish the millennial dictionary so us old folks can navigate through this hopeless world.

Right. I’m almost 40, so I do fall in the millennial brackets, it’s all these kids that were born in the 2000’s that don’t even know what the last century was like..
Zero fks given. If I want to know something I'll look it up. What happened to adapt, improvise, overcome? Millennials are a by-product of their environment just as we were. Blaming them results in remaining fingers pointed 180 degrees.
Or those that can not talk on the phone...have to text every damn thing!!
Calling a slant a slanty, is like calling a distributor a dizzy or alfalfa alfie!!! BS
Yes we have road maps in all vehicles, whether we need them or not!!:rofl:
There was a time when someone said that their Engine is sick ,it meant it needed repair or maintenance didnt it?
I know I’m old after yesterday. The two young engineers I was working with were born 7 & 8 years after I graduated from college!!!

/ty? Is that “slanty “? I get /6.
I say slant 6 or slant six. My GOD, if you're too lazy to type that out, you need help.

and no, I didn't know what /ty meant. That's just stupid.

So, you shouldn't feel old. You should feel intelligent.
Yeah, those damn kids, how dare they pass on memes, lol, wtf, fwiw, iirc and emoji's that are used!:rofl:
If you want to blow a kids mind,Go to Advanced ,Orilleys ,or Auto Zone and ask for a can of Rust Buster, I did that because that was its name 40 years ago,but the little turd I ask was a little smartass ,said you old farts are going to tell us what you really want, I said ok,PB Blaster...
If you want to blow a kids mind,Go to Advanced ,Orilleys ,or Auto Zone and ask for a can of Rust Buster, I did that because that was its name 40 years ago,but the little turd I ask was a little smartass ,said you old farts are going to tell us what you really want, I said ok,PB Blaster...
lmao, Good story, guess he was correct. If we can dish it out, we should be able to take it.
I'm 64, and figured it out real quick before reading on...but agree that it's ridiculous. Almost as bad as "prolly" instead of probably, or "Chally" for Challenger! :BangHead: If an old Appalachian American hillbilly like me, with a high school education can spell and ain't that hard!! :realcrazy:
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I'm 64, and figured it out real quick before reading on...but agree that it's ridiculous. almost as bad as "prolly" instead of probably, or "Chally" for Challenger! :BangHead: If an old Appalachian American hillbilly like me, with a high school education can spell and ain't that hard!! :realcrazy:

my phone changes probably to prolly , pisses me of , so I type probly
Just had a discussion with another member here. He referenced:


I had absolutely no idea what that meant until he explained: "slanty." I.e., slant six.

Does everyone else know what /ty means? Or am I the only clueless old fart here?

Oh well, at least I can tell time on an old-fashioned clock with minute and hour hands (my grandson can't). I also know how to use a dial phone. Plus I can write cursive. And drive a stick shift. Etc., etc. . . .
I have not seen the “/ty” moniker before.