How could anyone be this mean



FABO Gold Member
FABO Gold Member
Apr 20, 2016
Reaction score
Freeport, PA.
In my almost 66 years I’ve seen lots of things that made me shake my head and asked WHY, why would anyone do something like this. Then I think again at what goes on daily with people murdering others for no reason. Well a local cat shelter near me posted this up today. I guess someone thought it would be cool to put a wire tie on a cat. I know a couple places I would like to put wire ties too.
I could have done without seeing that.

But yeah, that sucks.


Hopefully karma.
It is worse than "the cat." It is now well known that people who abuse animals----also abuse people
Some people need to be pulled behind a truck by their feet down a gravel road.
That makes me sick to see something like that. I won't say what I'd do to that asshole or assholes that did that, this thread would be deleted if I did. Some people are disgusting pieces of ****.
ICYMI, humans are the only animals that kill for fun and sport.

Orca and Dolphins.

The high aquatic mammals do some very disturbing things.

Rape, drug use, killing for fun.

Its kinda crazy.

I wnt on a whale watching trip in Alaska. We went out in a little aluminum boat and the Orcas came.

They were literally playing with our boat.
All the other tourists were like, Oooo, Ahhhh OMG.

the entire time im thinking "the only reason we are alive right now is the have decided not to kill us." Sometimes they would swim super fast at the boat then go under it at the last second. They would "spy hop" where there eyes are out of the water and they are looking at you. I swear. It was one of the sketchyest things I have ever done and no money on earth would make me do it again.
Orca and Dolphins.

The high aquatic mammals do some very disturbing things.

Rape, drug use, killing for fun.

Its kinda crazy.

I wnt on a whale watching trip in Alaska. We went out in a little aluminum boat and the Orcas came.

They were literally playing with our boat.
All the other tourists were like, Oooo, Ahhhh OMG.

the entire time im thinking "the only reason we are alive right now is the have decided not to kill us." Sometimes they would swim super fast at the boat then go under it at the last second. They would "spy hop" where there eyes are out of the water and they are looking at you. I swear. It was one of the sketchyest things I have ever done and no money on earth would make me do it again.
Where in the world do dolphins get drugs?
The ghetto of Atlantis?

It is worse than "the cat." It is now well known that people who abuse animals----also abuse people

One of the markings of a serial killer in the makings for sure
I know we only have nine, but it makes me feel good that each and every one of them are loved and cared for. They're family. In fact, now, we have YET ANOTHER ONE hangin around outside. So this will be #10 if he stays. LOL
Keep up the good work RRR, I had to rehome some of my little pals due to a housing change, but they are in good homes with folks I know, but I sure do miss them.
Here’s some fresh track at my house of critters coming in to eat. I don’t put out feed for deer but they come in to eat my shrubs. All trails lead to John’s house. Lol.
humans are a disgusting species. ruin everything they come in contact with.

Not true. Man has the capacity for great evil, as well as great good.
We are imperfect. That does not mean that we ruin everything.
You choose to see good or evil in the world.

How do you not know that a 4 year old child may have thought to give the kitty a necklace, or something else innocent like that? Perhaps the cat just got caught in zipties, like seagulls in six-pack plastics?
One could just as easily look at that and see that people have given of their hearts, and their most precious commodity, time, to care for a mere animal that they could have more easily just put down. I see good, I see redemption of man.

Also Foxes and Leopards among others who practice "Surplus Killing". Hyenas kill at times for the simple reason they can. I saw a video of them killing massive amounts of Gazelles then just partially eating them or just leaving them to die a slow agonizing death.