Does anyone on this forum own an EV. Be honest!

I have no desire for a full EV. I would consider a plug in hybrid, that could be charged with Arizona solar panels, for the couple times weekly trip to town, sometimes as much as 50 mile round trip, minimum of about 15.
An EV does not appeal, cause trip from one house to the other is 250 miles, through the desert where the nearest charge stations are 100 miles apart. I have seen ONE tesla on hwy40 in six years of trips from one to the other.
A plug in hybrid can at least keep going when the battery quits, if you don't run out of juice, the engine doesn't have to run.
The 500hp 62 savoy, the 650hp opel, and the A12 will NOT be replaced.


You don't have an A-12!

I have no desire for a full EV. I would consider a plug in hybrid, that could be charged with Arizona solar panels, for the couple times weekly trip to town, sometimes as much as 50 mile round trip, minimum of about 15.
An EV does not appeal, cause trip from one house to the other is 250 miles, through the desert where the nearest charge stations are 100 miles apart. I have seen ONE tesla on hwy40 in six years of trips from one to the other.
A plug in hybrid can at least keep going when the battery quits, if you don't run out of juice, the engine doesn't have to run.
The 500hp 62 savoy, the 650hp opel, and the A12 will NOT be replaced.
Ya always could'ha stuck a genset on the back---except CA has outlawed gensets and "we are next" if Bidet stays in power
OK so skippd the first 3 pages. True story.
I was sitting in the pickup, at the local grocery, we and the daschund, waiting on my wife. Guy pulls up next to me with a "Bolt" I think it was called, Chevy?? I noticed the front wheel liner, looked like plastic, was about to fall off, rubbing the tire. I pointed that out to the guy he says yea, look at that.
Then he just says, he just got it other day, loves the damn thing. Thanks for noticing that.
I said.... "good>"
One huge HUGE failing of the entire EV market across the board was to NOT get together and produce an SAE spec for batteries, and an industry wide standard for swapping them. Maybe say--4 or 5 standardized sizes

Of course they could not even be bothered to do that with headlamps............remember when headlamps were "sorta" standardized? And then rectangular? and then.........nothing???

Of course engine powered starting batteries are a mess, now, too........ridiculous. Should be one group 22, 24, 27, and then truck batteries. "design around them." Ridiculous
One huge HUGE failing of the entire EV market across the board was to NOT get together and produce an SAE spec for batteries, and an industry wide standard for swapping them. Maybe say--4 or 5 standardized sizes

Of course they could not even be bothered to do that with headlamps............remember when headlamps were "sorta" standardized? And then rectangular? and then.........nothing???

Of course engine powered starting batteries are a mess, now, too........ridiculous. Should be one group 22, 24, 27, and then truck batteries. "design around them." Ridiculous

When they were throwing this scam together, they didn't think that far ahead. And it shows.

On the subject of scam magic electricity ****;
When I went out to pick up the newspaper I saw a sticker on the front of the paper, something to the effect that PG&E (our local gas and electric company) is no longer giving solar cell subsidies for greater than 20%! Now, who is paying for those subsidies for photovoltaic panels for other peoples homes? I am, whether it's through increased rates, or taxes taken from my paycheck and given as subsidies to a non-competitive market! That really pissed me off. I, the consumer of PG&E's gas and electricity am being robbed to increase the value of a neighbor's home with an infrastructural upgrade?

If a product can't survive on the open market without subsidies, it is not competitive and the investment of that product could be more profitable elsewhere.
Now I'm starting to sound like an economist. How dismal. :BangHead:
OK so skippd the first 3 pages. True story.
I was sitting in the pickup, at the local grocery, we and the daschund, waiting on my wife. Guy pulls up next to me with a "Bolt" I think it was called, Chevy?? I noticed the front wheel liner, looked like plastic, was about to fall off, rubbing the tire. I pointed that out to the guy he says yea, look at that.
Then he just says, he just got it other day, loves the damn thing. Thanks for noticing that.
I said.... "good>"

I must confess, my wife has a Tesla, I refuse to drive or be driven in it, to me it’s an expensive golf cart, she gets pissed off when we go out and we take my Ram instead of the Tesla, I told her I have an image to uphold, after all I do own a gun shop and how would it look if any of my customers saw me in that thing.
Hey with the price of electricity going up so is the cost of charging them so the idea of saving money is going out the window. Not that the price of any other fuel is cheap.
I once had the perfect commute for an electric (3 miles one way), BUT I also need a truck of some kind. Total paid for the three vehicles I have used to pull the car trailer over the last 20+ years is under $3,000. At one time the vehicle I was commuting in was a 1979 3/4t club cab long bed Power Wagon. If I only went to work and back all month I filled the pitiful 20 gallon tank ONCE. So, it turns out that short commute was also ideal for a gas guzzler that didn't cost me much...

I do, however, now own a non-hybrid that gets great fuel mileage, 45 mpg on the highway.
Several years ago I attended a Sustainability Conference in DC (for my job). I attended a seminar where the speaker addressed the standardization of new technologies issue. For example, the plug for charging EVs used to be different on practically every different vehicle. Now they settled on one standard version.

EV batteries are evolving on a weekly basis (in the labs at least, not so quick to market). The folks in charge (gubmint) haven't yet decided to standardize them, as standardization stifles innovation. Because of what I do, I confess I am utterly fascinated with the potential EVs hold for the future; and frankly, I'm impressed with some of the current technology. However, I've always considered myself a Mopar gearhead. I guess I'm schizophrenic with dual personalities.
Would be interesting to see DIY guys repair their hybrid cars, you may as well throw away your test lights and your current DMMs.
True that. If I had a problem with my 2018 Grand Cherokee and took it to the dealer, I would understand whatever they told me. Not so much with an EV. I, and probably 98% of everybody else, would be at the mercy of the dealer at repair time.

At least that one is a 2 door. I was so excited when I heard the Charger was coming back. I threw up in my mouth a bit when I saw it was a 4 door. It is a decent looking car, but they should not have called it a Charger IMHO.
Don't trust Hyunda/Kia vehicles had nothing but issues with them. I would get an established Ev platform before even considering a ev that has no long term testing.
FWIW, I owned a 2007 Hyundae Tiburon for 3 years. It was an amazing car. I liked it so much I recommended it to a friend/neighbor. He has had three now. I guess that like any other brand, a stinker slips through. Can't speak for KIA, but I have heard that their quality is not great.
The big issue I see is car chargers. They are about 9.6 to 11.5 kW EACH.

For instance 11.5kW charger takes a 60 amp supply breaker in your electrical panel. You got space for another 60 amps ?? Take a peak in your panel some day.

Now, what if you have two electric cars? Most single family homes have two vehicles, right? Charging overnight simultaneously, will need 120 amps of breaker space.

That might force an average 1200 sqft home with central A/C system into a 400 amp electric panel. Even more likely with electric oven and dryer.

A 400 amp panel is expensive and needs the electric company to increase the service wire or cable size. There might be additional cost, on top of the new panel, incurred to homeowner to do that.

Now... what if you want the fast 19.2 kW fast chargers??... And you want TWO of them... you are definitely into a 400 amp panel with each charger requiring a 100 amp breaker. And you'll very possibly need electric company infrastructure change so your lights don't flicker when you are charging those HUGE electric charging loads at night.

BTW, those 19.2 kW charger are $2k each. Just a side note.
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True that. If I had a problem with my 2018 Grand Cherokee and took it to the dealer, I would understand whatever they told me. Not so much with an EV. I, and probably 98% of everybody else, would be at the mercy of the dealer at repair time.

At least that one is a 2 door. I was so excited when I heard the Charger was coming back. I threw up in my mouth a bit when I saw it was a 4 door. It is a decent looking car, but they should not have called it a Charger IMHO.
They really should’ve called the new Charger a Coronet. I own one even.

Are those your rookie strips on the front facia?
I went to pick up my car, the salesman asked if I wanted to leave those on. They did help out once as I was leaving a doctors office, I scraped the front end. The rear pieces were already removed and thrown away.
FWIW, I owned a 2007 Hyundae Tiburon for 3 years. It was an amazing car. I liked it so much I recommended it to a friend/neighbor. He has had three now. I guess that like any other brand, a stinker slips through. Can't speak for KIA, but I have heard that their quality is not great.

i had one too (in fact, if you go onto the tiburon version of FABO, you can find some pretty cool posts by a guy named "diymirage")
my only complaint is that it wasnt very impact resistant

i dont know why you woulnt trust a KIA if you trust a hyundai...the roll of the same assembly line

the funny thing about them is, i considered them for a new family hauler, because they were cheap, decent and they now make one that fits the whole family (kia tellurida/hyundai palisade) but when i looked into them, they still go in the 40K range, at 2 years old....thats just not gonna happen

They really should’ve called the new Charger a Coronet. I own one even.

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nice, i always figured they should have been called monaco