Stop in for a cup of coffee

Funny that and the frig were back ordered also. We found the fridge and cook top months ago at other places.
We were told not to cancel our original order with the oven, fridge, and cook top because we'd fall to the bottom of the list.
Talking to the factory rep a couple weeks ag and something for you all to remember never order big appliances on one ticket.
One back ordered item will hold the whole order up. In other words each item is ordered separately.
We've ordered a lot of appliances from Lowe's over the last 30-40 years never again.
My MIL has bought a lot of appliances from Lowes as well. She has had quite a few issues with installation and warranty.
Sitting at gas station. 87

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Quit stopping at the Coop! I don't know why Loves is so cheap. Everybody else in town is $4.18

I tell you what I used to shop lowes till one day they pissed me off over the Military discount. Said I had to have a Lowes card to use it. WTF! Switched to HD and have had zero problems with the appliances I have bought.
I tell you what I used to shop lowes till one day they pissed me off over the Military discount. Said I had to have a Lowes card to use it. WTF! Switched to HD and have had zero problems with the appliances I have bought.
I shop lot at HD. No issues.
I hear you. I won't order big items.
But that it the only way to get them... Unless I want to pay way more for the same thing. I have a choice of Lowes or Home Depot for a new tub and surround. The one I want is currently not available from HD. Ordered yesterday from Lowes. While placing order it said available for Saturday delivery. Half our later it shows 'delayed' with no delivery date listed. :wtf:
Good Morning
Kids are actually wearing them and acting like the character all day every day. And certain oned do not get along in nature, really screwed up.

Is furry a gender identity?
"); display: inline-block; height: 24px; width: 24px; margin-top: -1px; transform: rotateZ(-180deg);">

The results found that the majority of furries identify as male, although one-quarter of furries identify as female. Transgender, genderfluid, and non-binary furries are also present at rates considerably higher than observed in the general population.

Oh yeah they need litter boxes also!
Have seen reference to this on TV shows. Had no idea they actually 'identify' as the character. :wtf: :realcrazy:
Think I will start identifying as a "Trans Brand Automobile" - Dodge Duster. Walk around making vroom vroom noises and leaking fluids. :rofl: