Palin - McCain



Well-Known Member
Aug 8, 2008
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I don't know .... seems like she's got her act together to me. First time in my lifetime we could have a nearly "regular" American in Washington - I feel like she'd be more of a voice for us than any of the other elitists ... then again, I could be wrong. They're all out of touch as far as I'm concerned, wealth, priveledge, notoriety, etc. Doesn't she seem more down to earth to you ? Inexperienced, yeah, compared to Obama, I don't think so. A pit bull with lipstick - she said it ! Good looking all-American family, too. Obama scares me .... when do all the ???? get answered about his past ? When is the media going to ask these questions ? Why would people vote for a candidate that has so many ???? in his makeup ? I don't get my fellow countrymen sometimes, still would stand by them in battle to defend our freedom, but I don't understand them. Without bashing anybody, or mentioning the word "change" tell me why Obama deserves your vote based on his accomplishments ? Not being harsh here - just need to know if I'm missing something.
I knew nothing about her before tonight but I was pretty impressed.I got the photo from
Tonight a star is born on the political stage for decades to come. The democrats and the media have been encapsulated in their own amber, frozen in the acts of hypocracy and double standards about sexism, experience and kindness. In a country fed up with political correctness and do nothing legeslators this feisty female Samson has sparked a fire Americans have been longing for. God's speed to the McCain / Palin ticket.
She use to be a Beauty pagent girl also. My Vote is for them
She's sharp in more ways than one! Mike
No wonder the people of Alaska love her. She is going to be the hammer that pounds the final nails in Obama's coffin. Put a fork in him, he's done. I can't wait to see her debate Biden. If he has any brains at all (which is a very valid question) he will refuse to show. That won't hurt him nearly as much as what will happen if he does show.
I think she could chew him up and spit him out! Mike
I missed her speech. Was watching Dirty Harry instead

wait...that was kinda the same thing huh
First time in my lifetime we could have a nearly "regular" American in Washington

That's EXACTLY what was said about George Bush in 2000.
I didn't see the speech (no TV) but I heard on the radio that she eats moose burgers and that is pretty damn close to a you know what burger.
That's EXACTLY what was said about George Bush in 2000.

...and you see where THAT got us. Too much ambition and greed for money and power, and not enough brains, compassion, or forethought. Is that what AMERICA and AMERICANS are all about? WTF?

*USA PATRIOT ACT. Unconstitutional and the beginning of the end for our Bill of Rights.
*Gasoline's price doubled under WHAT party? What's their answer? Continuing tax breaks and land giveaways (drill on MY beautiful COAST? F**K YOU!) to the oil companies that have posted their greatest profits EVER. It's good to have oilmen in the White House...for oil companies, anyway.
*9/11 happened on WHOSE watch? We have the most sophisticated electronic surveillance apparatus in the world, and we couldn't stop a bunch of mostly SAUDI men with box cutters? Again, WTF? Oh, and where's Osama?
*Iraq had no WMD's and no intention nor capability of attacking us (c'mon, we're the SOLE SUPERPOWER, right?), and yet, we're poised to spend more than $2 TRILLION for invading and occupying it for the next few years. (I won't bother mentioning McCain's ease in saying we could be there for even a 100. Ooops....) We've already spent $500 BILLION dollars there. Where's most of the money for this grand clusterf**k coming from? Our children and grandchildren will be paying it back to the PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC OF CHINA! Yeah, the Commies! They own $503 billion of our debt, with Japan leading the way with $583 billion, btw. After all the fear mongering and red-baiting of the latter part of the 20th Century, the "enemy" now has us by our economic short hairs, courtesy of tax breaks for the rich and corporations and 2 very expensive wars. Enriching war profiteers AND China/Japan at our expense, is THAT American? 4150 of our brave soldiers have DIED in Iraq, and for what? NOT for our American freedoms, that's for sure.
*Mercenaries on the ground in America doing police work during Katrina, taking guns out of the hands of law-abiding citizens trying to protect what little they had left? Where's our National Guard? That's right, in Iraq, protecting OIL FIELDS and working next to MORE mercs making 10x what the average grunt makes. Ask our friends in Central and South America how they feel about paramilitaries running around in their countries, beholden to no one but their paymasters.
Ms. Palin is a sop to the Religious Right, because McCain didn't start his pandering to them early enough in the campaign, and USED to call them "agents of intolerance" back just a little while ago. Sara was CHOSEN for McCain by his handlers, c'mon...I'm sure he wanted his old buddy "Turncoat Joe" Lieberman instead.

Now, lest you think I'm an Obamaphile, I have my own Sh*t list for him:
*Why does he think that phone companies who ILLEGALLY wiretapped Americans IN America (because "the government told them to") should get retroactive immunity from prosecution? I want my 4th Amendment back from you and the Republicans, NOW.
*Unwavering support for Israel? Ummm, I've got nothing against Jews at all, but WHY are we supporting them (with OUR tax dollars, again!) with BILLIONS of dollars in military aid and turn a blind eye to the Palistinian's plight?
*He still wants to leave insurance companies involved in our health care, sponging profits from our already short health care dollars.
*He's a member of the Council on Foreign Relations. So is McCain...birds of a feather...check this short clip on who they are. It will surprise you... Council on Foreign Relations.

Really, I'm a Kucinich/Paul ticket kinda guy. Both of them understand and FIGHT FOR the Bill of Rights and the Constitution better than any of the party apparatchiks ("agents of the apparatus") that we have been presented with so far. They may have some differing policies, but their fundamentals are right on...
do you support wind turbines along the Kalifornia coast? is clean renewable energy...

and btw ..miss pelsoi said back in 2006 now the democratics had taken back the congress they were going to lower the price of gas....went is that going to happen? been two years she going to start soon???
do you support wind turbines along the Kalifornia coast? is clean renewable energy...

and btw ..miss pelsoi said back in 2006 now the democratics had taken back the congress they were going to lower the price of gas....went is that going to happen? been two years she going to start soon???

Wind turbines? Sure. Solar panels? Yep. Solar heated steam turbines? Yes again. Ethanol plants using feedstocks OTHER than lame, inefficient GMO Corn? Affirmative. Re-introducing farming hemp on otherwise fallow soil as America's fuel, food, fiber, and petrochemical replacement? Yes.

Oil Shale? Only if you like destroying the areas where it is gotten from, and waste billions of gallons of water doing so.
Nukyular? Sorry, Dubya, but you put it in the vernacular. Only if you like handing deadly radioactive materials to your grandchildren's grandchildren's grandchildren...and their grandchildren 50,000 years from now.
Clean Coal? Oxymoron. Non Sequitur. NO SUCH THING.

Regarding Nancy "I'm a traitor covering for one" Pelosi, she also campaigned on holding the Administration accountable for the Iraq war. NOTHING happened. Why? Because she's complicit with the Bush Administration regarding the use of torture. She knew as early as 2002, and was briefed about the use of waterboarding and other torture techniques and DIDN'T say a word.

Damn Republicrats. Damn them all for what they've done to our country...
Once again where to begin.

1. So you think raising taxes is the way to improve our economy? Who spends your money better? You or the govt?

2. 9/11 was PLANNED under whose watch? Hint: He likes to insert cigars in interns while NOT watching over our country.
Lets also not forget the FIRST attack under WHOSE watch!

3. I am interested in your position on Iraq? Please tell me how YOU would handle a nut who threatens to kill you and does a good job of killing his own people with regularity? And who could care less about the "United Nations" and their orders.
BTW, read my sig. I know a thing or two from a "boots on the ground" SOLDIER, not CNN.

4. Our "friends" in Central and South America?? WHAT????? Exactly who are these "friends"? The meaning of friend is someone who sticks with you. I cant think of one person in Central or South America who truly supports the US. I could be wrong. Who is it?

5. Lieberman is a "turncoat" because he doesnt tow the party line. Is that what you are saying? Maybe we need a few people who stand up for what THEY believe and not what the polls show they should believe to win.

6. So you want the terrorists to have the advantage. Do you even have a clue as to what it takes to get a warrant for a wiretap. The terrorists do. And they know they can beat a system that handicaps law enforcement. I dont want to govt running roughshod over our rights either but these times call for things outside the norm. As long as it is being used to go after real terrorists and not granny down the street. I say go for it.

I think we have given the idiots who want to kill us enough of an advantage. I mean we capture them and treat them like royalty. Then we are told we are torturing them!

Panties on your head is not torture. Watch the video of Nick Bergs head being cut off. That is freaking torture! Where were you libs demanding his "rights" be enforced? Too busy drinking espressos at Starbucks and telling each other how smart you are?

7. The Palestinians plight? Do you mean the same Palestinians who support terror and would cut YOUR throat if given the chance?

8. You want the government in charge of healthcare? Are you insane?????
Let me tell you, Grady Hospital here in Atlanta is run by the govt.
It is a trauma center too. They SUCK!!!!!!!!! Come on down and I will be happy to give you a tour.

My son was taken there after his accident and I got him the hell out of there as soon as I could!

Why dont you ask ther Canadians what they think of govt healthcare? Why do they come HERE to get treatment? Mikey Moore let that part out of his "documentary".
Sedan: You were watching Clint Eastwood. Dirty Harry was on the other channel LOL. She wont have to take a backseat to the other guy at all. Pitbull with lipstick. I like it. I believe she can stand up to anything the media can try and corner her with meaning she wont be hiding anything. You don't have to think about your answer as long when your telling the truth. Watch Obama.
I heard on the radio this mornig, her come backs to ding dongs stupid quotes about her.

Bad Obama for opening his mouth and saying what he said.

Good for her! I do not find her hot, but attractive for sure.
(M.I.L.F. ? )
Once again where to begin.

1. So you think raising taxes is the way to improve our economy? Who spends your money better? You or the govt?

2. 9/11 was PLANNED under whose watch? Hint: He likes to insert cigars in interns while NOT watching over our country.
Lets also not forget the FIRST attack under WHOSE watch!

3. I am interested in your position on Iraq? Please tell me how YOU would handle a nut who threatens to kill you and does a good job of killing his own people with regularity? And who could care less about the "United Nations" and their orders.
BTW, read my sig. I know a thing or two from a "boots on the ground" SOLDIER, not CNN.

4. Our "friends" in Central and South America?? WHAT????? Exactly who are these "friends"? The meaning of friend is someone who sticks with you. I cant think of one person in Central or South America who truly supports the US. I could be wrong. Who is it?

5. Lieberman is a "turncoat" because he doesnt tow the party line. Is that what you are saying? Maybe we need a few people who stand up for what THEY believe and not what the polls show they should believe to win.

6. So you want the terrorists to have the advantage. Do you even have a clue as to what it takes to get a warrant for a wiretap. The terrorists do. And they know they can beat a system that handicaps law enforcement. I dont want to govt running roughshod over our rights either but these times call for things outside the norm. As long as it is being used to go after real terrorists and not granny down the street. I say go for it.

I think we have given the idiots who want to kill us enough of an advantage. I mean we capture them and treat them like royalty. Then we are told we are torturing them!

Panties on your head is not torture. Watch the video of Nick Bergs head being cut off. That is freaking torture! Where were you libs demanding his "rights" be enforced? Too busy drinking espressos at Starbucks and telling each other how smart you are?

7. The Palestinians plight? Do you mean the same Palestinians who support terror and would cut YOUR throat if given the chance?

8. You want the government in charge of healthcare? Are you insane?????
Let me tell you, Grady Hospital here in Atlanta is run by the govt.
It is a trauma center too. They SUCK!!!!!!!!! Come on down and I will be happy to give you a tour.

My son was taken there after his accident and I got him the hell out of there as soon as I could!

Why dont you ask ther Canadians what they think of govt healthcare? Why do they come HERE to get treatment? Mikey Moore let that part out of his "documentary".

Thank you, Frank, for posting this. Too often these kinds of diatribes are not properly responded to by someone with factual data. Ditto, and then ditto some more.
I will be brief.....
I never could figure out how the raising gas prices can be linked to the President. It is a world market with a limited supply (you can only process so much at a time) and China's oil needs are growing by leaps and bounds. So how is that GB's fault?? .........Maybe we should blame that on (Don't Drill Of My Coast) Pelosi and the Democratic controlled Congress.

Who's next up for the soap box?
I have been following this and other threads about the election and never have posted but I have to on this one. I hate to be very frank but you have to be an IDIOT to think that the oil and gas problems in this country are because of GWB. The democratic congress is running the show and if you do not realize this you are lost in your simple mind. Nancy Pelosi showed her true colors when she turned out the lights during the session the congress was having on voting to repair the fuel and oil crunch. In case you do not know why it was so important for her to disrupt the voting and push it out for another 2-3 months, Nancy was off to a book signing on her new book she was releasing. Yep, she has all of her ducks in order and she has a line of democratic Morons folowing her lead and believing she and the leaders in the democratic party are going to save them from themselves. And as a side note just incase you want to know, NO I am not happy with Bush's record, but the man has his hands tied..... back to being a lurker......
Hmmm .... noticed since my post (#1) no Obama supporter has chimed in and my question's still not answered. Why will you be voting for him and based on what accomplishments ? Could you please answer this question without bashing the current administration (which we already know has their issues) or the Republican party (or using the word "change", which makes me wanna upchuck I'm hearing it so much ) ? I am not being sarcastic - I really want to know what makes a Barak Obama supporter tick based on the above. Educate me on the qualifications and qualities of this man .... convince me he should be my next President of these United States and director of my countries future direction (including Supreme Court appointments), as well as represent me on the world's stage. Thanks.