Whats the temp where you live?

As of 8:49 AM, it is -11f. Yay. I hate this weather!
Here in Idaho was in the negs last night and about 4*F right now.



It was -2 this morning when we went out to breakfast. I have a plan....I'm going to fill up the Dart and drive around town. That should make enough global warming to get it into the 0's


I dug postholes yesterday, how am I going to mix the concrete and set the poles in this weather!?!?!?!?!??!?!?!?!

-40C in Albian sands (about an hour north of Fort Mcmurray, Alberta) today.
-50C windchill.. and boy was it windy.

Better you than me Mike, is it any wonder why I quit my last employer when they were going to sent me back up there in January. Vaguely remember using the phrase "kiss my *** in the county square". Take care of yourself Mike and keep warm.

-10C here today but -30C sunday and then our friend mister chinook rolls into town.:cheers:
I have no idea what the actual numeric temperature is. I do know it's fecking COLD. The trunk of the Dart is frozen shut. The driver's door dome light switch is frozen "off". Let's hear it for synthetic 5w40 oil; the engine started immediately…once I went under the hood and pushed the throttle back towards closed; it had stayed open upon my stepping on the gas to close the choke, because the throttle cable was frozen. Oh yeah, and did I mention the heater doesn't work? Clogged core. Yeehaw! :roll:
sunny -n- 85, just like every day :)

sorry guys n gals, normally i'm not one to rub salt on an open wound, but tonights sunset was killer. -aloha

29 degrees here in Queens, New York

BTW: Beautiful Hawaii sunset you bastard.....
33 degrees here in Jonesboro Arkansas and rain on it's way :angry7:

Nice picture pauly v.100, You Turd :-D
-28C and an extreme windchill warning for -42C today. I've been outside in this for a week at a major railroad derailment and I'm sick of it!!!
Low 20's last night. We haven't had heat since the end of Oct, besides a couple of small space heaters. We're putting in an addition and had to take the heat and AC out to dig a basement, it has rained practically everyday since we dug the hole (15 inches in 4 weeks) and the block layers can't get in to lay the block! I can't put the unit back in till they finish! It suuuuucks!!! Calling for rain/sleet this weekend. We'll make it though, I keep thinking of all the folks who don't have heat, or food, or a place top stay and it really humbles me. If I don't get to tell you guys before it gets here I hope everyone has a great Christmas and a wonderful and safe New Year!!
------37 tonight in sunny Alberta, my snowmobile wont even start in this weather:angry7:. Don't even mention windchill! BTW guys and Gals, pauly v.100 offered free room and board to anyone who wants to visit him. Book now!