Helping people sucks sometimes.



Senior Member
Feb 14, 2009
Reaction score
Northern Utah
About 3 weeks ago there was a regular member here that was saying he has bought a part from 2 different fabo members and both parts were bad. I thought I would be a good guy and pm this member and let him know that I had the part that he needed from my running 74 duster and I assured to him that the part was good. After a few pm's I told him that I would ship him the part out of good faith and he could pay me what he thought was fair when he got it.

I shipped it to him 3 weeks ago with money from my own pocket. He received it two weeks ago. I pm'd him when he received the part and he told me that the part was in good condition and we settled on a price. I have since pm'd him my paypal address on a few occasions and about 3 days ago sent him a message saying that I need my money and now he won't return my messages.

I can understand that people get busy and don't check their email everyday, but this guy was logged on here this morning. I know I should have money in hand before I sell a part, but I felt good about this and thought I was helping someone out. What should I do?
Rumble I am hoping that he will read this and return my messages and let me know what's up. It's not the money it's the principal of the deal.
Sorry to here that Badart. Time to man up and pay who ever you are. It would be nice to know who this is so I know they don't pay and can avoid doing biz with them and don't get burnt.
That sucks.

My list of people I'll send parts to prior to receiving payment is VERY short. No good deed goes unpunished.
I've had several people send me parts after I told them I'd take them and before I had a chance to make payment and I've done the same without being burnt. I've ALWAYS paid and sometimes even include a little extra to offset paypal expenses. It's the right thing to do especially if you know a member is helping you out or is just getting a fraction of the worth compared to what it would cost off e-bay.
I'm sorry to hear of your problem, Badart, and agree that you should publish the offender's name if he's not forthcoming with payment. Crap like this makes it harder for every one who uses this site to get a deal.
I had a similar situation,trying to help a member out.Short story,he called the cops on me and reported me as a scammer,lost my e-mail name and 2 years worth of e-mails and pics of my daughter growing up(she,s young)Lesson learned.Here,s to you :thebirdm:!You know who you are!Rant over.Hope your guy mans up and pays for your generosity.
Well Badart, kudos to you for being such a great guy! On the other side, I don't know what it is with people these days, sorry to hear about him ignoring you!

WHOMEVER "YOU" are, just pay up man! Geesh, this stuff gets tiring all the time.
I received a PM and I think that we have worked something out. So I guess this worked. We will see. Thanks FABO.
I had a similar situation,trying to help a member out.Short story,he called the cops on me and reported me as a scammer,lost my e-mail name and 2 years worth of e-mails and pics of my daughter growing up(she,s young)Lesson learned.Here,s to you :thebirdm:!You know who you are!Rant over.Hope your guy mans up and pays for your generosity.

Time to name names of the scumb bags!!!!!!

I received a PM and I think that we have worked something out. So I guess this worked. We will see. Thanks FABO.

Good! I hope it all pans out for you.

I've given up on being a nice guy. Seiously, burned to many times to care anymore.
Time to name names of the scumb bags!!!!!!
422Valiant was banned back before Christmas time,we had made a deal before his banning.I dropped the price in 1/2 of the part(feeling cheery!)Biggest mistake I,ve made on the net.Glad he,s gone!:stop:

Good! I hope it all pans out for you.

I've given up on being a nice guy. Seiously, burned to many times to care anymore.
This was the one and only bad deal I,ve had here at FABO!:cheers:
I have got some good deals here on fabo and from a few people who had shipped items out to me before I paid for them....and I ALWAYS make sure I pay for what I bought.

its deals like that that make fabo a great site.

but there are still some people out there who take advantage of good people.

Hopefully none of us have to run into any kind of deals like that.

Glad he PM'ed you and decided to straighten things out!
Usually anything under $50.oo I will just ship it to a FABO member free of charge especially if I will never use it.

This way nobody can get pissed that they lost out if the part is not satisfactory and it gives FABO a good name.

I have done this for several members and have had several members do the same for me, so it's nice to return the favor in hopes that the next guy will "share the love".

I have not had one bad deal from a FABO member yet, but I try to deal with high post count guys if I can just because they have more skin in the game.
If I get a bad feeling I won't deal with them.
I never expect anyone to ship out anything before they get my payment, and I dont ship anything out until I receive payment. It's just better all the way around for all parties.

If someone needs something in a really big hurry, Paypal and Priority mail can have a part delivered anywhere in the country in 2 or 3 days. You cant really get it much faster than that.
I just bought a high end tranny from a member who is not on here very often, but I do see him on other sites from time to time. He shipped the tranny before we even had a firm shipping cost, so obviously I had not payed him yet. As soon as he told me the shipping costs, I paypal'd the money for the entire deal. I picked up the tranny this past weekend and all appears to be as stated. Won't know for sure until I get it installed, but this guy has quality stuff so I'm not worried. We had talked on the phone for a total of at least an hour before the deal was sealed. I think you can usually tell what kind of person you are dealing with by then. It was very trusting on his part, but also on mine as he could have shipped junk. He went to a lot of trouble to make sure it would survive the trip as well.

I have seen this much too often lately, good guys jumping in to help out a member and then getting a bad rub somehow. Thinking of a very recent thread where there were 2 parties, both at fault over a deal, and a 3rd member steps up to make it right on one side of the fence, sends him a replacement part free of charge, only to learn that the lucky receipient was not truthful in his account. He gets the benefit of someones good grace when he clearly did not deserve it!!

I'm with Badart that it's happening too often, but I still send out parts before I get paid and pay for the shipping in hopes that it furthers the good people here on FABO who really need it. Never had a deal go bad, but if I do, it won't cost me more than a part and a couple bucks, it's the bad guys on the other end who it's gonna cost the most, both in reputation and lost dealings!!!
I had a item for sale listed here, then on ebay. A member told me he wanted it so I took it off ebay, paid there fee, and waited on a money order. Obviously I didn't get it, or I wouldn't be saying this. I've PM'd him to see if he still wants it, or if he doesn't just let me know, but no response. He has logged on many times since I PM'd him.
Why can't people just do what they say they are going to do?
I hate seeing posts like this, it's such a bummer that some people just can't man up and pay what's due or send a simple PM in regards to a part that was saved for them much less call the cops on a member. :disgust:

I usually stay out of this stuff as there is normally two sides to every argument, but this one time I will say I'm sick of rip-off losers who won't pay, respond or misrepresent parts. Man up or get out.
I have seen this much too often lately, good guys jumping in to help out a member and then getting a bad rub somehow. Thinking of a very recent thread where there were 2 parties, both at fault over a deal, and a 3rd member steps up to make it right on one side of the fence, sends him a replacement part free of charge, only to learn that the lucky receipient was not truthful in his account. He gets the benefit of someones good grace when he clearly did not deserve it!!

I'm with Badart that it's happening too often, but I still send out parts before I get paid and pay for the shipping in hopes that it furthers the good people here on FABO who really need it. Never had a deal go bad, but if I do, it won't cost me more than a part and a couple bucks, it's the bad guys on the other end who it's gonna cost the most, both in reputation and lost dealings!!!

I think I know the thread you are talking about and that was very stand up of him to do....he didnt have to do bad the guy that got it was not deserving of it....if I recall correctly,he is currently not a fabo member anymore either!
well if everyone is tired of seeing al lthe bad deals and wants a pick me up....swing over and check out some of the good guy alerts I have been posting on fellow members who have sold me parts I needed for my duster!
DusterDude72, I just noticed that you're from Michigan. Where in Michigan are you, and why haven't we met??? In regards to your post, I still think there are way more good deals happening here than bad ones, probably 100 to 1, but one bad one is 1 too many. I love to see our members helping each other out, and I'm glad to hear that so many have come through for you, that's what makes this site so great!!! FABO is still the best site on the web, and no amount of "bad apples is gonna spoil this whole bunch"!!! Now on with the show!!! Geof
DusterDude72, I just noticed that you're from Michigan. Where in Michigan are you, and why haven't we met??? In regards to your post, I still think there are way more good deals happening here than bad ones, probably 100 to 1, but one bad one is 1 too many. I love to see our members helping each other out, and I'm glad to hear that so many have come through for you, that's what makes this site so great!!! FABO is still the best site on the web, and no amount of "bad apples is gonna spoil this whole bunch"!!! Now on with the show!!! Geof

Same here...1 bad is 1 too many.....but they dont go un noticed and if they screw up, all of fabo knows about it.

Im in Jackson where are you from?

I have talked with you a few times now and I knew you were in michigan but not the exact where abouts
Back a few years ago I traded something with a member and never received my part. It's been so long that I can't even remember what it was. I never even got a thanks. I know who the person is when I see them but can't even remember who it is off the top of my head because I don't let it bother me. Lesson learned though and I have only offered one part free since then, and I still have it LOL!
Overall the members here have been great and I really don't even call the above example a bad one since it wasn't like we were dealing high stakes.
I guess I've been lucky, never gotten burned. If it's a small transaction I would rather have the good feeling of trusting my fellow man to do the right thing. If it's a bigger transaction, business is business. Also some people aren't deliberately crooked just flakey.
Would it be possible to generate a list of the problem people somewhere in one of the forums? Or would we be infringing on someone's rights.If they knew they were going to be listed they may think twice before pulling any stunts like the ones mentioned.Just a thought.8)