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  1. franktiregod

    buying/paying for an out of state car purchase

    This is all good info. I am looking at a car 10 hours away and I really didnt want to drive that far but it seems I might need to if I want the car.
  2. franktiregod


    I was talking about a flat I had on my bike on another site today. Someone had a thread asking about the worst ride you ever had. FLATS SUCK!! But being in the tire business, it is a double edged sword for me. LOL Now for my worst ride. It was the best of rides, it was the worst of rides. It...
  3. franktiregod

    so what did u buy yourself for christmas

    Brake pads for my motorcycle. And I used a gift card to get a wallet, pry tools, flashlight, and a knife. Nothing interesting enough to post pics. LOL
  4. franktiregod

    What are you listening to ?

    Or you could try what I do when my wife and I fight. I just look at her and say, "Ya know, instead of fighting we could be having sex." No, it never works but its funny. LOL
  5. franktiregod

    What are you listening to ?

    Little River Band-Cool Change Cool Change - Little River Band (lyrics) - YouTube
  6. franktiregod

    Songs that make you wanna cruise !!!

    Scorpions-Rock you like a hurricane or No one like you.
  7. franktiregod


    My grandson LOVES them. He goes onto to play games and he is obsessed with Legos. I said to him, "You are hooked on those Lego's arent you?" He put his hands on the side of his head and said, "I just cant get them out of my mind!" We fell over laughing.
  8. franktiregod

    The parts man's prayer

    I work part time for Advance Auto Parts myself.
  9. franktiregod

    The parts man's prayer

    The old parts store I bought parts at when I was a teenager had this posted on their counter. I love it! The Parts Man Prayer I work behind the counter In an autoparts store Sometimes I'm called a genius Sometimes I'm called much more. I say I'm no mechanic But...
  10. franktiregod

    Today's finds

    Yep. I wish I had mine yesterday. There was a HUGE mailbox mounted about 10 feet off the ground in Douglasville, Georgia. Why? I have no idea. How huge? About as big as a smart car. LOL
  11. franktiregod

    Today's finds

    When I am on the bike, I always take the camera because I take so many back roads. I usually dont have it in the car. Today I just wanted to get out of the house for a little while and I took the camera to snap some pics while I was out. Funny thing is I was planning to take pics at the local...
  12. franktiregod

    Help please need wine corks

    Sure wish you would have caught me a couple of weeks ago. I had a few. I dont normally drink but my wife got me hooked on Barefoot Red Mascota. Its cheap, its sweet, and its GOOD. Good luck on your corks. If this is going to be an ongoing thing, let me know and I will start saving them.
  13. franktiregod

    Today's finds

    That white Barracuda and Cougar are in really nice shape. I dont know how but they are. I know that Cuda has been sitting there for at least 5 years. I dont know if he starts it occasionally or what. It doesnt have a tag but he does keep the tires up. Im sure the city would be on him if he...
  14. franktiregod

    Today's finds

    Since my bike is down, I took the Valiant our for a drive. Here is a picture of it at Swan Lake. As I rode around Swan Lake I took a picture of this Harley. They just let it sit. there. No cover or anything. Of course, half the vinyl siding is missing from their house too so...
  15. franktiregod

    Parts buying frustration

    ...fees, the forms, and the other hassle. So if I am selling a part, I can sell it here and drop it off with no problem. Or I can send it to Canada, *hope* I filled out the right forms in the right order, *hope* I charged enough for shipping to cover those fees, and *hope* the guy will say he...
  16. franktiregod

    Bashing Walmart Again

    Everybody hates Wal-mart but I cant seem to find a good parking space there. Go figure.
  17. franktiregod

    Favorite christmas Movies ?

    Bad Santa!! Love it!!! Dont watch it is you are easily offended.
  18. franktiregod

    Just Got Back From the Police Station.

    And if you think it is bad in a car, ride a motorcycle. Like a newborn baby.....
  19. franktiregod

    Just Got Back From the Police Station.

    NEVER get out of the car-EVER!! If you get out to fight and he pulls a gun and kills you, not only are you dead but his lawyer may get him off because you left the vehicle to confront him and "he felt his life was in danger." Not to mention your wife was sitting there and he could have harmed...
  20. franktiregod

    Will my husben ever grow up..

    Yeah my wife has a big kid too. I love Halloween!
  21. franktiregod

    1954 Pocket Watch

    I like them all. New, old, doesnt matter. I cant even walk by the clock section at Wa-Mart without stopping. LOL My house would be full if it didnt cause a divorce. My grandsons favorite is a 2 bell alarm clock I got at Wal-Mart for 8 bucks. I promised to buy him one for Christmas. His...
  22. franktiregod

    1954 Pocket Watch

    I love the pocket watch pictures!! I carry them myself. My wife will tell you if it is a watch, clock, or radio I have a hard time not draggin it home. My favorite pocket watch is one I bought at Wal-Mart of all places. I was in there when I was going through a divorce and I saw this...
  23. franktiregod

    What was your worst restaurant experience?

    LOL I have a Red Lobster story too. My ex father in law took my daughter to Red Lobster one Sunday after church. As they were eating, he saw something move in his salad. It was a GRASSHOPPER!! LOL He covered it with a bowl and called the manager over. The manager said that he wouldnt...
  24. franktiregod

    What was your worst restaurant experience?

    In 2004 when my son graduated boot camp at Ft Knox, we went up for the weekend and met him on base. We went to a little pizza place there and as we were eating, I see something move on the floor under the booth across from us. It was a MOUSE eating away on a piece of bread. LOL I pointed it...
  25. franktiregod

    music night, enjoy

    OK it took me a while because my stupid computer kept freezing up but I think I got them down to one on each post.
  26. franktiregod

    music night, enjoy

    So sorry Plum. Didnt see your ONE song request before I posted. Guess I blew that. Sorry again.
  27. franktiregod

    music night, enjoy

    Genesis-Home by the sea (I love this song) Genesis - Home by the Sea - YouTube
  28. franktiregod

    music night, enjoy

    Sweet-Love is like Oygen The Sweet - Love is like Oxygen - YouTube
  29. franktiregod

    music night, enjoy

    Bob Seger- Roll me away Bob Seger - Roll Me Away From the album "The Distance" 1982 - YouTube
  30. franktiregod

    Should I start a Jeep Forum?

    I have wanted a Jeep for years. One day I will buy one. But after I got my 1988 Ram, I said to my wife, "Guess I wont be getting a Jeep anytime soon". My friend bought me an orange sweatshirt that says Jeep on it for Christmas one year. He said that's as close to a Jeep as I'm ever gonna get...