1965 Dodge Dart Charger

Yeah, I know but I will cut out the better steel from the old doors to the new ones. My bodyman will do the work!

Today I started the assembly work on the front brakes. What an evening! I put on some NOS stuff and restored parts. I all of a sudden found out that the pin that the spring is mounted too is longer than the repro ones. Any NOS ones out there?? But it feels nice to start the assembly.



I found a absolutely rust free door from a 1966 Cuda. Or actuallt I found both doors!

I stripped it down and it was superb. I just need to get rid of the upper holw for the moulding a make new ones.

I brought the hood and the NOS truck lid down from the second floor of the barn.The glass beader man will get here next week. Or at least he sad so...! He's been wrong before!

Then I hopefully can start to get the cat back in primer.

those pins as you call them look like they are from a 11 inch brake and yours should be a 10 inch,,
I checked with the partsbook and accordning to the book the pin is the same for 10" and 11" brakes!
ok that may be possible,, if you put the 2 side by side is one of them longer??? over here some auto parts stores have what they call the help section,,,all kinds of weird items,,im sure one of those could be found there,, if you can get me the measurement of what you need,, ide be more then glad to go look and see,,,,granted it wont come from a mopar box with an nos part number,,,but they probably were made in the same place,,,,

let me know if i can help you out,,,
Hi! I checked all of themand it seems tobe three different lenght on them. I wlil measure them and get back to you.

But why three different lenght?
fastfish66 I checked all of them and actually found another one!!

Here is the lenght of them;

I know that in 65 there is two different partnumbers;

Front axle 10" x 2 1/2" brakes #2260 548
Rear axle 10" x 2 1/2" brakes #2405 720

So is thereanyone having NOS ones I would gladly buy them. I don't have a clue how long they should be. Any help is appriciated.

Today I started with the distributor. It looked pretty ok from the beginning but a lot of the screws is screwedup. They need to be replaced. I pull it apart and know the body is free from paint and the bushings has been changed so now there it's a tight fit on the axle.

Does anyone know what the wire attached to the breaker plate hooks up to?





Yeah, thatwould be great. But where to find them? I bought a kit on Ebay but that was wrong! Kinda fit all car kit!

A "pin deal" is high up on the list so I can attach the brake shoes.
Today I got some paint on the distributor body! Boy it look great. The breaker plate is almost done. Looking for the right screws and points.

I made a new lead from the coil to the distributor. Or I restored two to one unit. I have searched this thing for over 15 years but no luck!! Working on the ground cabel on the inside of the distributor. Will get some lead tomorrow!
you are going to have to get a measurement on the set that works if you have a set ??? and go from there,,,or figure out some how the size you need and let me go look at a local parts store to see,,,

what is the drum and shoe size ??are you sure you have to correct wheel cylinder and other internals??
Thr cylinders andinternals are correct NOS right out of the box. The brake shoes are also out of the box. Actually I just bought a set #2534853 yesterday so now I have a complete set for the front.

I'll see if I can get a correct measurement for you. I have one car that is untouched.
Here is picture of last nights work. This is how it look with the breaker plate in and the wires in place. Just need some small stuff to get it ready. I found the two clips that hold the cap in a box, NOS!! Must have been years ago since I bought them! This distributor has taken me 12 hours to get almost done!!

Pictures showing the end of an factory condensor and how it looks when it's almost assembled.



Glass blastedsome 60 bolts today. Tomorrow the door will have some new sheet metal cutout and then the rest will be junk.

The camshaft guy was on vacation, jee, I want the shaft now so I can assemble the engine and paint it!

Does anyone have NOS freezer plugs? I need 5 of them.
Today I glass beaded the NOS lower control arm. Wow! Even had time to do the timing chase cover. And the K frame! Can hardly wait until the paint arrives.

After serching for evidence how Chrysler painted the engine I opened an untouched 273 from February 1964 converted to HiPo by Chrysler in autuum of 1964! See tag!

When they painted the HiPo 273s they just didn't have the covers in place!!! See all the paint between the springs! Couldn't belive it!

The steel gasket wasfull of paint on both sides. Chrysler must have painted the whole engine incl exhaust manifolds and gasket red. I haven't seen any red exhaust manifolds but I guess that the paint disapear pretty fast.





Yep! they painted the whole thing. You'll find red paint everywhere. Look at the photo of the dual point from my motor. It looks like they put a cup over the top to keep the paint out of the inside. The guy wasn't too careful either. The cup was crooked as the paint line shows. I too found paint on the exhaust heat shield. The manifolds were painted but the paint burned off quickly. toolmanmike

engine 168.jpg
Here you can see how mine looked?Mine is assembled in LA. Where is your car produced? They might have different way of painting the engine.


Moparbilder 128.jpg
Mine was built in Hamtramck, Michigan. The tag you have is interesting. Is it possible that the original engine in your car was damaged and replaced under warranty with a factory rebuild? I had paint on the distributor cap clamps, the part number tag, and the wiring like yours. My vacuum advance diaphram had most of the paint worn off but there was still a bit of paint on it too. toolman
That engine was from a 1965 Barracuda Formula S built in December 1964. The interesting is that it had one owner since day one. He got rear ended and the car was parked. I bought the engine before they cruched the car. Now when I looked up the engine I was confused that this tag was there. The block is cast in February and the car was built in December!

What I know of Chrysler didn't built any Charger/Commande engines before late July! Can it be a pre-production built engine?

No clue at all on this one! But I have never seen that tag on a 273. That's for sure.
Today I cleaned up the power steering unit. Seems that it was all black from the beginning. The steering pump was also black incl the cap.

The date codes seems to be ok. November 25 1964. Car is built January 27 1965 so that would be correct. I wish the paint would arrive soon. Tonight I'mgonna put all the front suspension stuff togehter. Cant be to far away to put it together.
