73' B3 340 Duster pro touring build

stance looks perfect to me ..... bit I'm blind in one eye and color blind in the other!
......click on the block that say "thread tools".......its that simple
..........That doesn't work. When I selected "thread tools"........this is what I got.

Did you get that big saw-zaw with the giant metal cutting blade I sent you yet??
Did you get that big saw-zaw with the giant metal cutting blade I sent you yet??

The Damn blade broke already (must be from Harbor Freight) so I switched to the oxygen/acetylene torch (cuts like butter) but a little rough on clean up. :salut::salut::salut::salut::salut:
The Damn blade broke already (must be from Harbor Freight) so I switched to the oxygen/acetylene torch (cuts like butter) but a little rough on clean up. :salut::salut::salut::salut::salut:

I'm shocked that you don't own or have access to a plasma cutter..... :D
How is the hood coming along? Grab a Rum and coke then get to work! :)
How is the hood coming along? Grab a Rum and coke then get to work! :)

On hold due to the other Modifications currently in the works, you know the stuff you saw before I came to my sences and removed the pics..By the way did my 2 friends Agent "J" and Agent "K" come see you yet.
I was wearing my Oakleys when they tried, so the flasher didn't work on me. They should be on their way back to see you though. Its scrambled them a bit, I told them their boss was pissed that they weren't working on the Duster.
How is the hood coming along? Grab a Rum and coke then get to work! :)

There in lies the problem, When you have Rum and Coke and the car is in close proximity I keep finding things to change or modify ...it's like having beer goggles at 2:30 am, something might seem like a good idea at the time but you usually rethink your decision the next day.
There in lies the problem, When you have Rum and Coke and the car is in close proximity I keep finding things to change or modify ...it's like having beer goggles at 2:30 am, something might seem like a good idea at the time but you usually rethink your decision the next day.

...Been there, done that
I could deal with the girl on the glass,but the girl in the back has too much ***.
Would ya call that Back Spacing?:coffee2:
Now that is funny.

It has been a while since I had that view. Stopped drinking a while ago, not because of bringing home the wrong size woman, but because I got tired of drinking.

Funny just the same.

Opps I mean that is wrong you should be ashamed of putting that post up.

ok Wife is gone now

Still funny
Head hung in shame. They say sometimes you have to take one for them, but she is a team all by herself.

76 where did ya go? Man the suspense is killing me. Hope all is well.

Oh yeah, Go Team!!!!!:coffee2:
he's probably busy weldin' and cuttin' and fabricatin'....that boy never stops!