A Big Thank You



I was born on a Monday. Not last Monday.
FABO Gold Member
Jun 7, 2010
Reaction score
I'm not giving specific names here, because I know I would leave someone out. I want to thank each and every one of you who've contributed anything, whether it be parts, advice, jokes and even insults lol. Without all of your input, my project would likely not exist. I've had people send me parts for free, absolutely refusing payment, even for shipping. Give me free advice that we all know takes time out of someone's day. I cannot thank all of you enough. The last few years have been pretty hard on Kitty and I. More so Kitty than me. She's had four heart attacks and a stroke in the past few years. She's just had surgery on her left leg Thursday for vein trouble and goes in next Thursday for the right leg...or "laig" as she says. lol But without all of yalls help, we wouldn't be working on the Valiant on and off like we are. I do thank you all.
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Couldnt happen to a more deserving guy. 62k posts! are you kidding. Thanks for all you do.
:D and thank you as well. I want to see a 400 powered Valiant. keep at it. :thumbsup:
Frankly, I'm a bit disgusted you didn't convert it to front wheel drive LOLOL
My thoughts and prayers are with u and Kitty. Ever since the cats knocked his crystal ball off the table and broke it he is not the same guy. Hey Rob, we all love u!!! Kim
Don't go getting all nice and sappy on us now. I might cry myself. Op it's over, shewww, glad that passed. But in all seriousness. Best wished to you and Kitty. You bring a good chuckle to my day sometimes and I truly enjoy it.
Anytime you want to be insulted, let me know.
I can do it without insulting you. lol you know that :D
Dang it Rusty, you’re one of the coolest guys on this forum. I enjoy your posts and don’t know what else would fill my empty head if you hadn’t dished out all you know on us!! Prayers for you and Kitty!!
I've had the pleasure of you helping me on many occasions, calling me out for being an idiot when I was being an idiot and when I wasn't.
I greatly appreciate the help, count on the kick in the rear when I'm stupid, and value the questioning when I'm on the right path.

Wait, did you just thank us to trick us into saying nice things about you?
so which way is everyone leaning. account's been hacked or this is some type of SOS?

it's tough to keep a good attitude, and help others when there's important stuff going on at home, but you manage. and it's appreciated....any good that comes back your way is well deserved
You and Kitty are good people. You deserve all the small bits of goodness you receive for the all the big bits of goodness you give. You are both in my thoughts and heart always.
Thanks for the words of encouragement......and other things. lol It's weird. Kitty's never been interested in car stuff at all before. Something about this Valiant has gotten her interest up. She likes it somehow. She goes out to the shop to help now almost every time......unless she's not feeling well. She's excited about how the interior is turning out. She's had a big hand in it, too. Gonna have more. Wait till yall see what we're gonna do for door panels. lol
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I'm enjoying the project!!!!! GET TO IT!!!!!! :D Hang in there....
I enjoy reading your posts, and learning from you. I also really appreciate that you are a straight shooter and don't have patience for bullshit. Prayers for Kitty and yourself, keep up the good work!
Well ok it didnt post every thing I wanted I will get the hang of this phone any way.......hope kitty gets to feeling better brother.
Many years on many forums, i have never seen so many kind and generous people. Including you,Rob.
I find myself at home here in fabo, and wouldnt change a thing!
I have learned so much, laughed a lot and enjoy entertaing others through my mistakes and mishaps.
I appreciate Fabo and all its members!
Please....keeping be you man....best wishes for Kitty....and for goodness sake don't stop helping us.
Kitty will be in my prayers Rob. Glad to read your posts over the years.