A-Bodies...Big Motors / New Hemi Duster - FINAL ASSEMBLY

You would have enjoyed it for sure. Last night we hit a show in Wexford. About 30 minutes from the bar. Mopars were the feature car for the night and wow, there were lots of them. Sara's black Savoy won something. That car is outstanding. I saw my old Hemi Duster...... offered to buy it back! I couldnt stand seeing it with "look but don't touch" sticker on it.

It was 'my' Savoy for the night (I did let Sara drive it to the winner's circle). I knew I had the nicest Mopar at the event :) . I love that car.
still catching up on the "list" of things I negleted for the month I spent getting the

Duster ready for the Nats...however I still manage to find time for a small amount of tweeking

made mock-up for last A/C line....should have been back on the road this past weekend...but devoted 100% of time to house construction issue....as in ready

for drywall but fired the HVAC sub-contractor before he finished rough-in...oooppsy.....hey I'm gonna give Jim a call....

PS...by the way...the Duster drove great from the get-go.....throttle seemed sluggish...perhaps too rich....but the tweeking will snappen that up...not mission impossible...the rest is pretty much just completing the what-not and doo-dads ...adding my tach/getting used to the gear vendor/finishing A/C line/finishing the arm rest mod/...ect....nothing exciting or big to figure out
now back to the Hemi Cuda/auto and a 383/4 speed Swinger builds....
Weeb borrowed Denny's truck and over the last 2 days trailered both
of his '68 Dart builders home from different places. Now he has 5 Mopars
at his house!
tomarrow is Sat...coffee is at 8am... Bob Evans/Tiffin Ave....bring your coffee getters boys...Weeb and I will be their w/ ours.
Tomorrow is Sat...coffee is at 8am... Bob Evans/Tiffin Ave....bring your coffee getters
boys...Weeb and I will be their w/ours.

He cleaned the stickers off of those rear tires after breakfast.


thanks Rapid....haven't heard from you for a while....I don't owe you any money..do I?
just got my new Car Craft Magazine...with the spread on their Demon build....wish they paid attention to this site (for A-Bodies Only)...maybe they could learn a few NEW things....
unfortuneately its rainey this Sunday morning....coffee at Bobs is cancelled....

my wife wanted to go along...she is always squalkin' about my driving to which I always calmly respond......."Relax..I'm a professional"...then I get.."the look"...you know the one .....

can't wait to REALLY give her something to "squalk" about.....and a whole NEW look.......just sayin'

hey it's a holiday weekend....there's always tomorrow......
I know this will get a few noses open....but whats with all the "theme" stuff?......are ya' watchin "Glee" again?.....it's a friggin hot rod......turn off the "Glee".... and get back to work...in the shop!

from upper management

(man...that second cup of coffee really gets me going)
'Bout time you changed that Avitar pic,speaking of....I should change mine. Car looks great, on a side note I got the fuel door installed (don't know if you saw the pics on my build site yet) and dad walks over to check it out and says "looks likes Dennys." :banghead::banghead::banghead::banghead:

as they say....thats a tuffy......or a "nut buster"......

you bet I checked it out...looks good too...normally I like to comment, but you was gettin enough fluff from the others.....I'll save mine for when you REALLY need to pick-me-up
as they say....thats a tuffy.......

you bet I checked it out...looks good too...normally I like to comment, but you was gettin enough fluff from the others.....I'll save mine for when you REALLY need to pick-me-up
Well since it looks just like yours I wouldn't comment either.
more cars?...yeh...youre only...what?...a couple hundred miles away