A Weird Weiand (sb)



I have escaped the EVIL Empire State!
FABO Gold Member
Jun 21, 2005
Reaction score
This came to me brand new, on a never fired rebuilt engine.
Can you see what’s odd about it?




That is odd. It had to "miss" something, didn't it?
No reason for the carb base to be machined out unless they wanted to use a T Quad, got halfway done, and bailed out..
Again, this is a BRAND NEW NEVER RUN intake.
No home or after manufacture machining was done.
Demo intake off the wall of Supershops showing the carb mount options of the new Stealth intake. :wtf: (probably not...)

That intake was the **** before the airgap.

Never run? Just mounted forever with water corrosion..left out in the rain?
:elmer:That appears "as cast" & the runners are mismatched, sumbuddy mixed-up core patterns, & actually proceeded to cast it!!
:elmer:That appears "as cast" & the runners are mismatched, sumbuddy mixed-up core patterns, & actually proceeded to cast it!!
Now that would be improbable as the cores are one piece (interior runners and exterior sand mold) but it would be possible purpose built out of 2 halves of both cores. Like a Stealth and an Action plus mash up.
No reason for the carb base to be machined out unless they wanted to use a T Quad, got halfway done, and bailed out..
That's a factory mistake. Look at the bare casting just under the secondary bulge. lol
Now that would be improbable as the cores are one piece (interior runners and exterior sand mold) but it would be possible purpose built out of 2 halves of both cores. Like a Stealth and an Action plus mash up.
It depends on how the patterns are constructed, and there's no way a dual-plane can have a one-piece core, there would have to be a minimum of (5) primary core "sections". (6) if it has an exhaust crossover. The patterns could easily be sectioned, that would allow for this.
3 barrel....They would be fore and aft, not side to side.
It depends on how the patterns are constructed, and there's no way a dual-plane can have a one-piece core, there would have to be a minimum of (5) primary core "sections". (6) if it has an exhaust crossover. The patterns could easily be sectioned, that would allow for this.
your right I was thinking the dual plane cores were attached somehow but that would not make them a dual plane unless the divider was cast in. 3 sand plenum cores for this intake: notice how they are layered in their design. I guess it would have to be like this to put them into the cope one on top of another.
From the pics, looks like the entire left side of the intake is machined incorrectly.
It’s the rare Weiand Stealth Action -
duh huh:realcrazy:
I just BET if you called Holley and told them about it and sent pictures, they'd send you a new one.
Never realized the difference on the primary side of the Action plus vs the Performer. Real one's...

Nice way to compromise between port volume and velocity.
Plus, now it truly is universal- same port mismatch on a 318 as a 340.
You got another intake? I'll be danged if I wouldn't clean that up and make it a wall hanger. LOL
It’s a useable unit. I’ll put it up for sale in a minute, nice and cheap. I have no need for this or the other one I’ll put up for sale. A beat up LD-340.
As of right now, as far as a dual plane goes. I’ll only use the stock cast iron intake or a RPM or 6 pack. I have another Weiand on my 340 right now keeping the water out of the engine.