Actor and car enthusiast, Huntington Beach local Deis in car crash today

Rent, hell, I'm sure they could have built a private one to their liking. That is exactly what is dumb about this, especially if it's true the driver was a race driver. Either way, sad and tragic. The F&F movies were pretty dumbass, but I will admit I liked them anyway, just for pure stupid entertainment value. No stupider than most other movies made, and they involved fast cars and hot women, what more could I really want? I'll miss seeing him future movies (any) and very sad for his daughter.
Here is footage of the crashed Carrera GT caught on film by a bystander.

If you look closely at the video you can definitely see some serious burned rubber and doughnut marks as though the "fun" got out of hand...
I lost a couple close friends quite a long time ago in a similar situation- it opened my eyes fast and is the main reason you wont see me screwin around on public streets.

I cant tell you how many times I have had to just laugh at a ricer who pulls up besides me and revs up his glasspacks.

Found this closeup of the interior on another site:


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I won't go near street racing anymore. Learned. Thankfully, not the hard way.

The problem that I've got with it is that road conditions change, even if you're a good driver and you know the territory, one day it could be awesome and later that day, there could be a patch of shattered tempered glass on the ground or trash. When you hit it at 60+ it's hard to correct.

Too many things to hit on the side of the road. Parked cars crush and move. Trees kill. Even if you're not thinking about others.

With that lesson in mind, it's a total drag that he died. While I'm not current on all of the movies, thought parts of them were cheesy, I did quite enjoy the first one.

While it's not justified that his friend was driving harsh, it seems like his personal life was something that we're all familiar with on our own level, being gearheads and all. It's a loss whenever a good person like him goes. Charity events, low key and hotrods. For a hollywood actor, or anyone, that's not a bad rap sheet.

I was sorry to hear this, last night.

I liked the FF movies for entertainment value. Although a fiery car crash is a romantic way to go out, he's gone too soon.

Unfortunately this reminds me of a saying that applies to us all:

Screw around, screw around; pretty soon you won't be around.

R.I.P. dude. :salute:
Looks like a couple of threads on this.
Don't hold back, tell us what you really think.:D

Would not know the guy if I bumped into him, even in a car.
Have not seen the faux cars in the faux movie.
But I do know that three burgundy “Road Runners” were spotted on set and heard that there is supposed to be a “Super Bird” in 7.
So maybe they were going to clone clones to make that car.
They say only the good die young. I don't know about that.
From what I’ve read, he was one of the better Hollywood types.
Not saying much.
The hot shot racecar driver took one with him then.
What is of interest to me are things like:
Sure looks like a small tree.
Car must be sort of flimsy.
Where is the gas tank on these beast?
Air bags? Speed?

(Famous last words)


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While it's tragic, this should be used as an example of what not to do on the street with a car to every young person who follows that suck balls movie series. These guys were rich enough to rent an entire race track, yet they chose to drive at high speed on public streets endangering everyone around them. They both got what was coming to them. They did it to themselves. I am glad they didn't do it to anyone else.

I'm glad you said this instead of me. We have had huge fights over ripping around on the street, in several threads.

This, right here, is the reality. Doesn't matter how good of a driver you think you are, you can die or kill someone else.

Now the argument can be made that you can be hit and killed, doing 35 while going to the grocery store. That is very true.

But, speed and carelessness raises the odds significantly.

People on here have bragged about how their kids laugh when "Dad" is getting on it. I bet those two were laughing and all smiles too..... Right up to the point where they were both, nothing but, burning bodies.
Sounds like he was a good dude and a philanthropist to boot.
Condolences to his family and friends.

Hope all you do dogooders and critics never have
anything bad happen in your lives or the lives of
your children, wives or friends do to a bad or faulty decision.
I'd sure hate to see someone reading over their obit and
calling them and you a dumbass.
x2. We ALL do stupid ****... mistakes/accidents do happen. Yea- some of them could be avoided if we would use our half of our brains... but unfortunately, sometimes testosterone does occ take over.
As 1969FormulaS340 said, “This, right here, is the reality. Doesn't matter how good of a driver you think you are, you can die or kill someone else.”

That being said- I have a buddy who lives in SDiego who has surfed with his guy and said he was top shelf. Far from the Hollywood star type- he rubbed elbows with everyone and would never throw his fame in anyones face.
Besides being an avid car enthusiast, he did alot of charity work all over the world including helping out after earthquakes in Chile and Haiti, and was said to have just left another fundraiser for the recent Typhoon in the Philippines just prior to the accident.

40yrs old is just too young to die… prayers and condolences to his friends and family.
Hope all you do dogooders and critics never have
anything bad happen in your lives or the lives of
your children, wives or friends do to a bad or faulty decision.
I'd sure hate to see someone reading over their obit and
calling them and you a dumbass.

Yep.....doubt there is anyone on here who has not matted the loud pedal on a public street....or has gone 51mph in a 50 in Washington that will get you a ticket. To anyone that says they have never matted the loud pedal etc......I have something to say to you.....

It sucks, but it's not about justification or condemnation.

The best thing that can be learned from his place in the world was to respect others. It seems like that's what he was all about.

IMO, just one more reason to think about it and do the right thing, when it comes to driving, for people like him in the world, to continue on.
Yep.....doubt there is anyone on here who has not matted the loud pedal on a public street....or has gone 51mph in a 50 in Washington that will get you a ticket. To anyone that says they have never matted the loud pedal etc......I have something to say to you.....

we all put our foot to the floor but we don't leave it there until **** like this happens if so there would be none of us here
we all put our foot to the floor but we don't leave it there until **** like this happens if so there would be none of us here

Apparently you did not understand my comment....what was meant by it is that there is certain folks on here who attempt to come across, in my opinion, like they have never pushed there luck a bit on the street. They preach to folks who there behavior is so risky blah blah yet they are just as guilty as the next guy when it comes to pushing things.....maybe not at this point in there life but at one point or another they have. I will be the first ot admit that when I lived in NJ I was out there playing in the snow. Trash day was always fun...would pitch the *** end of my old LeMans out and just things up. Have ran from the law more times than I care to admit to....been over 180 on a public highway. Was it risky? Yep.....Was it less than smart? Yep.....but at least I am honest about it. I don't get on a car site and preach to other how foolish these actions are.....understand a bit better now? :banghead::banghead::banghead:
Having almost lost my daughter in a wreck only days earlier this week, this is indeed another sobering thought. You never know what can happen when you drive. Every time you get into a vehicle, remember that you are taking your life and the lives of others into account. Wear a seat belt and drive the posted speed limit if road conditions allow. Even with this in mind,you can lose your life or the life of a loved one at any minute. If you have young children who drive, please pass this message on to them. Either way this accident is tragic and was not necessary if care was followed in obeying the rules of the road.
guess he just ran out of talent ..

All it takes is a stray cat or dog to run out in front of them going 100Mph. Who knows WTF someone is going to do if that happened. Some people would try to avoid killing the animal in return crashing and killing themselves. Just one scenario I know there are many.
Apparently you did not understand my comment....what was meant by it is that there is certain folks on here who attempt to come across, in my opinion, like they have never pushed there luck a bit on the street. They preach to folks who there behavior is so risky blah blah yet they are just as guilty as the next guy when it comes to pushing things.....maybe not at this point in there life but at one point or another they have. I will be the first ot admit that when I lived in NJ I was out there playing in the snow. Trash day was always fun...would pitch the *** end of my old LeMans out and just things up. Have ran from the law more times than I care to admit to....been over 180 on a public highway. Was it risky? Yep.....Was it less than smart? Yep.....but at least I am honest about it. I don't get on a car site and preach to other how foolish these actions are.....understand a bit better now? :banghead::banghead::banghead:

well since you put it that way :lol: .
All it takes is a stray cat or dog to run out in front of them going 100Mph. Who knows WTF someone is going to do if that happened. Some people would try to avoid killing the animal in return crashing and killing themselves. Just one scenario I know there are many.

like i said. the driver ran out of talent.
Gotta love some of the comments. Like the more cash than sense one. Really? There's a price point on stupidity? I don't know about the rest of you, but by the time my license had cooled off the printing press I was pretty good at doing donuts and rockfords in empty parking or dirt lots. I was and am a broke *** white dude.

For those of you standing high in your pulpits condemning these poor souls on what you assume happened, you're what I always love about Christians. I didn't realize that turning the other cheek was just the first step to turning your back on your fellow man.
Gotta love some of the comments. Like the more cash than sense one. Really? There's a price point on stupidity? I don't know about the rest of you, but by the time my license had cooled off the printing press I was pretty good at doing donuts and rockfords in empty parking or dirt lots. I was and am a broke *** white dude.

Still doing stupid **** like that at 40 years old on public roads?
I do and will till the day I die.
Come on over and go for a ride if
your not afraid.