Altered Vin. How to figure the original VIn



Sep 9, 2016
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Ok I am new to this forum but I can't really seem to find the answer in my search. A long time ago when I was young and dumb I altered the VIN on a car that I owned. There was no theft involved , just a dumb lazy teenager that did not know the ramifications of what he was doing.

Here is how it came to pass. I was a the proud legitimate owner of a daily driver 67 Dodge Dart GT. I was 17 or so at the time and I was hit by another car. completely his fault. This was back in about 1991. The insurance company told me to get estimates to fix the car. It needed a new quarter panel but was drive able. I went to one body shop and they made mention they had a car just like that in the back. There was another 1967 Dodge Dart GT with no motor. Identical car except for this car was a different color and was factory air. i bought it fot 100 dollars and towed it home. Long story short. instead of cutting that dart up my VIN wound up on that car along with every other part I could unbolt from my other 67.

I now know this was the most idiotic thinges I could have done. I did not keep the new cars Vin and transferred my original Vin and data card over. What I wanthink to do now is figure out the correct Vin for the chassis and register it correctly. My original dart is long gone now and all I have is this 67 dart with altered VIN. i am not looking for advise on how to cheet. I did that already. I want to do it right. I know value is permanently ruined but I plan on keeping it and eventually putting it back together.

ok flame suit is on
Thanks ahead of time .
Ok I am new to this forum but I can't really seem to find the answer in my search. A long time ago when I was young and dumb I altered the VIN on a car that I owned. There was no theft involved , just a dumb lazy teenager that did not know the ramifications of what he was doing.

Here is how it came to pass. I was a the proud legitimate owner of a daily driver 67 Dodge Dart GT. I was 17 or so at the time and I was hit by another car. completely his fault. This was back in about 1991. The insurance company told me to get estimates to fix the car. It needed a new quarter panel but was drive able. I went to one body shop and they made mention they had a car just like that in the back. There was another 1967 Dodge Dart GT with no motor. Identical car except for this car was a different color and was factory air. i bought it fot 100 dollars and towed it home. Long story short. instead of cutting that dart up my VIN wound up on that car along with every other part I could unbolt from my other 67.

I now know this was the most idiotic thinges I could have done. I did not keep the new cars Vin and transferred my original Vin and data card over. What I wanthink to do now is figure out the correct Vin for the chassis and register it correctly. My original dart is long gone now and all I have is this 67 dart with altered VIN. i am not looking for advise on how to cheet. I did that already. I want to do it right. I know value is permanently ruined but I plan on keeping it and eventually putting it back together.

ok flame suit is on
Thanks ahead of time .
You're only shot really would be an old registration or title from the one you bought. Honestly, youre looking at a certain needle in a haystack full of needles.
Check the body panels, they are stamped with the vin. Check the radiator support, firewall.
Actually since you know the year, make and body type, all you really would need is the last part of the vin, which you could find on radiator support and the trunk lip
From what I remember the VINS were pretty close with only the last 3 or 4 numbers being different. It starts out LP23D etc. If I could find the final sequence numbers I could figure that out. Not sure if just knowing it would help at all though lol
Ok say I figure the complete Vin out Doniphan just remove the incorrect VIN and leave it blank? I know walking a legal tight rope.
your only going to get a partial vin and most likely only partial sequence numbers at best. there is not a vin on the block or trans either. if you can't find a previous owner with any paperwork, I would say just leave it alone. if it bothers you that much , remove the tag and build a drag car. playing devils advocate, you seem to be the only one that knows., , well... not now lol
The Drag car idea did cross my mind. It was my first car/cars. I have almost enough parts laying around to start putting it together.
Two options. Just enjoy your car. Or scrap it if you truly believe it is ruined for you.
Not really worth doing anything at all about it or even discussing here being bluntly honest.
You will bring out the Mopar Nazi's here who will tell you to scrap it at your loss. Do as you wish but best
not to mention it at all.
It is not ruined to me. I am aware of the people who say I should scrap it. I would really like to just register it legitimately. The car has been off the road since about 1997. I am sure it is out of DMV records. I am not asking any advise on how to cheat.

The ruined statement was in regards to collectability and value. I could drive it just fine unless a detective had reason to look it over.
It is not ruined to me. I am aware of the people who say I should scrap it. I would really like to just register it legitimately. The car has been off the road since about 1997. I am sure it is out of DMV records. I am not asking any advise on how to cheat.

The ruined statement was in regards to collectability and value. I could drive it just fine unless a detective had reason to look it over.
in all honesty, a detective wouldn't find any more info that your capable of finding out on your own, let alone someone actually paying them to do it. besides, your not trying to pass it of as a 1 of none factory 426 hemi 67 dart
You won't find the VIN stamped on any '67 Dart, because that year they stamped the SO number on the VIN tag, rad support and trunk lip, and you need the build sheet to tie that number to the VIN.
dear 27 dart....

i hate to be "debbie downer" here but...... there is NOTHING that you can do in your present situation that would not result in you breaking a law in the state where you reside.

if you went to your DMV and tried to get a "reconstructed" title for the dart you have, you would have to explain how it ended up with no VIN. if you tell the truth, you have admitted to committing a felony - "alteration of a vehicle VIN number." if you lie, you probably could be charged with "filing false documents" or at least "false swearing to authorities."

there is little chance that anyone would care about what you did so many years ago as a teenager. HOWEVER, if you attempt to do something "shady" now as an adult with presumably "more sense", you could be setting yourself up for a very uncomfortable visit from the local police.

the bottom line... your dart is only a parts car.... save up your money and look around for another one with a "good title."
dear 27 dart....

i hate to be "debbie downer" here but...... there is NOTHING that you can do in your present situation that would not result in you breaking a law in the state where you reside.

if you went to your DMV and tried to get a "reconstructed" title for the dart you have, you would have to explain how it ended up with no VIN. if you tell the truth, you have admitted to committing a felony - "alteration of a vehicle VIN number." if you lie, you probably could be charged with "filing false documents" or at least "false swearing to authorities."

there is little chance that anyone would care about what you did so many years ago as a teenager. HOWEVER, if you attempt to do something "shady" now as an adult with presumably "more sense", you could be setting yourself up for a very uncomfortable visit from the local police.

the bottom line... your dart is only a parts car.... save up your money and look around for another one with a "good title."
I do understand what you are saying and I believe you are accurate. I may still investigate with local law enforcement to see what there take is.
When I started this thread I was hoping VIN sequence numbers would be stamped on the core support and other places so I could figure out the original VIN. In this discussion it does not seem possible. I have a lot of sentimental memories of running around in this car. It does have some good stuff still on it even though the engine and trans are long gone. it still has the 8 3/4 rear axle that I installed in 1992. It has kh 4 piston disk brakes in front that I installed in about 1994. It is not pretty at all as I had a few accidents in it and put it back together with junk yard panels and panels from the other dart. It has the drivers door from the other dart. I have the original door to this body ato my parents house. I have some of the GT trim still. Interior is destroyed. back seat is actually still good some how. It does have us indy style mag wheels but tires are all gone. I have another set of sbp rally wheels I can put on to roll it. It has manifolds with dual exhaust still. It has gone through many different exhaust systems through the years. I do love this car.
When you invite them into your delima and they decide to confiscate and destroy your dart for having a illegally installed vin plate or something I suppose you should look at it as self inflicted.
They will have no concern about your love or sentiment towards the car. They have no way of knowing of their need for concern until you give them
this info.
Last case I heard of similar this in CA, the VIN plate was confiscated & the owner was handed a form to apply for a state issued VIN.
I do understand what you are saying and I believe you are accurate. I may still investigate with local law enforcement to see what there take is.
When I started this thread I was hoping VIN sequence numbers would be stamped on the core support and other places so I could figure out the original VIN. In this discussion it does not seem possible. I have a lot of sentimental memories of running around in this car. It does have some good stuff still on it even though the engine and trans are long gone. it still has the 8 3/4 rear axle that I installed in 1992. It has kh 4 piston disk brakes in front that I installed in about 1994. It is not pretty at all as I had a few accidents in it and put it back together with junk yard panels and panels from the other dart. It has the drivers door from the other dart. I have the original door to this body ato my parents house. I have some of the GT trim still. Interior is destroyed. back seat is actually still good some how. It does have us indy style mag wheels but tires are all gone. I have another set of sbp rally wheels I can put on to roll it. It has manifolds with dual exhaust still. It has gone through many different exhaust systems through the years. I do love this car.
Just leave it be and drive it. The moment you get the police involved in this will be a disaster. Because they'll confiscate the car until they figure out if they can charge you, chances are they won't but the car would be scrapped.

I personally see no issue as long as your story of buying the car and not stealing it is true. If it is, roll with what you've had for decades now and be done.
Welcome to FABO.
There was a thread similar to this a year or so ago. Someone with a beautiful Roadrunner they had just purchased. Do a search and see if you can find that thread.

Edit, here is the thread: Roadrunner or Not
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Look into applying for a state issued vin. It's a plain jane '67 Dart, so the vin # will have no effect on what it's worth. Unless it has a pedigree that makes it rare, the value is pretty much just the sum of it's parts.

Make it legal then enjoy it.
Sounds like nothing more than a re-body. Legal or not, it is done and like mentioned earlier, It's really not worth the trouble you will cause yourself if you get the police and DMV involved.
You best let that sleeping dog lie. If you had it registered in 97 with the VIN that rides on the car, just get plates on the title you have. If you didn't get it registered on the VIN currently on the car, and just kept using the title/registration from the Dart you're pretty much F'ed! I don't know if you can get a bonded title in CA, or not? That would be the best option if you can. If that is possible in CA, you can buy an insurance bond on the car, and apply for a bonded title for the car wearing the current VIN. It's much cheaper than one of those flim flam title companies, and is 100% legal if it can be done in your state. Good luck to you.
didn't read the whole thread 67 only thing matters is title matches vin in door jamb if you don't have a title for the vin in door google broad way title co either in Georgia or alabama