any update on Bruce

This morning I went to the hospice to keep Bruce company. I told him I was there representing all of his FABO friends. He can't talk but I knew he was aware as Melanie and I carried on a conversation about Mopars and FABO members. His sister Brenda joined us...these are two remarkable ladies, and two nieces and a little great-nephew came by too. Bruce's Damatian Galahad climbed up into his master's bed. Early in the day, Bruce seemed to be in some discomfort but after getting pain medicine, he became very peaceful. Melanie crafts beautiful Raggedy Ann and Andy dolls, he was hugging them, and was kept warm by a beautiful afghan she also made for him. Bruce is refusing all offers of food and drink now, so he won't be with us much longer. I believe from what I felt in that room today that our prayers are working. In spite of the sad circumstances, it was a pleasant day in the company of a gentle man who has touched many lives, and a day I will always remember. Please continue to send your prayers for Bruce and his family.

Thank you for going to see him and spend time with him. May God bless his family .:angel9::angel9:
For those of you who maybe wondering, Kitty and I made Bruce's special request happen several months ago. He called me one day out of the blue with the request that he wanted to reaffirm his faith in Jesus Christ. So I immediately called a longtime personal friend, Richard Lanning, who is a practicing Methodist Pastor and made arrangements. Richard was kind enough to make a house call and performed the reaffirmation ceremony.

Here is Richard performing the ceremony. I was really glad we were able to make it happen.


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For those of you who maybe wondering, Kitty and I made Bruce's special request happen several months ago. He called me one day out of the blue with the request that he wanted to reaffirm his faith in Jesus Christ. So I immediately called a longtime personal friend, Richard Lanning, who is a practicing Methodist Pastor and made arrangements. Richard was kind enough to make a house call and performed the reaffirmation ceremony.

Here is Richard performing the ceremony. I was really glad we were able to make it happen.

Thank You Rob
Thank you Rob and Kitty, there is no better gift anyone could give a friend...and thanks for letting us know, I wondered but didn't think I should ask.

On a humorous note, seeing your avatar and a Minister and Bruce all at the same time is quite an unexpected juxtaposition lol.
I have spoken with Melanie. Bruce is beginning to show signs of going home to the Lord. It is very sad to report that Melanie and Bruce's family went today and made arrangements for his final resting. I would personally like to thank the member of this forum that went and spent the day with Bruce to give his family the time they needed to do this. May God Bless you for your love, kindness and support! Staying with Bruce was priceless to the family! The address to help with Bruce's service is below on Melanie's post. May I add that if anyone would like to send their donation/love offering to Melanie please contact me for the address where she is staying at this time. Thank you all for the love you have shown them. It is overwhelming how much love has been shown all over the states to them whether in a prayer,card, text, letter, etc. Please pray for Melanie especially as she is very emotional right now and needs our prayers for many reasons.Again, may God Bless you all and updates will come as I recieve them.
Lisa Thompson
email [email protected] {please address info on Bruce}
Prayers sent.

On the face of it this is very sad, but look at all the people here to see Bruce off on his next journey:angel3:
Thoughts and Prayers sent to Bruce and his family !! Though I don't know Bruce personally,I find comfort saying that he is in Great hands with Hospice caregivers !!!I've been there too many times with our own family members,and HOSPICE has been a blessing !
Oh man i sorry i missed this post.. bruce and his famliy are in a prarys and thank u rob for doing that fro him .. i pray that he is not in any pain and for his famliy to get though this hard time
It is very sad to inform all of you that Bruce lost his battle with cancer this morning. Although sad for his family, loved ones and friends he is now no longer in pain and with our Lord. Please remember Melanie especially as she has been with him through his entire battle. She was loyal, devoted, caring and very loving in her daily care for him. Thank you ALL for your prayers, support and every call, visit, text, etc. The family is now desvasted and exhausted needing your continual prayers. May God Bless you all!
My deepest sympathy. Please let Mel know if there is anything Kitty and I can do........
Rest in peace my friend. Prayers sent to family and friends through these tough times. toolmanmike
For those of you who don't know, Bruce's passion was the 70-71 Dart GT cars. He devoted a lot of time and research into them. Here is the web site he created. A lot of people don't realize the GT was made into 70 and 71. It was his passion to find and register these cars. He knew more about A body details than anyone I have ever met before and he was willing to share his knowledge with anyone. I don't know what will become of his website. Maybe Joey would be interested in picking it up. I'm sure the cost is minimal. I'd hate to see it just disappear.
Prayers sent for the family and friends this morning, the Lord has a great man with him.
Rest in peace Bruce, everyone has been blest to have you in there life here on earth.
Thank you Rod and Kitty for all you have dun and to all the members here that opened there harts for Bruce.
Prayers to humble the harts of the folks and friends near and far, Bruce was needed and the lord took him for his need's, blest are the people Bruce has touched in there life amen.
..............Sorry to hear of Bruce's passing, i prayed for him everyday and the loved ones he leaves behind........Rest in peace my friend......Yes, i hope his website dosen't
I am saddened to hear this news today, although I knew it would be sooner than later. Please pass along my prayers and condolensces to Melanie and the family on Bruce's passing. He will be and has been missed.

God bless you and rest in peace Bruce. Prayers are extended to his family. This site and many friends will miss you. We all are glad you are no longer in pain, and with our Lord. Rog
rip bruce.

does he have any children/grand children? i do not know about you guys, but i would not mind getting one of his gt's and doing all the labor on one, as like a tribute car to him, and pass it on to one of his kin.