Bad gifts

One of my daughters gave me a T-shirt that had the picture of a fisherman getting oral sex from a fish. The caption was "The Happy Fisherman". Well one night we were going to an office BBQ and drunk put on by my wife's rather prizzy co-workers. About half way through one of her co-workers pulled me off to the side and told me she didn't think my shirt was in very good taste. I kept the straightest face I could and stated, "I was given this by one of my daughters, and I am very proud to were it anywhere and if she didn't like it she didn't have to look at it.". The poor girl just about fainted and went off in a huff. I went back to drinking my beer and waited for the wife to come chew me out. The wife arrived about 10 minutes later and gave me a big kiss. Everybody else was scared of this ***** and they were all glad that I stood up to her. After that I didn't have to go get a beer all night. LOL

my sister in law is a dr. she gave me a shirt with a fat dude that says hangbelly club.she has a 4th of july party at her lake house with all her dr friends.ive never attended this year may make an exception.what should my redneck *** wear?

you need to at lest try them on take a picture and post them here for us to see :cheers:
Heres what to up the arms and bottoms,stuff pillow stuffing in the neck and sew it shut,give them back as throw pillows and act like its the ****..but sign your name with love to whoever the cheapscate is with permanent markers so they're stuck with it....end of prob and the satisfaction of returning the 'favor' is immense....if you cant sew or get someone to do it for ya then superglue it..put a mothball in the middle of the stuffing for that 'added' holiday scent
Hell.... I don't wear Tee shirts at all, much less shirts with writing on them, and I never wear a tee shirt or any clothing that advertises anything at all. I was never big on tee shirts, either, even as a kid. Yet, I get tee shirts from a number of people, every year. Each and every year I get a new supply of rags.
Heres what to up the arms and bottoms,stuff pillow stuffing in the neck and sew it shut,give them back as throw pillows and act like its the ****...

Great idea!

CudaChick1968 said:
I guess I don't feel so bad about my Muppets Animal pajama pants now .............

My brother-in-law knows that I dislike the pouting dolls people lean on their cars at shows. I guess it was kind of cute the first time I saw one but by the time I saw the second one it was already old.

So on Christmas he brings my birthday present too and guess what? It's a pouting doll personallized with mopar patches. He also pointed out that it has a real mopar pentastar glued to it. He says to everyone in the room, "I know you hate these dolls but this one is personalized so I figured you'd like it to lean on your car at shows." I chuckled and said something like, yeah you bet, thinking it was a pretty funny gag gift.

Later after they left, my son told me that my bro-in-law had shown it to him all excited. My son told him it was a great joke on me and my son said he looked at him and said that it was serious. I'd like to think that's it's still a big joke but my brother-in-law is not a good actor at all and seems really sincere. I guess I'll display it in the garage until one of the dogs mysteriously gets ahold of it...

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Well, sometimes we get decent things too...
And just can't appreciate them at the time.
Like 20 years ago I suggested do a polyanna (spelling?) as our family had gotten a bit larger, both of my brothers and I had gotten married, plus our folks. I thought it would be a good way for everyone to get something nice without anyone breaking the bank. Agreed on $50... My younger brother and his wife end up getting me and my older brother. What do they do? Go out and get us both 4cell Mag-Lites. $50 total... I wasn't real happy but wasn't going to push it, but my older brother went ballistic.
After the fact, I still have that Mag-Lite, though I haven't spoken to my younger brother in years (That I won't get into, lets' just say "Screw me once...").
I once got a peach-colored sweater that I absolutely hated but in retrospect at least I mattered enough to someone for them to give me a gift.
Thats almost as bad as buying her an iron or a vacuum cleaner.

My wife was thrilled when I got her a Nautilus machine (commercial-grade, from a defunct health club) for her birthday. (Of course, I almost wound up in the ICU moving it, but that's another story...)