Bang for buck laser /Infra red thermometer?



Well-Known Member
Oct 14, 2010
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Without spending a ton of money on one end, and without buying the cheapest "almost a scam" china on the other end, what have you what do you like, tried, DON'T like in laser thermometers?

Pishta said something in a thread about using them to chase down electrical harness hot spots, and I've thought about that for awhile, along with "other uses". Determining hot cylinders/ headers, etc or maybe even cooling problems in my old outboards, etc
I got one for work from my local NAPA dealer, and I think it was only about 30$. And it worked fine for what I use it for
I've had a Harbor Freight laser for at least 17 years that we used to check track temps at the strip, also intake, exhaust & coolant temps. It has given me no problems & I've only put a single battery in it in all of that time.
I like the dual laser pointers so you know where it is pointing at and how close you are. Mine is a Klein IR5.
I have had a raytech base model for about twenty five years. Very durable. Not that expensive even back then when electronic stuff was still pricier.. If you figure the cost over the last twenty five years it was a steal.
I have 2, one is a mouse looking thing with a laser pointer (2 button batteries) and the other is a gun type with a handgrip and the display is out the back. I prefer the pistol grip as you are not looking over the top to get your temps looking at headers and stuff. This ones for $11 and is the same guts as all the rest of them. 12:1 laser spot, ie at 12" the sample area is 1". Pretty typical of this style. I found it pretty useful in reflowing chips on motherboards where the narrow reflow temp range must be maintained for xx seconds.
LOL I still haven't bought one. It's gonna be a cold winter week. Couple of nights lows are predicted single digit "F"
Itll even detect a dead cylinder or dstribution problem when you check your header pipes. They are pretty cool. Some surfaces wont give a good reading, I think reflective surfaces are hard to read but a flat rust header pipe is kids play.
I got a "Performance Tool" brand from OReilly when I worked there. The only thing I'm not crazy about is, it goes back to C as the default. No biggie as the touch of one button changes it right to F.