Barack Obama on The View today



Well-Known Member
Sep 5, 2007
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As if I needed another reason to NOT watch that show.
He doesn't have time for The Boy Scouts Of America but he will appear on The View ?
does not have time to go to AZ with the governor either when he was invited, but has time for the view.

What a A hole!
Oh yes;We really got an all american boy in the white house this time.Barack Hussein Obama-now there is a name that spells America all over it.How did we ever fall so far from George Washington?
Oh yes;We really got an all american boy in the white house this time.Barack Hussein Obama-now there is a name that spells America all over it.How did we ever fall so far from George Washington?

One little slip here and a mis-step there...over time.
I think it's great the President wants to identify with the people (and I'm definately NOT an Obama supporter or Liberal). Appearing on any of these type of shows is undignified, and I don't believe appopriate for the presidential position. But if that wasn't bad enough, he is going to be on the "Henhouse." Seriously, the F&%#*$@ Henhouse? I feel like going out (to Canada) for a pack of cigarettes, and never coming back.
....Really?....Again?....We do have a News and Politics forum guys.:angry7:

Good point, however I also think it's appropriate in the humor forum, because our current administration is a joke.
The pun really was pointed at THe View. Obama wont say much , no guest does on that show. Can you imagine Joe Biden on that show, " Interupt me once more and get slapped biotch" LOL
Lets not forget the asshat charlie wrangel.What a pos. When the bum gets the boot networks will be spouting off about his 40 years of public service. What better way to become rich......
Its' actually quite appropriate for him to be on the show. We got a celebrity and not a leader when we got him.
