


Pedal to the metal
FABO Gold Member
Nov 26, 2015
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I try and they drive me nutz. Itchy crawly uneasy feeling. How do you get past that feeling?
I posted this the other day. In the ?? early 80's?? (so I was about 30) I got one HELL of a case of flu, and was ill for WEEKS. I just quit shaving. Had the beard ever since. I have a pretty heavy beard. Don't know what to tell you about yours.
Thanks. My other problem is it looks like crap. Might wait a few years until it is all gray. Kinda looks like dirt now.
I try and they drive me nutz. Itchy crawly uneasy feeling. How do you get past that feeling?
I think it's part of the initiation. Unless you're one of the lucky ones that stubble crap doesn't seem to bother. I've had a beard of some sort or other for the better part of 50 years. I shave it off once in awhile and then grow it back. It takes me about three weeks of pain and suffering before I get over all that itching and scratching. So the short answer is it takes time. Steve
I never liked shaving so when I retired I said to hell with it. I got a Wahl trimmer with the little shoes that let you mow it as much or as little as you like. I give it a go-over about once a week and keep it about a half inch long. Easy-peasy.
When I trim it short and it gets itchy I rub in a little vaseline. Right now I letting it do it's own thing prior to being trimed soon. Lol

If I keep mine short, it's fine, but when it reaches about 3/4 to 1 inch it drives me crazy. When I'm able to get past it I'm fine after that, but usually I trim it when it gets to that point. 'Course that's only on my chin, the sides just never seem to get beyond the stubble/scruffy stage so I just shave them and stick with a goatee and mustache.
I never liked shaving so when I retired I said to hell with it. I got a Wahl trimmer with the little shoes that let you mow it as much or as little as you like. I give it a go-over about once a week and keep it about a half inch long. Easy-peasy.
Thats what I do now, just want to be a little more distinguished.
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Just let it grow once it gets past that ichy length you'll never notice it again. I hate that itchy stage too that why I don't shave lol. I had to shave it back in May for a respirator haven't shaved since. I usally keep a pretty full beard.



I think I may go for something like this. Mine used to be awesomely RED. Now, not so much... I also have to wear a paint respirator. I finally managed to force myself to stop shaving this week.

Jeff Daniels in Gettysburg.
The first outgrowth is annoying, for certain. The tickle, the itch..AAAaaaaAAGhhh!

I spent most of my life clean shaven. The few times that I tried to grow out anything were met with my usual lack of patience and I usually shaved by week 2.
In May 2018, I grew out the fuzz. The Wife really liked it so it stayed. I have shaved it off twice but immediately grew it back.

Greg 12.jpg
Mine itched for a few days, now I don't notice it.

I let mine go during this COVID crap. Right now I'm looking like Grizzly Adams, long hair and all.
Like THIS guy??

1 DJ MV.jpg

Funny story.....
About 15 years ago I was at a drag strip and got into an argument with a few guys. One of them was pale and skinny. I said he looked like the guy in the movie "Powder". One of the three said...."Well, you look like some Don Johnson lookalike".
Yeah, like THAT was an insult ? That dude got all sorts of chicks!
Shampoo it when you shower - that usually helps - doesn't eliminate it, but reduces it (just got through it again ;-))
Like THIS guy??

View attachment 1715652401

Funny story.....
About 15 years ago I was at a drag strip and got into an argument with a few guys. One of them was pale and skinny. I said he looked like the guy in the movie "Powder". One of the three said...."Well, you look like some Don Johnson lookalike".
Yeah, like THAT was an insult ? That dude got all sorts of chicks!
Wow, just googled him. Seams like a dickhead
Like THIS guy??

View attachment 1715652401

Funny story.....
About 15 years ago I was at a drag strip and got into an argument with a few guys. One of them was pale and skinny. I said he looked like the guy in the movie "Powder". One of the three said...."Well, you look like some Don Johnson lookalike".
Yeah, like THAT was an insult ? That dude got all sorts of chicks!
I remember a razor named after him. The Miami Device
Thats pretty much how my beard looks other than it has some grey. I don't like it. Not full enough for me to have the look I want.
Me either lol mine isn't full at all but I just learn to live with it. There are some products that help I use a derma roller and beard oil with growth vitamins it works but its slow results.