Bit chilly this morning...

Props to the young guns out there bustin' knuckles in the cold.
The old guys sitting behind keyboards, all toasty warm and talkin' 'bout "baby its cold outside".... have been there done that.
And happy holidays to all
Glad to be inside today. 19F with wc of zero here. Sure do miss working maintenance at the cold storage warehouse. NOT! lol Some jobs you just can't do with gloves on. Knuckles can start looking like hamburger real quick when your hands are numb. (still do similar work, but usually in warm temps :thumbsup:)
Just went out to bring in my BBQ equipment....ain't neverror to cold to bbq...flipped the thermometer on...4*...
You guys don't know cold. Low tonight is -24 F, with a windchill of -41. Driving to work this morning, my Jeep felt like it had 4 square tires.[rubber flat spotted from sitting outside in the cold overnight] Shocks sorta freeze. It feels like a buckboard driving down the street.
Coldest I remember it being here west of Spokane was -18*. Had to drive my diesel the next morning. Forgot to plug the heater started, but was not to thrilled with it...
Just checked the weather...supposed to be 3* with a wind chill of -9 when I will be outside lighting the BBQ....making ribs today...
-4 degree F this morning with wind chills in the -15 to -25 degree range. The news just showed people at Arrowhead stadium right now tailgating for the Chiefs game.
We have a balmy -35° wind chill this morning.
Capture weather.PNG
22 and holding this morning, can't complain at all, big winter mix just mist me here
-8 F this morning. Everything is white white
Yep. -24 with -37 wind chill. Tasha's got to go to work. Hope she gets home in time for kickoff.
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  • was 71 about midnight 41 this morning dropping into 30's later today and 20's in the morning. This is too cold for me. I would not survive in these temps that ya'll are posting
Had my vert out a couple ayes ago... it was only 4 degrees so had to go top up.
Heaters are for sissys...
I`m a sissy, but around here , u have to have defrosters on everything. got down to 1 degree this morning. broke down and put old sheets out in the entryway and let my puppies in. 16 out last time I looked.-hand me another log babe!
Yea it's cold!! 20* here and we just ran out of propane!!! Guess we're gonna have to rough it tonight and call the propane company first thing in the morning
Just cooked baby back ribs on grill last night. -4 with wind, gotta love it!
Nothing better than low humidity for special cooking.......

Coldest I remember it being here west of Spokane was -18*. Had to drive my diesel the next morning. Forgot to plug the heater started, but was not to thrilled with it...
Lotta black smoke until it warmed up I bet.
Yea it's cold!! 20* here and we just ran out of propane!!! Guess we're gonna have to rough it tonight and call the propane company first thing in the morning
@75slant6...have a question. Will your propane supplier just fill it up? Woman up the road ran out. Her propane supplier will not fill the tank up without performing a leak test. They told her that it "standard operating procedure"...