Black listed

i have four build threads and they get buried .....then they get bumped and pick up more replies and drift off again .......its just about who sees what and when....FABO seems to work in shifts and i am usually on the night shift in here bcoz i dont alot of ppl in the day may not see what us night owls were doing in the night. just bump your threads and they will come :coffee2:
Ok lesson learned . So for now on bump my thread lol jk and two post question in another forum to get reply's and posts up and three never thank I'm being black listed unless told by many members . Ok got it . Thanks for all the reply's guys and girl
I was gonna suggest changing your deodorant... :D Kidding.

Seriously, I have less puter time than I used to. So I try to catch all the tech stuff I can and try to learn what I can. (You never get too old to learn). There are folks here that are way better at most of this than I. Nine times out of ten on the questions that are asked, the answers are already there before I get there. Or, it's something I can't give a competent answer on.
There are too many build threads for me to keep them all sorted out. Most of the builds are way out of my capability. I spend more time reading than posting. I'm educating myself. I usually don't reply on problem threads cause I usually have no idea how to help the poster. I leave that for the experts here and there are a lot of them. Seriuosly (not being sarcastic) there's a ton of knowledge floating around here and not much of it will be coming from me.
First I think you have a good question.
Myself, I look mostly at the Early A-body forum and just don't take the time/have the time to look at build threads, but did notice your "black listed" title - so there's a lesson there, a good title makes it better for everyone.
A good suggestion was if you have a specific question start a seperate post and put a link to your build thread.
And just so you know I really appreciate the ideas that don't take a lot of cash and might save me some money some day.
Hope this helps!
I usually only post when i feel i can help out...or if i have the correct information or advice, ill give it. there are lots of great people on this site. lotta knowledge too. stick around dont give up. :) you have a nice build going on.
i only check out other members build ever so often...some of these guys' work and talent overwhelms me not that good. lol..lotta nice stuff though...
I might try that . Maybe I'm to conservative . And try not take up to much room on the forums
LOL Post up man

Very good suggestion. I don't normally look at resto threads on a daily basis. BTW, very nice work moparisbest. I'll look in more often.
I dont go in there at all really theres only been a few that i look at i can cont them on one hand . I get depressed when i go in there cuz mines going no where lol When i do go in there i never say nothing Most of the time if i dont know you cuz i Dont want to muck up there thread with whole bunch of ?'s
I have been on here for awhile now . Just wondering if I'm being black balled on this sight . I post question on my build that I never get answer to . I post pics with no reply's . It's making me not to even want to be on this sight . Is my build not good enough to be on this sight . Am I not spending enough money to be considered one the elite crew on here ? I notice there are certain builds that get all the attention . Them are the ones that have more money than sence. Guess if its just a poor boy build like mine then so what . I used to like this sight but am really thanking of moving my build thread to another sight . Rant , cry baby session over . If I am being black listed are the cold shoulder maybe some one can tell me why ?

Well I for one don't see you asking a lot of questions, and I'm on here a lot. If you are keeping them all in your build thread then that is why you probably aren't getting the help you need.

I looked at your thread the other night from beginning to end, nice work, but it was the first time I had seen it.

Suggestion, if you have questions post them in the appropriate section that it pertains to and you might be surprised. If you have time jump in and offer up some advice to others.
I can speak for the technologically underpowered here by saying that I don't look at many build threads because my computer is so slow that it takes forever to get through a nice long build thread. I have to take everything here a couple pages at a time, or I get so frustrated that I just shut it down sometimes.

With that said, I usually stick to where my interests lie, in the early A and new post arena. I am not too fond of 70 and later Darts, Dusters or Demons so usually don't look at those threads, I like em' all but have to limit my surfing to the things that I can get through!!

However, I'm here because of your title, and to let you know that I don't think anyone here is so uppity that they would blacklist you simply for the content of your build thread, which I hear is very impressive. I certainly don't hold a low buck approach against anyone, and I constantly preach patience when getting things done, waiting for the best price for the right part, and not just opening the wallet (which I'm unable to do)!!

To set your heart at ease, I'm going over to your thread to check it out, and I would like you to know that IMO you are VERY welcome here!!! Now, get back to that build, I'm gonna want to see some progress!!!LOL!! Geof
there's a black list??....ya got to be kiddin?

I read your thread...mostly because I luv Dusters threads and want to check out everyones stuff...and pretty much came to the conclusion you knew what you were doing....that' a good thing.

don't worry....the minute we see you put something on bass-ackwards...we will be all over your $hit.

Mopar to ya'
Suppose it is better to be black listed than blue balled....
there's a black list??....ya got to be kiddin?

I read your thread...mostly because I luv Dusters threads and want to check out everyones stuff...and pretty much came to the conclusion you knew what you were doing....that' a good thing.

don't worry....the minute we see you put something on bass-ackwards...we will be all over your $hit.

Mopar to ya'

Well I sure hope so !
that why i love this site alot of nice people to deal with keep up the good work for a bodies only