Boobs are not fair.



Rabid Cross-eyed Opossum!
Jul 26, 2010
Reaction score
Columbus, OH
My girlfriend a few nights ago, who is 20, drove home a fair bit TOO intoxicated. She was all sexied up with her boobs up to her chin from going to the club. She gets pulled over by a Sheriff. He asked her her how much she had to drink. She replied none. He took her ID ran it, then came back to the her car. He asked her again how much she had to drink, she replied none again. He gave her "the look" and asked again, how much have you had to drink? Don't worry i'm not a DUI guy. She then replied honestly, admitting she was intoxicated. He then asked her age (he already knew) she replied 20. (21 is the legal age here for those of you who don't know). He asked her where she was going. She told him home. He let her off with a WARNING, then proceeded to tell her that the cops in the next town were especially "bad" I guess meaning they do their job, and to be careful. He wound up following her through that town so she wouldn't get pulled over again. He went out of his way to make sure a hot girl didn't get a DUI knowing she was drunk.

Now, you me, and your mom all know if it was either me that was drunk, another guy, or a less attractive woman that they'd be calling someone to bail them out right after this story. As much as I'm glad she didn't get in trouble... it still pisses me off that people can get off like that.
I don't get it? Of course it works...............their boobs.
some cops do that type of thing.

and your girl needs to wise up,may have been a good time for her but drinking and driving is no laughing matter,thats putting other peoples lifes at risk.

glad she made it home alright and that the cop made sure of it and hope she learned from it.
I'm not condoning it, or saying that I'm proud of it. We had a good talk. I'm just amazed that a cop would let someone get away with it. That to me is an even bigger crime. Had she hit and killed someone that night after being pulled over that cop would be in more trouble than you can imagine. I can't believe they'd risk something like that for a hot girl. I guess the good thing is, if you get killed by a drunk driver here in Franklin county, she'll be hot. :wack:

I'm sorry for her loss 64. That's got to be horrible.
Back when I was young and dumb I had a state trooper pull me let me go, I was drinking, I was about a half a mile from where I lived...
It works on everything in the world. Try taking her to buy a car that has never been for sale, you know the proverbial "I am going to restore it someday" types. You will be surprised how willing the old guy will be to sell her the car. Serious.
Sadly enough it's true.. My nephew had a bronco that no one in town would inspect, my double-D niece got it inspected the first place she tried, the guy didn't even look at the bronco...
Another typical underage drinking moron. It makes me sick that some people think that drinking and driving is ok. It makes me even more sick that a cop let her off with only a warning. Z E R O tolerance for underage drinking and driving should be the law everywhere.

You want to know what really irritates me? It's when one of these a-holes (underage or not) plows into another car, killing that driver, and then gets charged with only involuntary manslaughter. In California, that's only 5-7 years in prison for killing someone. B.S.
You can never say your sorry for doing something stupid and irresponsible when you kill the one (s) you have done it to. Remember this please. No drinking and driving.
I run a poker tournament e very Monday. Many times the ladies dress to show off their assets to distract the men players. Last month I put 8 of these ladies all at the same table. Needless to say I wasn't on the asset inspection list for that week.

Assets or not drinking and driving is not good.
There is no fix for being dead.

I've been turned loose before too. I doubt my little man boobs had anything to do with the officers decision. No pic , dont ask. ROFL
Wow... being a law enforcement officer, that just blows my mind.... Tisk.. Tisk... Tisk....:munky2:

I agree with 360scamp and Judge Mills

If this was a smart officer "witch it appears he is not" He should have pulled the keys and called for a taxi or a family member to pick her up......
He need's to be reprimanded ....
What about the "club" where she was getting intoxicated....overall...sounds like bad choices were made by all involved...
As a retired law enforcement officer I can only shake my head at the copper that allowed a drunk driver to continue on her way. Up here, that would cost me my badge. And rightfully so. Being a cop means doing what is right, because it's the right thing to do. The potential consequences of making making a bad call can cost people their lives, or change their lives beyond imagination. Their families never recover.
The legal age for drinking here is 18.....I reckon they should raise it to 21......too many 18 yr olds think it's cool to get blotto every weekend.