
First step, replace the negative energy with positive. the spiral will continue until the negative thoughts are replaced.
Remember Robert, you were once Superman, he is still in you, find him!
THIS !!!!!!! FIND IT !!!! :)
Holy ****....What happened to you guys? This thread reads like a forum of 100 year old geezers.
I'm 52 and have worked construction since 1986. I feel great. I don't work out but I lift and carry lumber, am bending, climbing and stretching at least 5 days a week. Maybe you guys would feel better if you had been more active the last 25-30 years?
It is very important to exercise, especially as we get older. Get off of the internet and ESPECIALLY Bookface and go outside! Stay cooped up too long and anyone is going to feel depressed. A little fresh air goes a long way towards clearing your mind. You will think about your aches and pains a lot less when you are actually doing something.

As far is your spiritual side, put your trust in the Lord and stop trying to do everything yourself. I can promise you that you are NOT Superman, nor will you ever be. But there is one superpowerful being who loves you more than you know and is just waiting to hear from you.

Your move.
I'd take the way I felt at 52 anytime....Let's see how you feel in 10 years. Not all illness comes from inactivity..:(:(
you got that right, i'm a brick mason. do it all myself. mix mud, haul brick and lay em. at 55 i was a one man dynamo. could go at it from sun up to sun down. now at 64, i'm lucky to make 8 hours a day. it's amazing what happens to the body after 60.
I have been "active" physically my whole life.. Years spent in the open air. Exercise is good! Motion is lotion!!! Funny part is I could get a physical every year (I am 69). Doc says all is good with me. Right!!!!???? ha
Well it has gotten really hard to get up from working on my car toys. I climb up on a horse, I need bucket, or gate to help. So accept I am wearing out. No pain ican't stand.. BUT this past Aug I find I have 2 arteries 98 % blocked. Having a heart attack. I was building fence the day and week before. So I spend 18 days in hospital and leaving after a triple bypass. Doing great now. Still hard to climb!!!!
As we age we will have health issues, loss strength and abilities no doubt. Part of it. . Me, I simply ask God to provide, and help me stay strong, and let my faith lead me.

I am blessed. My those in need be blessed also.
Holy ****....What happened to you guys? This thread reads like a forum of 100 year old geezers.
I'm 52 and have worked construction since 1986. I feel great. I don't work out but I lift and carry lumber, am bending, climbing and stretching at least 5 days a week. Maybe you guys would feel better if you had been more active the last 25-30 years?

Some guys have used this to talk about the physical.

My main purpose was to talk about my broken mind.

As for staying active, I always have been. But there's chronic aches and injuries that come with it.

Trust me, a three year old son and and damn near one year old son at the age of 46 there is no way in hell I can't be active.

One of the issues is, my mind is too active at times and that leads to me jumping to conclusions, questioning everything, and wasting a lot of energy looking for things that aren't there.

That's more tiring on myself and those around me than working all day.
I find the more physically active I am the better I am mentally. No I never had any mental struggles I admit. But I do know, if it is too cold for me to be outside and "busy" pretty much all day, if just piddling, or not doing something..., I do not sleep as well, my mind is not as clear, I can tell a huge difference. OK so i do not live the suburban life. I can get out. Easier for me than many.
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Was going to send you a PM Robert as i understand being there myself but thought this could help others.
You have suffered a great personal loss and that effects us forever.
Losing a loved one in front of your own eyes will effect you for the rest of your life. After the unexpected loss of my wife i actually had a gun barrel in my mouth.
Luckily came to my senses and thought to myself im still here for a reason and do your dambnest to make the best of every day. Do i still have bad days. Absolutely. Just remember no matter how dark it gets you can always find the light. If you look for it.
Maybe time to wind up this 'Broken' thread and if desired start up a new one called 'on the mend' or 'under repair' or something.

Just a thought.
Was going to send you a PM Robert as i understand being there myself but thought this could help others.
You have suffered a great personal loss and that effects us forever.
Losing a loved one in front of your own eyes will effect you for the rest of your life. After the unexpected loss of my wife i actually had a gun barrel in my mouth.
Luckily came to my senses and thought to myself im still here for a reason and do your dambnest to make the best of every day. Do i still have bad days. Absolutely. Just remember no matter how dark it gets you can always find the light. If you look for it.

PM's never hurt.

And I get exactly what you are saying.

I was under suicide watch after Sarah passed. Long story short: Karli moved in with me to keep an eye on me. I wasn't allowed near the closet where I kept the 30-30.

This past separation my boys saved my life twice. I had them in the car with me when the thought of flooring it and taking myself out with a utility pole came to me.

Once again, I had a six inches knife between my ribs and almost hammered it home when I looked down and saw Cyrus playing next to me.

I thank God especially every day for my boys. Two of my biggest motivations to get well call me "dad." The third calls me "babe." The first one is the guy looking at me through the mirror.

I can only make my situation right if I'm right. When I come up, the rest of my world will come with me.

It breaks my heart to know how much love Karli has for me to know that she's stuck by me, even after being separated twice, to support me. We separate and come back together. I know God made her for me and I, her. I need to quit stepping on his toes.

And these boys need a dad with a head on his shoulders to be able to teach them to be men.
Maybe time to wind up this 'Broken' thread and if desired start up a new one called 'on the mend' or 'under repair' or something.

Just a thought.

Not a bad idea, frankly.

First therapy session was today and I walked out with a lot to think about.

If y'all are up for it, I'll do it. Just give me the word.
Sounds like you're heading in the right direction, and with the right outlook as well, Robert. Your motivation is of the highest caliber, those boys need you now, and as the days pass, they'll need you more and more. Don't miss out on those chances to be able to help steer them in the right direction!!

As for Karli, it speaks volumes about both of your love for each other to be able to be apart, for you to sort out things, and for her to help alleviate the pressure in the relationship. It's the fact that you come back together, and hopefully with a stronger bond, that will help move the entire family ship forward in a positive direction. Hoping you and your loving family continue to gather around the campfire together, and talk about tomorrows plans, and cherish your accomplishments of today!! I'm praying for you and your family, Robert, I want you to be the best you can be for the people that love and care about you the most!! We love you too!! Each and every stinking one of us!!
If you can, get outta Dodge (that's a little Mopar joke to lift your spirits R/T...oops, did it again).

Jump on a plane and spend a week on a black sand beach in Hawaii. The weather in upstate New York ain't helpin' you atm.

Edit: $650 round trip JFK-HNL non stop flights on Hawaiian. Do it.

If y'all want to start the donations. Lol

One of the frictions this past year has been finances.

I'm working on making sure our house is saved. That's the reason my '74 Barracuda is for sale. I have roughly five months to come up with $5000 to make sure we have a place to live...

Fair enough. Kudos to you for being so upfront about your struggles. You're helping others here by showing them that a problem shared is a problem halved, and you deserve credit for that.

I'll start the ball rolling. I'm pledging $100 towards a Hawaii trip, as I have fond memories of Hawaii......but feel free to use this money however you like. Your home is more important than a holiday.

C'mon boys, dig deep.....$1000 is not out of reach here.
Holy ****....What happened to you guys? This thread reads like a forum of 100 year old geezers.
I'm 52 and have worked construction since 1986. I feel great. I don't work out but I lift and carry lumber, am bending, climbing and stretching at least 5 days a week. Maybe you guys would feel better if you had been more active the last 25-30 years?

I don't believe you are in any position to judge. I've always been fairly active, spent over 12 years in HVAC/R service/ install work, that is WORK. Spent some years working for a Motorola shop, did all sorts of things, installed hilltop radio site equipment, climbed towers some, and installed telco/ radio/ paging equipment in 911 dispatch centers. And a few "special projects". Nowadays I can barely walk, and certainly cannot crawl around under a vehicle.

I have no idea Robert's history he mentioned bodyman. You have to be in pretty fair shape to deal with that on a daily basis.
Oh hell yea! Ya know it brother. You know it.
That’s the kind of pain you want your enemies to endure!
I had mine sonically blaster to smitherines. When the Anastasia wore off, Wooooooooooo!!!!!

Hi, my name is AJ,
I was broken last year; arthritis. But I kicked that Demon to the curb.
So,chit no I'm only 64,and I'm blessed.
Ask me again a year from now.
And maybe I can tell you what else I kicked to the curb.
I'm not so good with kidney stones tho. You just can't walk that chit off, I really really tried. In the end, I begged the doctor to cut it out!,, whatever it is it's killing me! Relax man the Dr said, it's just a kidney stone; you got 6 more in there. Funny thing is, that pain is not contained in that short little pipe, No sir it's like somebody is jamming you thru a meat grinder; that pain is everywhere, all the time, without relief, and there is no one position that is even remotely more comfortable than another. I tell you if you ever want to torture a guy, just start ripping on that pipe from the inside.I was ready to tell every secret I ever had.
The Dr gave me a morphine drip, and in a couple of minutes I was fast asleep. Thank you Jesus. 4 hours later "clink", I peed it into a cup and went home.
BTW, they're not stones.
They are spikey concretions from hell!!. And when a 7mm rock from hell works it way thru a 2mm pipe, it doesn't just slide on thru. Nooop. it tumbles and pierces, and slashes,stabs,and hacks, it's way into the bladder. Bastard! And until it comes thru, you cannot pee, no matter how much you might want to.
A couple of weeks later, another devil's child reamed the path open. Please Sir, can I get some more morphine NOW!!
5 more to go gang.
I go to bed with an empty bladder now, just in case.........
Ramenth, I love talking Bible stuff. I am learning so much. And I have a small circle of friends, we study together.We are not church goers. We are students of the Bible. We live far apart, so we seldom study together. Thank goodness for the internet. You're welcome to PM me anytime.
I could talk bible half the night but sometimes those are the most hollow words to hear to the right/er/wrong person.
Okay, folks, if you want me to start a sort of blog thread to talk about being on the mend, let me know.
I am new here and not up on your situation. still trying to get this computer to work my way but not getting any better at it. Lost my wife and have my kids to keep me going. Don't give up your kids they need you and in the end of your life your kids will be there fore you. I love my kids and without them I am nothing. Watching my kids grow up has kept me alive. bought them a mini bike long time ago I didn't have lots of money but it was the best thing I did for them. It was great watching them ride that up and down the driveway, lots of scars but they all came up with a smile but still crying. DON"T give up on your kids
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