Car sale: The one who 1st called, or the 1st who gave the deposit?



Well-Known Member
Aug 5, 2010
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This may be an obvious question, but Ive never really sold a 2nd hand car before ... so...

I have been trying to sell my '82 Alfetta for a month now and a guy (actually quiet a few) called up and expressed interest on the car. One guy said "Ok I agree to take the car at that price but only after seeing the car", which is at my hometown 120 miles away. The carb is leakin badly so i cant drive her here... but he didnt actually paid any deposit...

then another guy came along offered me 500 bucks and will take the car "As is" without even looking at the car (he only saw pictures).

Now I dont know whether it is right to take the deposit and sell it to him. Should I give the 1st guy who called the 1st right of refusal?

so many people back out of deals. I would take the cash now then wait for a maybe and loose out on for sure cash.
Go with the deposit. If the first caller really wanted it,he should have made the effort. You could be courteous, call the first fellow up,and let him know.
One guy wants to buy, the other wants to buy contingent an inspection (which is may be his way of locking the car up then beating you down on price!)

I'd tell him he has 1 day to get up and look at it or it's being sold to buyer #2. If he wants longer, get a non-refundable deposit for the difference between buyer 1's price and buyer #2. If that doesn't fly, sell to #2.
i would say give first guy the option, as you know guy 2 will buy it.
A bird in hand is better than two in the bush.
Sell it the guy who will take it "as is". Less hassle.
The other guy is stalling and if he really wanted it, would have not left the door open for him to back out.
Money means sale. If the first guy wanted to buy he would have talked less and come out to see it. Take the money and the sure sale and don't look back.
Money Money Money. I got my last Aspen because I wanted it, showed up before everyone else with cash in hand.
i know i might sound like an *** , but i have muscled my way to the front of the line before by having cash in hand ready to go.....two of my cars that i have.....i was actually the second or third person to call or go see it but the first to have cash ready to go.....if the first caller was that motivated he would get up there to see it now and get it done ASAP. as they say snooze you loose.
This option is the fairest.Just taking money from no#2 and not giving no#1 an the option to buy at no#2s price.I think is wrong but some people don,t have a heart and money is there heart.Seems to me you asking this question you have a heart. Mark
i would say give first guy the option, as you know guy 2 will buy it.
I've made a living selling things, Talks cheap & money buys wine.

If you ain't got ready cash, you ain't ready to buy.
One guy wants to buy, the other wants to buy contingent an inspection (which is may be his way of locking the car up then beating you down on price!)

I'd tell him he has 1 day to get up and look at it or it's being sold to buyer #2. If he wants longer, get a non-refundable deposit for the difference between buyer 1's price and buyer #2. If that doesn't fly, sell to #2.

That sounds more than fair to me. Almost all the times I tried to bend over backwards to schedule showings in the order of contact, I've gotten the shaft. But I've also been blown off buy guys who tried to muscle in. So first one at your doorstep gets it, in my opinion.
I would go with the Deposit, however if you gave your word to the guy on the phone you should hold it for him, and stand by your words.
I would go with the Deposit, however if you gave your word to the guy on the phone you should hold it for him, and stand by your words.

I missed the part about the word on the phone. Always stay true to your word, even if you are the only one who does. I'll only promise to hold something from the time the buyer departs his / her location until he/she reaches mine.
Cash is king! Let the first buyer know, and give him a chance to pony up but if he doesn't move fast go with the cash.