Coffin/Casket for "rent"

Only used once! Excellent Condition. Actually saw this happen with my brother in law just a few weeks ago. The church has one that is for a public viewing before the body is taken to be cremated. Thought it was strange
not sure if this is something you want to discuss in this forum, but i can totally see that
especially in the event of cremation

that coffin is a HUGE expense, and i do feel like it is a huge opportunity for people to prey on grieving people
7G for a box you'll bury? My Dad would flip over inside if he found out how much of the money he left us went to that. Navy does it best: slide the wrapped body out the end into the ocean with dignity, reload box.
Many years ago, while passing through one of the building of a parts yard in Greer SC, I was much surprised to find a very nice coffin sitting right out in the middle of the floor. I'm talking ample empty floor space all around it, like "Hold your funeral service here. BYO flowers and chairs" LOL. I asked if that was the start of a Munster mobile project. I was told it was part of the owners Halloween décor. I guess those can afford will buy and those who can't afford will rent. Apparently some can afford the storage space too.
If my grandma knew how much we spent on her funeral, she'd be spinning in her ditch....
I bought my dad's casket through Costco. Yes, Costco online. It was delivered in 24 hours. Saved a bunch. He would be proud. Just the way he was...
Renting a 'show' casket for the service then going to a simpler casket for the burial has been an option for years
Cremation is the best way to go. You can keep your loved ones right with you at home, bury them at a cemetery or on a hill overlooking their favorite spot, or scatter them wherever. My wife and I have been married for 45 years and went together for 10 years before we got married. I was 14 and she was 13 when we met and when we die we'll conjoin the ashes and put in a niche to be together forever.
I built a countertop for my wife and got into woodworking and made my own casket. My wife had a fit called me a sick son of a beach started crying then my kids got mad at me. I put it on craigslist and sold it in a day. She deleted all pictures I had of it. It was quite nice. Had brass handles on it I got off an old Otis elevator. $350 bucks. It took me 6 months to make that thing. So now my wood workshop is the Christmas storage shed
What ever happened to the plain pine boxes that look like they are built out of skid wood? I wonder how much they would cost in "today's economy"
What ever happened to the plain pine boxes that look like they are built out of skid wood? I wonder how much they would cost in "today's economy"
I'd have to ask mom, that's what my grandfather got buried in, some 6 years ago
A friend of mine said the only way she would ever have a smoking hot body will be when she is cremated!
just wrap me in a couple of contractor trash bags and throw me in the ground. no need to spens all that money on a casket..
Just donate to science and be done with it.
You don't need a body or even ashes to remember someone or celebrate their life at a memorial get together.

ZERO expense.
I never understood how spending a bunch of money on a casket and funeral makes people feel they have done something respectful.
Just donate to science and be done with it.
You don't need a body or even ashes to remember someone or celebrate their life at a memorial get together.

ZERO expense.
I never understood how spending a bunch of money on a casket and funeral makes people feel they have done something respectful.

So true, I usually think that the body is the shell of what was. Not the actual person. People still need to have a respectable send off though i suppose. I kind of like the American indian way of walking off into the woods to find "The Spirit Horse" I thought that was a good idea. You have to go alone anyway.
The "OLD PINE BOX" looks good + CHEAP!!! 1x10 or 1x12 a few pieces of strapping and away you go!!!
I left explicit orders with a few of my friends that if I die before my wife, they are to make the spiciest hottest pot of chili they can, then add my cremated ashes to it and feed it to my wife, so I can tear that *** up one more time!