CT and area members should attend.Sticky 4 a Day please

My hats off to everyone trying to do this. If there is anything I can do let me know. I was a big part of trying to get a track up in palmer ,ma . WE had nhjra backing and a guy ready to fund the whole thing. The towns people shot it down . We tried everything. Like I told people, Do you want kids racing in your front yard and dieing or in your back yard and have to follow safety rules and have safety crews right there on the ready. Well they chose the front yard . It is sorry to see less and less tracks and we need more. Hell they closed my circle track and I could not shell out the money to change the car over so i sold a 10,000 circle track for peanuts because everyone else had the same problem. I would love to see alot more tracks open so the kids have a place to go . I will be more than happy to help anyone who needs it on this ,my time frame is tight with the shriners scamp build but I am willing to help....Good luck and lets get some more Tracks! .........Joe
Been over 6 months since I have commented on this. I received a letter from Speedway Motorsports in response to my snail mail. It's a start. A quick sum of the letter simply stated thank you for your passion of the sport...always looking for land and future facility locations.... We'll look into this..... Thank you....

So That's it. I write that letter back in June 09 and received a response in the mail today? Hey it's something?
LOL, it's something....it's rerally something.

Perhaps, it was one of those letters you see on the news every so often. You know the ones, Girl mails boy Christmas card, boy never get's it, war ends, 50 years later, girl gets mail back or boy gets letter.
drag strips are money pits, wont get built unless NHRA agrees to move etown event there.