Do I have a hernia?????



Well-Known Member
Feb 9, 2005
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In a tree near you.
I guess I need to get to the doc.

I will describe my symptoms and please chime in if you have had similar experiences.

Okay, for the past few months I have been getting tugging sensations in my left upper abdomen right under my rib cage with tugging shooting down to my lower abdomen.

Sometimes it is a burning sensation down my left abdomen near where my seatbelt is pulled tight on my lap.

I have noticed some tugging or mild throbbing behind my ******** area and the pain is intermittent.

I had similar pains a year ago and it went away but it's back.
It had gone away for a few days periodically but has came back and now with more frequency and I am experiencing some even stranger things as of the last couple days.

Now I am getting a really burning sharp pain in my left groin area near my left hip joint V area with almost a pinched nerve burning sensation when I stand up from a crouched position and put weight on my left leg which causes me to limp until I walk it off.

I feel no lumps anyhwhere but I did have a bit of swelling and a bloated feeling in my left upper abdomen for a couple days but the swelling subsided.

I usually put up with things as a possible pulled muscle and the pain goes away, but I'm actually getting worse with new symptoms and guess I need to see the doc.

I am suspecting a hernia as I do alot of heavy lifting and physical work.

Please chime in if you have had similar issues.
sure sounds like it to me... either way.. ya go get it checked.
I have a haital hernia I need to get fixed... bleah...

Sounds hernia like to me.You really need to see a doc.Ya don't wanna let somethin like this go too long.Be safe.
I had a hernia about 10 years ago, there was a pain and a buldge, surgury was the fix. You can get them near your stomach and down to the groin. I know a guy who has a nasty one by his stomach, he will not go in, it is gross and it hurts him. I worked with a guy who had a double hernia in the gut part of his stomach, he had them for a long time, each hernia grew to the size of a cabbage before he did something about it! I have also heard that you can lose a ******** if it is near your groin area and it is not taken care of......:angry7: It is dangerous to let these go, so go to the doctor and get it looked at or you may be in a world of hurt!
I've had 2 of them. One on both sides in the groin. I can speak from that experience that if you have one and it's in the groin, you will have a buldge that will push out by itself and will push out farther if you tighten your stomach muscles up. If you put you hand over the area in question, there will be no doubt if it's a hernia by the way it pushes against you hand. After a while if you let it go it will ache from just standing and you'll feel like you need to constantly adjust your shorts and big Jim and the Twins...if you know what I mean. LOL. But don't wait to long to get it checked out! The longer the wait, the longer the healing process afterwards. The surgery ain't bad. It's the first couple of weeks afterwards. Don't sneeze, don't cough and you can forget about doing the wild thing! AINT happening!!!! That's if it's a groin hernia. Can't speak about the other types out there!
I have two hernia surgeries, one on each side. You should no do weight lifting, pushing cars, etc. before getting proffesional help.
Cudaspaz, I had a similar experience 10 years ago. I remember the incident that caused it too. But after the pain continued for a week, I had it checked out by a doctor who told me that I had "mild hernia" which didn't require surgery. I strained the muscle but did not tear them. He did tell me to lay off any physical activity for a few weeks. Not only heavy lifting, but anything else short of walking. The pain finally subsided in about two weeks. But for the whole three weeks, the intensity stayed the same.

I would also recommend that you get this checked out.
Sounds like a hernia!Here in Toronto,Ontario we have the Sholdice Clinic which is known world wide.I had mine done there and met people from the USA,Britian,Germany .I was there for 3 days with the big black banana and 2 black softballs LOL!You gotta see a Dr. about it!

P.S I,ve got stainless mesh holding mine allgood!
I dunno about you guys, but the first time I got "tugging or mild throbbing behind my ******** area" my *** would've been out of my seat and heading right to my doctor's office.
yep get that stuff checked for sure.

If you end up with an incarcerated inguinal hernia you could die. Basically, a loop of bowel or intestine gets trapped in the hernia straggling the intestine. That piece of bowel dies and you can go into shock if not treated. Not to mention it hurts like a SOB and you get very ill. Glad you are getting checked out Spaz
Went to doc today.

I do not have a hernia, but I do have a pulled groin muscle, and suspected acid reflux or ulcer but neet time for medicine to work and more tests.
I gave blood for bloodwork and waiting for results.
He did find an enlarged prostate which should be the size of a walnut but is the size of a lime.
He said I have an infection from urinary that got into prostate and gave me some medicine for it.
He says not to hold my pee all day anymore while I'm working or lift heavy stuff, doh!

I will go back in 15 days for more bloodwork and psa test.
...or lift heavy stuff

I'm sure you've heard the old joke: "My doctor told me not to lift anything heavy anymore, so no more using a urinal. Now I have to sit down to pee."

Walk proud, cudaspaz!!! LOL.

Just trying to lighten the mood a bit.
Let us all know test results as we're all thinking good thoughts for you.
Pulled groin muscle,enlarged prostate, infection from urinary, acid reflux, ulcer? Well that's good to know........ I think. Are you sure he was a docter? LOL
If this amount of info given out during a visit to a clinic, someone would be laying out the $25.00 co-pay=P~
Pulled groin muscle,enlarged prostate, infection from urinary, acid reflux, ulcer? Well that's good to know........ I think. Are you sure he was a docter? LOL

Yeah, he's a good doc, he asked a million questions and after a couple checks he told me he had a suspicion and told me to put the elbows on the table.
His suspicions were correct with the prostate hunch.

He could not fund a hernia and he thought I had an infection in my euriter and in my prostste which is giving me all the pain in conjuction with a pulled groin.
My Wife actually took my blood because she works for him.

Wifey says he's one of the best at diagnosing stuff so I'm in good hands.

I will keep you guys posted and let you know if I'm gonna kick the bucket.
Has he gave you a diet to start out with cudaspaz :-k