Do you pick up hitchhikers?



AKA Mopars4us on Youtube
Mar 11, 2011
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I was outside of town on a lonely dark section of road and saw a guy walking along the road and he stuck out his thumb as I approached, so I hit the brakes and he hopped in saying "Thank you sooo much, it's cold as hell out tonight".

A couple of minutes later he says "Most people won't stop for me out here because they think I could be a serial killer or something.

I just laughed and said "Now what are the chances that way out here in the middle of nowhere two serial killers would end up in the same car?"
…. then you pulled out the Fruit Loops and said "have a bowl"..... and he knew you were a cereal killer
I used to (depended on the perceived threat level) but ever since my spouse forbade me to do such a charitable thing (she says she would rather not become a widow) now when asked I politely explain "mommy" won't let me.

During my Cuba visit in 2003, I found government vehicles were required to pick-up hitchhikers on the highway, those poor people have no other way to get around. They have a good highway system (built in part by the Russians) but the roads are pretty much deserted because few have gas money.

I picked up a hitchiker on my way back from a court appearance (witness) She was cute and gave me a joint when I dropped her off 2 miles later. I dont smoke so I gave it to a homeless guy at the next light. My 20 year old buddy and I were driving a Caddy to Chicago to pick up his fiancee, saw 2 cute Indian teenage girls thumbing in OK. We both said WTH and flipped a ***** and picked both of them up. Drove them to OK city which was about 40 minutes away. Neither girl said a word after they told us where they were going. I was beginning to think they didn't comprehend English! Have not picked one up in 25 years.
My college Dad hitchhiked from Texas to Cleveland and back twice(!) in the mid 60's. He had a 10" knitting needle in his sock (pulled it out twice), and said it was so dark in places that he had to walk the white line of the highway to stay on the road.
Back in '83-'84 I was living in Southern California (Hawthorne) and had to take a written entrance exam downtown Los Angeles for employment with U.S. Border Patrol. I was between paychecks (security guard) and out of gas.

Made a crude sign "Downtown L.A." and walked very early morning to the nearest freeway on ramp. Got picked up in no time (some guy), arrived in time for the test, and was eventually hired. I always find it more credible when hitchhikers have a little sign, at least you know how far they want to go.

Back in the '70's a close relative worked at a "Wherehouse Records" store whereby I acquired quite a few album posters and stuck them on the wall above the couch in my first apartment. The girl hitchhiking always caught my eye. At the time, I thought her thighs were a little too thick (looked more round than my own). Now I guess her proportions aren't all that bad. Found the poster on the internet. Their hit song "Never Been Any Reason":

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No, I'll get fired. A girl and guy I know hitched to Peru from Chicago in '75. Like to see them get away with that today.
I must've hitched from NYC to Miami 6 or 8 times, both ways back in 71,72. Was GREAT experience! I suppose being 6'2" and 180# helped my safety. Always got rides too!

...and the there was Maggie! She was a junior at South Carolina. That my friends was a young man's education!:thumbsup: