Dog attacks


Jeff Seighman

aka jeffnmo
Jan 19, 2020
Reaction score
South Carolina
Been hearing about a lot of dog attacks, children and adults put in the hospital or killed by their own or neighbors' pets, which is sad, but has anyone heard of a pet cat attacking and doing serious injury to anyone? I've seen a lot of pissed of cats, but they will usually give plenty of warning before attacking you. Most of the dog attacks are a wrong place wrong time type of thing. Now if a pet nails you because it's been mistreated, well to bad for you.
First , let me preface. I have four German shepherds, and a cat.
Long story short, I killed my across the street neighbors dog, when two of them attacked my 75 year old next door neighbor, and hospitalized him.
I will pm you details if you want.
No thank you, don't need details. Let me say I have nothing against dogs, I grew up with German Shepherds, my Dad loved them. I'm just wondering about Cat attacks.
Any animal, now matter how well trained is at its core, still a wild animal and carries with it the potential to go rogue

i wonder if you dont hear more about dog attacks then cat attacks because dogs are more approachable ?

now, if you want to hear a really crazy story, ask me about a racoon attack
Few years ago my wife was walking our whippet leashed in a field a couple blocks from the house and a lady had a German shepherd unleashed and it came and attacked my dog and while my dog ran off the lady took her shepherd and took off. We ended up with a 3K vet bill to surgically have her put back together...
I don't blame the dog whatsoever...
Irresponsible pet owner..
I have a friend that got too close to a protective Canadian Goose and when the goose charged at him he caught his foot on a tree root and fell down. The goose got right on him while he was down and was biting his face, fingers what ever was with in reach. Said he had to punch and kick with everthing he had to get that goose to back off
I have a friend that got too close to a protective Canadian Goose and when the goose charged at him he caught his foot on a tree root and fell down. The goose got right on him while he was down and was biting his face, fingers what ever was with in reach. Said he had to punch and kick with everthing he had to get that goose to back off

Let's hear it.
A couple in the next town over had a pet raccoon
And I really don't know if they had the raccoon first or the baby
But one day they are over at thier neighbors, and left the baby asleep at the house
(I wanna say they had brought a monitor, but that sounds a little too much like an urban legend)

At any rate, when they got home, they had found the pet raccoon had tried to eat the baby

I don't recall the amount of surgery it took to get the babies face right again, but I believe it was in the double digits

And that was a 15 pound raccoon, I can't imagine the damage that cat could do

(And just to show I didn't make all that up...a "recent" article on the girl)
Baby girl mauled by raccoon in Ravenna, now 10, nearing reconstructive surgery
My Ex had a cat that had a mean streak in him. He would often hide under a chair when he was pissed off and as someone walked by he would reach out and open them up with his front claws. We had his front feet declawed. He then started using his back feet. They also got declawed. When he realized he could no longer draw blood with his feet he turned to biting. We walked around with a water bottle in our hands for a month or so. Took several blasts to his face before he knocked it off.
My Ex had a cat that had a mean streak in him. He would often hide under a chair when he was pissed off and as someone walked by he would reach out and open them up with his front claws. We had his front feet declawed. He then started using his back feet. They also got declawed. When he realized he could no longer draw blood with his feet he turned to biting. We walked around with a water bottle in our hands for a month or so. Took several blasts to his face before he knocked it off.
I had a black cat named Guido, he loved me but hated my boys, he always clawed them if they got to close. I never caught them being mean to him, but you never know. I tried my darndest with Guido but eventually gave him to friends with no kids and he was fine.
I had a black cat named Guido, he loved me but hated my boys, he always clawed them if they got to close. I never caught them being mean to him, but you never know. I tried my darndest with Guido but eventually gave him to friends with no kids and he was fine.
Who names a cat Guido, that right there is the reason for the mean streak. :lol:
I have a friend that got too close to a protective Canadian Goose and when the goose charged at him he caught his foot on a tree root and fell down. The goose got right on him while he was down and was biting his face, fingers what ever was with in reach. Said he had to punch and kick with everthing he had to get that goose to back off
Okay now that would piss me off! To get beat up by a damn bird! LOL LOL
Don't know why I did not remember this earlier. When my sister bought her house in Highland Lakes NJ it was still pretty rural. She was walking on a trail with a friend and got attacked by a feral cat. She had a dozen or so scratch/bite wounds. Her friend convinced her to go to the hospital. She had to go thru a series of pretty painful shots. A week or so later the cat that bit her was found dead. Don't know how they figured it out but the cat had rabies, good thing my asshat sister got the shots.
No thank you, don't need details. Let me say I have nothing against dogs, I grew up with German Shepherds, my Dad loved them. I'm just wondering about Cat attacks.

I've been attacked unprovoked by a friends cat, cuts & scratches.... If I didn't like my friend so much I could have easily killed that cat...

You don't hear about many cat attacks cause lets face it, they rarely kill people.... Doesn't mean some of them aren't psycho...

You don't often hear about Chihuahua attacks either even though those dogs tend to be psychos....

You hear about Pit bulls & German Shepards... Why? Cause they are powerful breeds that can do allot of damage... And because they are powerful breeds sometimes they are the preferred breed of people who make lousy pet owners....

And when an attack happens the supporters of said breed tend to deflect and say how statistically this breed doesn't attack nearly as often as Chihuahuas do....

Thats probably true, but now lets look at another statistic, how many people have Chihuahuas killed? How many people have Pit Bulls killed? Yes Chihuahuas attack more people but lets be honest, that Canadian Goose is probably more dangerous than a Chihuahua... Or your cat....
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To me it's all relevant I've seen dogs attack children leaving hundreds of stitches in their face I've been attacked by large dogs as a young boy resulting in many stitches also. And I could tell you many more stories all true. But I love dogs and as mentioned 99% of the time it's the way that the dog has been raised or introduced into an environment that it is not used to being in. I have no patience for aggressive dogs that come at you. And would kill it right in front of its owner if I thought I needed to. But I hate the way that cats kill everything smaller than themselves to me they're one of the biggest bloodthirsty bullies. So if a dog is shaking your cat to death and it's awful just remember it's only doing what comes natural to it yeah right.
When I was a kid we had a cat nemd Minnie Pearl... Black and White scrawney thing . Was a kitten factory and lived outdoors year round in Minnesota . God help any dog or human that crossed her ! Watched her drop out of a tree onto a big dog once .
Yeah man, cats can be viscous as hell, that's why I asked the question. But there's probably nothing that's made the news or something like that.
Pet owners are a funny lot, they get upset when their pet attacks you and you beat the **** out of it.
Don't know why I did not remember this earlier. When my sister bought her house in Highland Lakes NJ it was still pretty rural. She was walking on a trail with a friend and got attacked by a feral cat. She had a dozen or so scratch/bite wounds. Her friend convinced her to go to the hospital. She had to go thru a series of pretty painful shots. A week or so later the cat that bit her was found dead. Don't know how they figured it out but the cat had rabies, good thing my asshat sister got the shots.

if they have the animal, they kill it, cut it open and look for negri bodies in the brain (black spots)
if they dont have the animal, then your only recourse is to take the shots preventively

little know fact, the main source of rabies infections in the US are....skunks
stinks, doesnt it?