Don't Do Drugs



I was born on a Monday. Not last Monday.
FABO Gold Member
Jun 7, 2010
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Click the "Watch on Facebook" link in the center and it'll come up.

Unless he's dancing, that's kinda sad.. seen a guy walking into the middle of the street here years ago. Backwards. Then he'd stop. Then turn around, and go back, Backwards, again. Repeat, repeat, again. Never seen him till about 4 or 6 months after. When I did, he had a shave and a haircut! Lol
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Unless he's dancing, that's kinda sad.. seen a guy walking into the middle of the street here years ago. Backwards. Then he'd stop. Then turn around, and go back, Backwards, again. Repeat, repeat, again. Never seen him till about 4 or 6 months after. When I did, he had a shave and a haircut! Lol
We use to have a guy walk backwards past our house all the time. Haven't seen him for about 5-6 now DUH!!!
They say, and I suppose some of us have even seen it, that when you do just a lil too much Drugs and/or alcohol, a person does things that he would not do, when in his right mind. That leads to the conclusion, that if you are not in charge of what you are doing; then who in the heck is?
Lemmee tell you a story;
Many years ago, before I became a Christian, I went to an outdoor Rock concert. As was the usual, it was a two-day event. I went with my younger brother and his girlfriend.
We arrived IIRC on a Friday evening and set up our tents, then got into the alcohol. I was only about 20, and my brother just old enough to drive. By this time in life, I had learned that I could not handle the hard stuff, so I had just brought a lil beer. I mean we were on motorcycles so there is not much room.
Now comes the "funny" part.
I woke up on Sunday afternoon, two nights and almost two days later, already riding my motorcycle at hiway speed, headed for home, alongside my brother on his bike with his Gf. So that is about two days of my life that I have zero recollection of what I did. I could not even recall any concert.
To this day I have no knowledge of what I did during those missing hours. My brother wouldn't say, and I can't ask him anymore on account of he is dead.
What I really want to know is who or more likely, what, in the heck was in charge of my mind and body during that time.
In any case, after that I always counted my beers by putting the caps in my pocket, and never got past pleasantly buzzed again. Twenty years later, I quit altogether.

Now I ask you;
What if the fella in the video, is similarly afflicted?
Booze is funny end up becoming a slave to it...even in moderation.The media glamorize it.
Pretty scary **** out there now days.
Back when i was a kid, it was beer and weed. Maybe magic mushrooms, mdma, or Uncle Sydney. Now it's face eating bath salts (china), fentanyl (china), meth (Mexico, local: probably some ingredients from china), all kinda weird **** that's banned almost daily, as they change the chemical format ( Salvia, spice, whatever the hell they can sell) Katimine (spelling), molly, crocodill, ******, God Help the Kids out there!!!!!!!
They say, and I suppose some of us have even seen it, that when you do just a lil too much Drugs and/or alcohol, a person does things that he would not do, when in his right mind. That leads to the conclusion, that if you are not in charge of what you are doing; then who in the heck is?
Lemmee tell you a story;
Many years ago, before I became a Christian, I went to an outdoor Rock concert. As was the usual, it was a two-day event. I went with my younger brother and his girlfriend.
We arrived IIRC on a Friday evening and set up our tents, then got into the alcohol. I was only about 20, and my brother just old enough to drive. By this time in life, I had learned that I could not handle the hard stuff, so I had just brought a lil beer. I mean we were on motorcycles so there is not much room.
Now comes the "funny" part.
I woke up on Sunday afternoon, two nights and almost two days later, already riding my motorcycle at hiway speed, headed for home, alongside my brother on his bike with his Gf. So that is about two days of my life that I have zero recollection of what I did. I could not even recall any concert.
To this day I have no knowledge of what I did during those missing hours. My brother wouldn't say, and I can't ask him anymore on account of he is dead.
What I really want to know is who or more likely, what, in the heck was in charge of my mind and body during that time.
In any case, after that I always counted my beers by putting the caps in my pocket, and never got past pleasantly buzzed again. Twenty years later, I quit altogether.

Now I ask you;
What if the fella in the video, is similarly afflicted?

I had a similar thing happen to me
Me and my cousin started drinking at a party
Not sure what happened, but i woke up the next germany
needless to say, that is NOT where i started drinking
Back when i was a kid, it was beer and weed. Maybe magic mushrooms, mdma, or Uncle Sydney. Now it's face eating bath salts (china), fentanyl (china), meth (Mexico, local: probably some ingredients from china), all kinda weird **** that's banned almost daily, as they change the chemical format ( Salvia, spice, whatever the hell they can sell) Katimine (spelling), molly, crocodill, ******, God Help the Kids out there!!!!!!!

I had to read that twice, before I realized you were saying what is out there, instead of what you are using
It's videos like these that will keep any other country from invading the U.S. :D

The rest of world used to "think" we were crazy, now they "know".
I had a similar thing happen to me
Me and my cousin started drinking at a party
Not sure what happened, but i woke up the next germany
needless to say, that is NOT where i started drinking

I had to read that twice, before I realized you were saying what is out there, instead of what you are using
Oh Heavens No! Yuck! I'd be Dead, Broke, and in Jail! All at once! No Thanks Man. And I thought You were my Gollum loving Pal. I know I got a wacked out sense of humor, but damn it Man, I ain't that Stupid!
They say, and I suppose some of us have even seen it, that when you do just a lil too much Drugs and/or alcohol, a person does things that he would not do, when in his right mind. That leads to the conclusion, that if you are not in charge of what you are doing; then who in the heck is?
Lemmee tell you a story;
Many years ago, before I became a Christian, I went to an outdoor Rock concert. As was the usual, it was a two-day event. I went with my younger brother and his girlfriend.
We arrived IIRC on a Friday evening and set up our tents, then got into the alcohol. I was only about 20, and my brother just old enough to drive. By this time in life, I had learned that I could not handle the hard stuff, so I had just brought a lil beer. I mean we were on motorcycles so there is not much room.
Now comes the "funny" part.
I woke up on Sunday afternoon, two nights and almost two days later, already riding my motorcycle at hiway speed, headed for home, alongside my brother on his bike with his Gf. So that is about two days of my life that I have zero recollection of what I did. I could not even recall any concert.
To this day I have no knowledge of what I did during those missing hours. My brother wouldn't say, and I can't ask him anymore on account of he is dead.
What I really want to know is who or more likely, what, in the heck was in charge of my mind and body during that time.
In any case, after that I always counted my beers by putting the caps in my pocket, and never got past pleasantly buzzed again. Twenty years later, I quit altogether.

Now I ask you;
What if the fella in the video, is similarly afflicted?
LSD will do that to a person.
Oh Heavens No! Yuck! I'd be Dead, Broke, and in Jail! All at once! No Thanks Man. And I thought You were my Gollum loving Pal. I know I got a wacked out sense of humor, but damn it Man, I ain't that Stupid!
i thought it read a little strange, thats why i reread it
Back when i was a kid, it was beer and weed. Maybe magic mushrooms, mdma, or Uncle Sydney. Now it's face eating bath salts (china), fentanyl (china), meth (Mexico, local: probably some ingredients from china), all kinda weird **** that's banned almost daily, as they change the chemical format ( Salvia, spice, whatever the hell they can sell) Katimine (spelling), molly, crocodill, ******, God Help the Kids out there!!!!!!!
I've gone 73 years without any drugs, yeah I did drink in moderation and got blitzed twice in my life.
I did have fun watching the others getting shitfaced though and some of the antics they go up to
The older I get, the less tolerant I am of drunks and druggies. Especially OLD drunks and druggies. We have a place in an ocean front campground at the beach and it never ceases to amaze me at the amount of people in their 60's and 70's who never learned when to say when. Even though I have never drank or fooled with drugs, there isn't a thing wrong with people having a drink or 3. But to be that old and drink from daylight to dark along with weed vaping is just :realcrazy:.
My neighbour ran a rehab centre financed by the city on a budget of about $750 k. Success rate was near 80%. City run clinics operated same style rehab centres on a budget of $2.000.000 and had 40% success rate. They weren't long shutting him down...on half the staff and percs he was making them look very bad. One thing he said was by the age of 40 years many were able turn their life around with help.
I don't know what happened, I couldn't withstand 20 seconds of that "music".
I'd have to be that drugged up to put up with five minutes of that ****.
The older I get, the less tolerant I am of drunks and druggies. Especially OLD drunks and druggies. We have a place in an ocean front campground at the beach and it never ceases to amaze me at the amount of people in their 60's and 70's who never learned when to say when. Even though I have never drank or fooled with drugs, there isn't a thing wrong with people having a drink or 3. But to be that old and drink from daylight to dark along with weed vaping is just :realcrazy:.
I did my share of drinking and pot smoking when I was younger and then I had kids. I don't have many friends left, the good ones have either died or moved away. The rest my age or older, I'm 64, still act like they are in their 20's, drinking and drugging till they can barely move, it's pathetic and embarrassing, not to say I don't have a drink, I just don't get **** faced and act like a fool.
I did my share of drinking and pot smoking when I was younger and then I had kids. I don't have many friends left, the good ones have either died or moved away. The rest my age or older, I'm 64, still act like they are in their 20's, drinking and drugging till they can barely move, it's pathetic and embarrassing, not to say I don't have a drink, I just don't get **** faced and act like a fool.
As long as you’re not abusive or breaking any laws, who cares have fun if that’s what you want to do.
that's terrible man- creepy too. fentanyl or ketamine I imagine.
who knows?