Dremel Denistry



Well-Known Member
May 25, 2005
Reaction score
New Braunfels TX
Broke a tooth last night, can't get into the dentist till Feb
so I got out the trusty dremel and took the sharp edges off.
The cone wheel works real well in tight spots.
If your looking at buying a new tool the dremel is very versatile.
Can't get in till the end of Feb, soaked the wheel in alcohol first.
I'd be more worried about germs eating at a smorgasbord
than using a dremel in my mouth.
Ha! Classic. Get er DOne man!!!! YeeHaww.

I love it, I am so proud of you...

Now all you need is a pin-up girl in a lil nurse outfit for an assistant,
and you'll have All the boys comin to you for them teethez

I had a friend who cut his arm pretty bad. He decided to try to sew it up himself like Rambo. :-D He said it would have worked except that, due to where the cut was, he could only use one hand so he couldn't hold the skin well enough to get the needle to go through on the far side of the cut. He thought that maybe a needle with a curved tip would've made it easier but he didn't bother to bend one. I think he just made a butterfly bandage for the cut & let it heal by itself without ever going to the doctor.

He managed to shoot himself in the leg with a .22 pistol one time too, #-o but that's another story. Didn't see a doctor for that one either. :angry7:
As a business that cuts gemstones and makes jewelry I buy small bits for my Dremel (AKA a foredom tool ,that's what dentist call them.). Guess what, the companies I get my bits from are dental tool suppliers.
Bruce, you're off your rocker pal, lol.

Just the thought of that noise grinding on my teeth gives me the willies.
I had a friend who cut his arm pretty bad. He decided to try to sew it up himself like Rambo. :-D He said it would have worked except that, due to where the cut was, he could only use one hand so he couldn't hold the skin well enough to get the needle to go through on the far side of the cut. He thought that maybe a needle with a curved tip would've made it easier but he didn't bother to bend one. I think he just made a butterfly bandage for the cut & let it heal by itself without ever going to the doctor.

He managed to shoot himself in the leg with a .22 pistol one time too, #-o but that's another story. Didn't see a doctor for that one either. :angry7:

You better find a new friend before you get hurt!

I'm with Ramcharger! willies!
eaglesguy1981j Why stop there why not drill it and then jb weld it for a filling.
Do they make JB in off white?

ramcharger Bruce, you're off your rocker pal, lol.
Just the thought of that noise grinding on my teeth gives me the willies.
Good training for a second career, you never know these days.

My favorite group

I'll bet JR would do it!!!

I grow my hair long to cover my REDNECK
Thats barf material right there!
Ugh! It think I'll go brush my teeth now!
You better find a new friend before you get hurt!

I'm with Ramcharger! willies!

Unfortunately, he killed himself (on purpose) about 18 years ago. Believe it or not, he was a really neat guy. He was definitely one of a kind!

I know another guy who shot his Curtis Mathis Console TV when he was chambering a bullet in his pistol after he cleaned it. The TV still worked, but he had some explaining to do when his wife came running into the room after hearing the gun go off! He's divorced now, & we're not really friends anymore!
never used a dremel, but I have fixed 2 chipped teeth with a points file, sound is ok, but is the slow vibrations that get me...lol Nothing worse then movin your tongue about and cuttin the damn thing on a sharp edge. And if you can't get a points file at your tooth....LMAO........I cut a small piece off of my wifes finger nail file, you know the foam ones.......I had to, chipped my tooth sooo bad it was cutting my tongue evey word that came out of my mouth.