Eagle Scout Project Help


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FABO Gold Member
May 3, 2010
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Orange County NY
Hey FABO, I want to start my Eagle Scout project. The problem is I can't figure out what to do](*,):dontknow:](*,):dontknow:. So if anyone has any suggestions ....... let me know. Projects have to be for non profit organizations or for the community & have to be able to have help from the rest of my troop so that they can get community service hours too. Thanks.:idea1:
My son is an Eagle Scout and his project was a drive door to door to collect for local animal shelter. He went to local store and they donated 1000 bags. Local printer donated 500 flyers half sheet each went into bags hung on doors. Newspaper donated adds and radio. He and his troop collected kitty food,dog food, litter, papertowels the list is extensive. Get with shelter first and get them behind you and you get lots of free advertising. they will make a list of things to be donated. All scouts get service hrs sorting and colecting and hanging bags. Good luck on your Eagle.
Can some one move this tread to the none mopar general discussion area? Thanks, didn't mean for it to be in the mopar section. As for the animal shelter idea, thats a good one but the last person to make Eagle Scout in my troop did that for his project. The local parks around me are pretty clean so I don't think I will be doing that. Thanks for the suggestions and keep them coming.
Organize a car show, if there's enough interest in your area, and donate the procedes to a local charity or group like the Kiwanas.

You may also consider going to stores in the area for donations, and have a silent auction. "You" can also donate a gift certificate to be auctioned off for "your" time, to be used for yardwork, painting, etc...by the winning bidder. You may also be able to get promotional help from print shops, and radio/tv stations in your area. Good luck, Tim.
Organize a car show, if there's enough interest in your area, and donate the procedes to a local charity or group like the Kiwanas.

You may also consider going to stores in the area for donations, and have a silent auction. "You" can also donate a gift certificate to be auctioned off for "your" time, to be used for yardwork, painting, etc...by the winning bidder. You may also be able to get promotional help from print shops, and radio/tv stations in your area. Good luck, Tim.

I like this idea but how will I involve the rest of my troop?
Helping families who have a member serving in the military with yardwork/household projects?
when i was a eagle scout i did a project of making 5 park benches for my towns lake the park rangers thought it was a great idea and some of the areas local lumber yards donated wood and screws five was enough for our troop we also had enough lumber left over to make 2 tables
Two of my sons reached the eagle rank. Kudos to you for sticking with scouting and good luck on your project.
As for their projects, my oldest rebuilt and painted the small buildings for our city's bicycle safety program, called "Safety City". This program is sponsored by our local womens club in conjunction with the local Police Dept.
My youngest just recieved his Eagle Award on 7/8/10, his project involved restoring a totem pole, which was originally carved by a local artisan back in 1977, and erecting it in a more prominent location at our city's historic site.
Many of the scouts in our troop have been creating walking/hiking trails, building benches, constructing bridges and creating prairies at a local city owned park.
I would suggest contacting the city or county parks dept., local community groups like kiwanis, lions, veterans groups, historic society, church groups, etc. and find out what needs they may have. Contact more than one, and if you are offered several project opportunities, you can choose the one that would be most rewarding for you and most
benaficial to your community.
Again, good luck with your project, maybe start a thread here so we can track your progress, and most of all have fun, reaching the Eagle rank is very rewarding.
Mine hit around Easter, so we hit up local businesses for donations and put together easter basket care packages for shut-ins in my troop's parish. Ended up with close to $8,000 in cash and goods, covered about 150 people.
with the current economic situation-- I cannot believe that the local food bank, shelter/church groups could not use some eager hands in clothing/feeding people. Contact a local church/goodwill/vets organization. Congrats on your aspirations to Eagle scout good luck, Lawrence
There be a big storm brewing in the ocean. Perhaps a food drive or something similar for relief efforts. N.C. isn't a power house state and will rely on us good people for help.
Theres also New Orleans and it's surrounding areas.
My Eagle project was to go around to the local middle and elementary schools and teach the kids about the history and origin of our flag, the different stages of its growth into what it is today(including the history behind it), how to display, handle , destroy properly etc, all the sessions ended with the kids taking the flag and folding it properly. I got the local flag company to donate enough flags so that I had an entire classroom set. It was a great success and I was asked to do it for clubs and civic organizations for years to come. This could be a very opportune time to do the same thing as patriotism is running very high now.
My project was to make benches and wooden signs for the ecology center.

There are alot of good ideas here. Best of luck to you. Keep with it and you will become a member of a very elite group. You would be suprised at how many of the accomplished and successful people in this country are Eagle scouts.
Check and see if your church needs something done. I have 2 Eagle Scouts. We have built metal hand rails, enclosed and built shelves in the church attic, built a ornamental gate for the local cemetery. I'm still thinking about others and will post if I remember.
Most of all be Proud of your accomplishment. To many young men don't have the drive and determination to stick with anything long enough. Congrats from all of us Scouting Dads.
1963 ? was it that long ago? yeah it was, John Kennedy was president, the space project was all the rage, the beatles still had not made the American scene and some 'advisers ' had been sent to Viet Nam to train the local military
Thats when I made Eagle scout mannnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn a lot has changed since then, but I gotta tell you one thing, the things I learned in Scouting I stiill use everyday
' be prepared'
Congratulations on your hard work and effort
There be a big storm brewing in the ocean. Perhaps a food drive or something similar for relief efforts. N.C. isn't a power house state and will rely on us good people for help.
Theres also New Orleans and it's surrounding areas.

Helping families who have a member serving in the military with yardwork/household projects?

You could also check if there is a local AMBUCS. Get the troop involved building handicap ramps at homes for those in need. Try and get lumber donations from the yards around you or maybe even Lowes/Menards/Home Depot etc.

You have my respect and admiration. :salute::salute:
Round up as many old folks as you possibly can and bus them to voting booths in November.
Make sure you tell them who the enemy is first.
Maybe set up a childrens fishing tournament and the pack could help the kids and teach them a bit about lake or river ecology.
I would suggest that figuring out what you want to do is part of the project. My brother is part of the group that nominates (or doesn't) for Eagle Scouts in his town. A tremendous effort is put into review and things like motivation and energy weigh heavy. So look around you, see a need, and fill it as best you can. You need look no further than your own town, I'm sure.
1st let me start by saying I like a lot of the ideas the others have given, and I applaude you on your efforts

As far as my suggestions, and how the other scouts would fit in, I would think that there would be plenty for the whole team to do. Soliciting and gathering donations, getting advertising support, and managing the auction and bids could be delegated to the various team members. Each of you could donate a certificate for "X amount of hours each" to be auctioned off to be used for yardwork, etc.

You may not want to keep your efforts to just 1 item. You may want to pick a new goal when you reach your current one.

The idea of helping your local food cupboard is a great one. So many of them are run only on donations, and with the times what they are, the supplies get diminished quickly. Don't have a food cupboard? Start one.

Check with your local churches, and see what the need is in your area.

Donate your time to seniors at no charge. Many are on fixed incomes, and could use a hand, or even some friendly company, and a kind word.

As was mentioned by another member, "look local", you probably won't need to go any further. Good luck on whatever you choose, Tim.
How about getting the guys together and painting the local fire hydrants the correct color in reflective type paint so when the fire fighters head out at night on call they can find them easily with their spot light? Most or some are painted like Uncle Sam or some goofy theme that hide them from workers in time of real need. Simple but effective. Go to your hardware store or your local Sherwin Williams paint store and get em to sprng for the paint. Get another store to spring for the brushes. You'll need some solvents for clean up and some rags too. Good luck.
Small Block
When I did mine it was a project to restore/repaint the benches in our town park. I see others have suggested similar things as well.

Good luck and congrats for getting this far!!